
A God in Training

Everyone's born into a world with all sorts of people. Good, bad, neutral, chaotic, and a lot more. Imagine being given a chance to take care of those shitty people, the ones who prey on the weak as they walk home from work or leave the store. Kenji Makito has been putting up with bad people all his life and even endured quite a bit of trauma in his life. He's now given a chance to become a god but it's not instant nor is it easy. Fight for what you believe is right, that's what they say at least. Schedule: Updates are TBD but will try for Daily! Disclaimer: Cover doesn't belong to me and if any art belongs to you, let me know!

Kota_Sama · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 7: Angelic Core

The building was definitely a lot bigger inside compared to how it looked outside but I still don't have a clue where she's taking me.

"The infirmary is right over here." Aliza says while opening up the door.

Inside this infirmary was a bunch of strange technology that I definitely never saw in normal hospitals or doctors offices before. This stuff looked real advanced and I don't kno what to think about it.

"Thank you." I respond genuinely.

"You're welcome. We'll talk more after you are done. I'll be waiting outside." Aliza says before leaning against the wall.

My turn I guess. Inside was an older woman with dark black hair, a grey medical gown, and green eyes.

Safe to assume that she'll be helping me take care of this hand injury of mine.

"What's the injury that needs to be treated?" She questions.

The feeling in my hand was still there but the ability to move it definitely wasn't there in any way.

"Right hand is broken." I respond while lifting my arm up.

I watched as she came over and examined my hand. It only took a few moments but then she also made the assumption that it really was broken.

"Bring your hand over to the machine there." She says while pointing ahead to a machine with an opening.

"Okay." I reply while heading over to the machine.

It has a strange look to it and usually I wouldn't want to test anything like that but I've already given in quite a few times. Mina, Aliza, and now this whole thing.

Supposedly it'll help me in some way or at least that's the impression I'm under right now. Here goes nothing then.

As I put my hand into the machine I could hear it kick on as a punch of different things began to move around inside.

Pierce. The feeling of a needle going into my hand was all I felt over and over again until I heard her voice.

"Should be done." The Woman says while taking notes down on a notepad.

I pulled my hand out to find that the feeling had returned and it wasn't the same pain from before. My fingers could move, my wrist was able to move without any issues, and now I think everything is good.

"What exactly was just done to my hand?" I ask with a bit of confusion in my voice.

"Help from Mitho Technology. It helped advance quite a bit of stuff. You can call me Naomi." The Woman responds as she sits her stuff down.

These Mitho creatures really are powerful if they have these types of abilities. I wonder how I survived the fight with the one at the school.

Healing abilities like this would prove to be important as all hell in a battle.

"I'm starting to see how important it is to deal with them." I say with a serious tone in my voice.

"Exactly why I brought you here." Aliza chimes in as she peeks through the door.

Brought here under the assumption that I'd be willing to just fight these things with no issue? I really am meeting some crazy people lately.

"What am I doing exactly?" I question while shifting my gaze over towards Aliza.

"You'll be following me to speak with the General." She responds while gesturing towards me to follow her.

General? So it brings me back to my previous statement about this place seeming like some sort of military outpost. Why bring someone here?

"Okay." I say while following behind her.

"If you ever need anything you know where to find me." Naomi speaks up from behind me.

At least she doesn't seem too bad yet but I wonder where that goddess went off to now. She seems to just come and go as she pleases.

Maybe she knew they'd want something to do with me or maybe she just can't risk anything by coming here. I'm not sure where the Mitho fare on the level of a god or goddess.

"The office isn't far." Aliza mentions as she continues to lead the way.

I observed the hallways as we went towards the office but I noticed they were pretty decorated with honors given to people here. Seems some people died while fighting these things and others were awarded for their courage.

It definitely didn't resemble a school anymore after seeing all of this but I wasn't going to question it too much if it meant avenging those who died.

"Who exactly is this General?" I ask with a serious but curious tone.

"She's the one in charge of everything here of course. But she'll want to know if you're joining us or not." Aliza answers while approaching the door at the end of the corridor.

A door awaited us at the end here with nothing on it to say the generals name but I don't think it's bad. Maybe they keep things classified to an extent here for a reason.

With it being a military like outpost it wouldn't surprise me but I wonder how I never experienced something like this sooner.

Knock. Knock. Aliza knocked on the door as we waited for someone to open it or to tell us to come in.

"You may enter." A soft spoken voice says from the other side of the door.

Definitely thought she was joking about it being a woman, not that it's a bad thing but I'm starting to get nervous for the first time in awhile. Dealing with this many girls in a short span of time is new to me.

"General I brought someone new who might be interested in helping us against the Mitho." Aliza says with a bit of confidence in her voice.

She barely knows me and is already vouching for me without asking. Sigh.

"I'll take it from here." She speaks up.

Aliza left and I was to enter the room at this point. I could only wonder how this conversation is going to go.

She turned around in her chair towards me.