
A god in Unordinary

Hello. My name is Arlo and I'm a god/devil and this is my journey. I have no idea what it will be like, or what I may do, whom I may come to meet because I do not possess the power to predict myself, nor do I have a set plan. But anyways, if you feel like you want to join me, then welcome. Let's see where my mind takes me in this Journey of mine. Eternity is an awfully long time you know. (I will also be posting this story at RoyalRoad.com Here's the link to my profile Ghost_Of_the_Uchiha)

SOLACE · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening.

Inside a large and luxurious room with gold coated walls and a ceiling which had been made to look like a mystical painting a figure twisted and turned on his king sized bed of pure luxury.

"Arghh" a groan resounded as the figure on the bed turned, his hand involuntarily gripped the sheets. His held his head in pain, it felt like a thousand hammers were simultaneously beating his brain in, but through grit and grounded teeth he beared it.

His body heated up, sweat drenched his body and sheets beneath him, he took deep breaths to calm himself, he was alone right now, he didn't have to forcefully bear this pain in front of anyone else, It was his pain and his to bear alone.

The figure in pain was that of small young boy, no less that three years old, then suddenly his eyes sprung open. His irises were a glowing deep crimson red of pure beauty and abnormally bigger than normal, not to freakish extents but it was noticeable nonetheless. Inside his iris, just a good distance away from the edge was a second ring inside them. And on one side of the ring was something that looked like a comma shape, the ring alongside the comma spun around steadily in his eyes.

The little boy suddenly let out a huge gasp and sat up, he covered one half of his face with his hand and smiled "finally" he said and got up from his bed completely and looked at his surroundings, he could see and analyze every single thing even the weak and strong points of the ground, floor, ceiling, the walls and also his bed. There was a deeper level to his sight but he didn't want to use it yet, that level was unnecessary now.

The world was just frozen to him, his perfect oyster that he could play with, nothing escaped these eyes. They were practically a practically a byakugan at this point if he was being serious, it wouldn't be surprising, it was something of a birth parent to it after all.

Standing in his frozen world, it felt like he was the only one who mattered right now, he was just so aware of everything even extending to the outside. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath staying like this for a few moments and then opening them again.

His red irises were gone, what remained now was a glowing beautiful oceanic and starry blue eyes that just seemed to draw you in the more you gazed at them.

He raked a hand through his head, just his one tomoe is more than enough for even the god level of this world, because his genes and inheritance made his one tomoe as powerful as the strongest and most dangerous 3-tomoe Sharingan that could compete the lowest level Mangekyo. He was born to be a monster, and he shall make sure he doesn't achieve anything less than that goal.

He began unlocking his shirt while engaging his thoughts and walking towards the bathroom, he would be needing to train his natural affinities along with his super powers, he was grateful that part of his gifts were an innate ability to grow in strength with practically no limits. After all, *smirk* he wasn't human.

A black tail unwrapped itself from his waist, it had a thickness of 2cm and had a tip resembling the shape of an arrow head. It swayed hypnotically and gently, he could never be anything else other than his own origin, never would he allow that.

The door to his room opened with a blond haired woman whom looked to be in her late thirties, possessing a size cup of D and quite a beautiful woman with a mature body. But those dark shades underneath her eyes spoke volumes of that she needed to rest big time, the moment she laid her eyes on the boy she was a bit surprised "A-Arlo?" she called to him, her voice sweet, loving and also a bit tired.

The little boy smiled "good morning auntie" he greeted. Arlo was a three year old boy with spiky golden hair, it was the exact same hairstyle that Madara Uchiha had, except shorter and looking more like his kid version. And whereas Madara's hair was dark, his was golden.

Even at such a young age he could be called beautiful and the epitome of cuteness, his skin was fair, milky and smooth just like that of a baby. she walked up to him and squatted down as she gently placed a hand on his face and giving him a loving smile "you've changed again Arlo" she said giving him a light kiss on his forehead.

Arlo tilt his head in confusion but was just looking cute to his aunt "what do you mean auntie" he asked, his voice was so innocent and beautiful but also there was a strange feel about it.

His aunt smiled "you're going to really slay some hearts you know" she said to him and then paused when she finally noticed just how sweaty her nephew was "what happened Arlo, why are you this sweaty" she asked, her gaze going to his bed and seeing the heavy sweat mark on it. She also noticed how hot his body was and now panicked a bit "are you okay" she placed her palm on his forehead, due to her extreme senses she felt it beating like a drum

Without even giving Arlo the opportunity to respond she carried him off the ground and rushed to the bathroom turning on the tap and filling the bathtub all the while with Arlo still in her arms.

"Auntie" he called to her softly but she wasn't paying attention and was now undressing him and placing him in the tub, she was careful not to make a mistake with his tail "don't worry Arlo, i'll call the family doctor after this" said his aunt as she got ready to go prepare for him to be tested. Before she could even do anything else, Arlo grabbed her wrists and held onto it finally getting her attention.

Her looked into her eyes and gave her a sweet reassuring smile "please don't worry yourself auntie, i'm fine" he spoke in a calm and sweet tone.

She calmed down and gave a light hearted chuckle as she gently pet his head before giving him a hug "you can't make me Not worry, it's my duty" she said standing up and folding the sleeves of her shirt and getting ready to bathe her nephew.

Her gaze went to the tail peeking out of the tub, it had always been a strange sight to see no matter how many time she saw it already. She had taken him for tests and they had assured her that it wasn't some sort of extra ability but just some weird body mutation they still couldn't find the reason for.

And apart from the tail there was something else with his body, they said they couldn't give accurate descriptions until they got a blood test of him. That was where she called it off, she had no interests in surrendering his blood to anybody no matter how much she trusted them.

Her nephew was already a secret enough celebrity as he is due to his awakening, and a 100% threat if not managed properly. They knew it, She knew it.

They all knew deep inside their souls, that Arlo was born to be something extremely extraordinary. A complete monster, even for those who already are godlike he would stand above them.

She wasn't giving them the slightest chance to ever hurt him or destroy his future. And although he was, is and would become an absolute monster, she promised herself to train him in a way that he respected, followed and trusted the authorities, for the sake of peace between both sides. No one was ever truly invincible, and if it would prevent her nephew from getting hurt, then she would wholeheartedly lie to him for his safety.

"Auntie" he called bringing her out of her thoughts as she looked at him "are you alright" he asked, she looked to be lost in thought for a while standing there.

She smiled and squatted down "I'm fine Arlo, we're both fine" she said to him with a loving smile and begun his bathing session. Even though she had attendants at the ready for taking care of him, this was just something she just enjoyed doing herself.

After his bath, Valerie had his maids dress him up while she went down in wait for both of them to eat breakfast at the dining room.

"We're done now young master" said one of his attendants. Arlo looked up at her, smiled and thanked her.

She bowed and left his room leaving Arlo standing in front of the huge mirror before him. Yes, Arlo was very much vain and he had every right to, why wouldn't he be. A born king, monster and god. A most superior being amongst beings, the only opinion that mattered was his and that of anybody he cared about.

Finishing his thoughts, he turned around and left his room as he began his descent down the stairs and towards the dining room. The house was huge and spacious, made with the finest architectural structure and design. The walls were snowy white with golden painted pillars and arcs, there was a massive hall that stretched 60meters in length with a width of 30meters.

He finally navigated his way to the dining room where his aunt sat in patience waiting for him, he gracefully walked over to his seat opposite his aunt and tied his napkin around his neck while he wait for his food.

Valerie rung a small bell on the table and seconds later four men in butler attires came out from the sides, each holding a small silver tray with a food Cloche on top.

Two went to both sides of his aunt and the other two came to both sides of him presenting his food for the morning.

They removed the Cloches and after that, they opened a bottle of an expensive wine and poured for both Arlo and his aunt in their wine cups.

After they had completed their services, they took a bow and left the dining room to them. Arlo carefully eyed the delicacies before him, on one side was a meticulously prepared Croissant and on the other a simple delicacy. Coq Au Vin. And for the closing taste to sate his buds, a most finest of wines. "1994 Chateaux Margaux".

If you're wondering why a little boy of three will even be memorizing things like this no matter how abnormal he was, Well. This is just how he's being raised, and he had no problems with it, this world had a hierarchy.

There were those whom had been born with great gifts, the ones who surpassed human. And then there were those born without gifts, they were called Cripples and exist at the very bottom of the world. Even if you were born into a wealthy and powerful family, if you had no ability then you were still nothing. You may be better than those born into an average family or perhaps born into nothing at all, but when compared to even the lowest ability user, you were trash.

But of course this had never happened, all of the most powerful families in the world were all Elite to god levels in both potential and power, there was a 0.03% chance a child born into that family would lack an ability. Because gifts weren't just random, there were also hereditary and dominant throughout every generation.

And even amongst the gifted there was still a hierarchy, the level system was a rating of 1-10. From 1-3 you were a low level, trash compared to the higher levels. At 3•5--4•9 you were now recognized as a low level Elite.

5 was the real starting point, now you could proudly state yourself as an Elite. 5•1 all the way through 5•9 you were the highest level Elite, and then 6 was where you stepped into the god level. You were now part of the top beings in the hierarchy, but that was where the real gap in power comes in.

Unless you were a special 6 with a crazy overpowered ability you could never have a chance of touching a 7 and 8. But it was possible for a 6 to beat and dominate a 7, everything wasn't always linear, there were special cases.

The stats of every person was divided into:






Speed is an obvious stat needing no definition, so is defence and power. Recovery referred to how fast or good your healing/regenerative ability was, if it was just about 2-3 times greater than a normal human then that was normal. If it pointed any higher then it meant it was an actual part of your ability or your singular ability itself and not just a passive stat that all gifted individuals possess.

The Trick stat referred to how versatile and intelligent you were in using your abilities, a smaller trick stat indicated you were something of a one trick pony and probably dumb, a higher trick stat indicated you were a genius when it came to how you used your power and also just being a genius all round actually.

An important thing to note is this, you don't stay the same level you are born with forever, it is actually possible to increase your stats. The only way to do this is either through self cultivation or continuous battles against strong opponents, the potential you have dictates just how fast you would grow and how strong you could become. Because it was possible you could train and fight for your entire life and still not be a level 5 or 6, that was how hard it was to increase your level. Geniuses had it much easier because they were born with greater potential than normal, some of them capable of being a level 6 at just age 13, but this was the rarest of the rarest kind.

The rarest levels in the world was 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. The number of people whom could be called a level 7 or 8 could be counted on one hand, no one knew if there was currently an existence of a level 9 in this world Let alone an actual Level 10.

Arlo and his aunt ate their food In silence, practicing good table manners and also using proper utensils the right way they should be used.

Arlo looked at his aunt, she seemed to have quite a bit going on in her mind. He fought the Urge to tell her she had to rest, but he knew she wouldn't listen, she barely rested at all. Even though ability users could last weeks to months without rest, this was for those with absolute peak physical performance mind you, it still wasn't advised to be done.

A minute later, both were finished their foods and left the dining room.

In the living room, Valerie knelt on one knee before Arlo giving him a kiss on the forehead and smiling "take care Arlo, aunty has to go back to her job" she said to him.

Arlo nod lightly, she flashed a smile for him one last time before got up and left, taking the elevator down to the last floor where her chauffer was waiting for her. Arlo stood alone looking at just empty space.

He turned around and took the stair back up as he towards the main library of the house coming to a stop before a huge gigantic 4-inch thick double metal door, he had a calm look on his face as he gently placed his hand on the door.

He looked so small that he could be called an ant before this door but, that didn't matter. He pushed forward with two fingers opening the door so smoothly and easily, there was no strain or effort used at all. That was how much power was contained in this small body, even amongst the gifted he was abnormal.

His gift coupled with his inherent nature was making him into an absolute monster every second of the day, hence why even though he was massively restricted right now, the natural strength of his body was still there and would also be growing alongside him everyday.

Arlo left the door open behind him after he stepped in as his sight was on the library proper, it was incredibly huge and every single book was so neatly placed on the shelves. He walked in-between and through different rows of book and just kept walking until he reached his destination and paused.

In front of him was a very comfortable wide couch and on it was a small palm top fit for him, he smiled,q objective achieved. He slumped forward and fell onto the chair, the device bounced up but he caught it easily without even looking and opened it.

He immediately went online, he was only interested in one thing. Or more accurately, someone. Seraphina, the only being in this world who could become a threat to him. But he didn't want to kill her, no. He wanted both of them to become close, and in one sentence, he liked her.

She, like him was born from a powerful family. Her ability was time manipulation, he wanted to grow with her and take her far past the limit of this world. She alongside anyone else whom may come to be his partner in the future.

//Some hours later//

A black silhouette walked into the library, it was one of his maiden attendants bringing him an afternoon snack. He had been in here for quite a while, she had shoulder length green hair and looked quite young, probably in her early twenties and also undeniably cute. She had a petite and delicate body, with a chest size of C +. Her skin showed she took extremely good care of herself as did every single servant here, they were cared for quite well by this family.

She carried the tray and navigated her way over to the spot where he usually stays, it had become a routine of his to come here almost every single day. "Young master" she called softly as she took the final turn and now laid eyes on him.

Arlo was already fast asleep, she paused a bit looking at the three year old boy. He looked so innocent and peaceful, anyone who saw him now immediately fall in love with him. How could a man...No, boy. How could a boy look so beautiful, he was putting even the goddess idols to shame with how beautiful he looked.

But, this beautiful and innocent looking boy was absolutely dangerous. He had some hidden sharpness about him, it was visible to everyone. He was just three and yet so abnormal for even genius standards amongst gifted.

Now there was something that just seemed to make her smile though, even with how abnormal he was, it was how he was always letting his guard down around anyone in the house. He never was careful with anyone in the house, he was just a kid in here. Just Completely, careless and free.

Everyone here just loved the little boy, he was most especially favored by his attendants. They had raised and cared for him from when he was a toddler and still do, he was like a precious little brother to them.

She smiled and gently placed the tray right on the table next to the couch and stood up to look at him again, she noticed his small palm top staying in a precarious position and dutifully placed it right in a much safer position.

She heaved a light sigh and turned around to leave but then her gaze went towards Arlo once again, most especially his ear. On the left side of it hung a small silver crucifix. And in the center of the crucifix was a small blue precious stone that just seemed to slightly glow periodically, the crucifix was different from the normal traditional ones with arrow like ends interested of the block shape. The head of the crucifix had a long chain attached to it, and the end of the chain was the piercing point so the crucifix itself just swung freely on the chain.

Anyone seeing this would think it was just an accessory, but to those who knew, this thing was something quite different. She removed her gaze and stepped outside, she still had things to attend to.


Arlo sluggishly opened his eyes, the first thing he came into contact with was the darkness. But then everything became much clearer, enhanced eyesight, hearing, tasting and sensing was part of the Inherent gifts all ability users possessed. And his was on another level, it was practically just like day for him. He turned his head and saw a tray with snacks on the table right next to him, his tea had turned cold ages ago.

He reached forward and elegantly picked up a biscuit as he took a bite out of it. He pulled the table closer to him and took his small tab, crossed his legs and picked the tea cup with class and just held it in the air.

A few seconds later, the tea began steaming and he brought it to his lips as he took a sip of it then bit into his biscuit. After 30mins + of some online gaming he closed his laptop and set it down on the couch then leaned back as heaved a big breath of air.

Seraphina, she would be brought up and taught that she had to be perfect every moment of her life, always working hard, get one perfect grades and to be the absolute strongest. She would practically never get to enjoy herself, celebrate her success or have fun. The way her parents would bring her up wasn't something that was meant for her, this way they would break her and lose their daughter forever in the process.

He was going to solve that, that way of life wasn't something for her. There were special cases whom could live like that and actually be happy because it was made perfectly for those kind of people. He was one of them, that's why there would be a substantial difference between those genuinely born this way and those forced to live this way.

For him it was going to be as easy as breathing, there was no such thing as an emptiness because he just genuinely had no problem with it. Not everybody will live the same way or have the same taste for everything, what could be boring and sad for one person could be fun and normal for someone else.

HE unlike Her had no need to be saved from anything, he also didn't need male companionship or anything regarding bromance. It was genuinely not just in his nature or a desire he had, the only presence or companionship he wanted to feel was that of a woman. This was just his genuine nature, nothing else mattered to him. It didn't mean he would avoid males like a plague or something No, he was just going to be normal as there wasn't any reason not to be.

It wasn't a personal thing, but the thing was that all males are in fact below him. This wasn't him boasting or just trying to demean the males, this was just a fact. No man even if they were a god could ever hope to match an incubus!.

Especially a god Incubus, and not just any incubus god but "The Incubus god". They are the single most unfair existence in the entire Universe, the bane of all women and his very existence alone made these unfair cheats look like weak children.

Although he was what he was, that didn't mean he was just going to make everything easy game. That wasn't how a classy Incubus god like he behaved, he was after hearts not bodies. That was easy for anyone to get, some incubus gods had partners not slaves. And for those whom an Incubus had recognized as family, it was a known fact in the multiverse to never mess with them. Even gods heeded this warning, the final results of past events in the heavens spoke volumes of this fact.

Arlo got up from his couch and started his slow walk out of the library while thoughts ran through his head, in two years he will begin his martial arts training that all ability users received in other to help them use their gifts more effectively. He couldn't start now because it would just be funny, he was way too small, Seraphina will Star earlier than him. She would start at the age of four while begins his at five, he was one year older than her but either ways they star on the same year.

They both were going to receive the best of the best ability trainers, but in reality he didn't need this. The only reason why he would go along with this was to meet her, this was to be their starting point. His aunt and Seraphina's family were acquaintances, of course they did, they were too big not to know each other.

Soon enough without him even needing to ask, his aunt will actually introduce him to her family.

Finishing his thoughts and stepping out of the library proper, he closed the door behind him and continued his walk. He paused his step and almost immediately a silhouette came from the side and flinched in surprise when he saw Arlo right besides him **Gawk!** "Young master, sorry I didn't see you, forgive my unsavory expression back there" the butler apologized with a light bow.

Arlo had a calm look as he gazed up at the servant "it's okay" he condoned him.

The butler stood properly and looked straight at Arlo "thank you, i was on my way to come get you Young master, it seems you shall be eating dinner alone this night" said the butler.

Arlo was silent and, his had an unreadable expression. He nod his head and walked past the butler "bring my dinner to my room when ready" he instructed as he head towards his room.

The butler gave a final bow and stood up as he looked at the space which formerly contained Arlo's form. His expression turned cold as he turned around and tapped the soft cartilage of his ear

???: [How's the boy doing] a distorted voice asked.

The butler leaned against the wall and crossed his arms and brought a phone from his pocket as he began playing games "Abnormal as usual" he replied.

???: [That's to be expected, now what other news do you have for me. What is his progress and attitude].

The butler cussed mentally when he missed his target in the game "yeah he's not looking like someone who would have any problems with the system, but we can't he sure yet. No matter how abnormal he is he's still just a three year old kid, so we'll no know more when he grows older" said the butler putting his phoPrne away and beginning his slow descent downstairs.

???: [That's acceptable, carry on with your work. And one more thing, make sure to never make the mistake of underestimating that boy because he's a kid, i want you to conduct tests with him, try to figure out his mind] the unknown caller said and disconnected the call.

The butler slowly came to a halt in his steps and was silent, his gaze downwards. He raised his head up and continued his walk, a bit faster in his descent this time.
