
A God in Training

Everyone's born into a world with all sorts of people. Good, bad, neutral, chaotic, and a lot more. Imagine being given a chance to take care of those shitty people, the ones who prey on the weak as they walk home from work or leave the store. Kenji Makito has been putting up with bad people all his life and even endured quite a bit of trauma in his life. He's now given a chance to become a god but it's not instant nor is it easy. Fight for what you believe is right, that's what they say at least. Schedule: Updates are TBD but will try for Daily! Disclaimer: Cover doesn't belong to me and if any art belongs to you, let me know!

Kota_Sama · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Chapter 6: Difference

I took a moment to assess before attacking again since I'm not some moron who's eager to fight. My right hand is broken, it's left claw is gone but it's still got the other plus it could have some secret moves or something.

It's a creature so I wouldn't be surprised if it did but I'm not sure what the best plan of attack is. Using this power without practice will kill me and my normal attacks aren't enough damage to deal with this thing.

I'll wing it.

Right as I was about to rush in I could see a fast streak of blue zoom past me towards the creature. At first I couldn't make out what it was but then I saw her.

A girl wearing some strange black suit with different designs etched into it. Short blue hair reaching her shoulders, a rifle of some sort in hand.

She was definitely not new to these things based off of what she was wearing and the weapon she was holding. It seems I'll be in for an interesting conversation if she decides to talk to me afterwards.

Rifle shots began to echo throughout the hallways left and right until finally a big thud was heard from the creature hitting the ground.

"Didn't expect to see one of them so soon." Mina says before disappearing.

One of what exactly?

"You're the dummy who decided to fight this thing?" She questions with a shocked expression on her face.

If she's some sort of professional I guess it makes sense but I wasn't stupid or maybe it was stupid. My mistake for following what the goddess says blindly or just for attacking this thing in general.

It was a big difference in the moment though. I kind of felt energized to be fighting against something like that but yet I still knew I didn't want to die at the same time.

"I didn't have a choice. It would've killed a lot of people." I respond while crossing my arms.

Definitely feeling the pain in my hand but for now I can put up with it while talking to this girl.

"Hmm. You're unharmed for the most part it looks like. How were you fighting the Mitho without anything?" She asks while watching me.

Probably watching to see how I respond to her question but it's not like I have anything to hide.

"I have power myself but I'm not too good at using it yet so I got hurt in the process. I'm pretty strong without it but it helped." I answer with a serious tone behind my voice.

I don't have fear of her nor did I have any fear of that thing that she called a Mitho. Sounds like a pretty bizarre name for this creatures but I bet it gets better.

"Odd that you're here instead of the place I come from. Doesn't matter since I could ask you more about this later. Names Aliza, let's go." The girl says before walking past me.

Goodbye to the school for now I guess. She probably can help give me information on a lot of stuff that I don't know a thing about.

Mina didn't say a word about what those creatures are called so I'm going to assume that us humans gave it that name.

"Where are we going exactly?" I ask while following behind her.

"Somewhere safe. Don't worry this place will be cleaned up and everyone will be treated." Aliza answers with a laid back tone.

Didn't really care about if it'd be cleaned up but now I'm curious about the place we're going. I've not gone very many places since the estate.

School, Home, school, home. That's been my same routine for years now so I'm not sure what to expect.

"Through this door." She says while opening up a door.

Shit I trusted a random goddess who gave the weirdest vibes in the world, why not add this to my list.

As Kenji walked through the door everything has changed all around him. The surroundings of the school had disappeared and everything had reappeared before him.

The school building before me looked more like some military outpost than a school but this is the safe place she was talking about?

"Welcome to Angelic Core. It's a place for people with developing power like us. Those capable of dealing with Mitho like we encountered." Aliza says as she holds her rifle over her back.

"Is this a school or some sort of military outpost? Also how did that work back there?" I question while looking around.

There were multiple buildings around, probably for housing but it was very nice for a place like this. Lush environment made it a lot better than what I used to see everyday.

"It's still early tech that we took from the Mitho but it allows us to travel from one spot to another. We've done it with coordinates." Aliza says while stepping in front of me.

I didn't usually check many girls out but she did strike me as a beautiful girl, odd as it is. I don't have the time for that kind of focus though.

There's a lot that I need to figure out and with this new power I want to avenge everyone that died at the festival 7 years ago. I'll also find Ayumi, I know she's still alive.

"Sounds pretty advanced. I guess there's a lot for me to learn." I respond while trying to move my right hand.

"We'll get that hand taken care of. Follow me." She says while beginning to walk.

Following behind her I could sense that she was pretty powerful, something I didn't even know I was capable of doing. Mina you really do need to tell me more about all this shit you did to me.

This God in Training System is a complete mystery to me. It's making it obvious that people as re watching me right now though.

People seem to be nosy here too, how annoying.