

Hello friends,

I'm here to tell you some story about the girls. First I have to tell one girl story which is really real. Now let's start it.

There is one girl which is born in village. She is belongs to middle family. then her parents relationship was really not good. Her mother leaved her father and suizen. Then her father also married another lady and leave his daughter with his big sister house.then he never want to meet with his daughter. That time suizen is only 3 years old. Then she started to live with her dad's sister house. But her aunt was really rude person. She always punished her in every things. Suizen aunt have 2 babies one is daughter and one is son. They always teach suizen badly. Suizen always feel alone then slowly she cross her 12 birthday and she passed her 7th grade. But her aunt doesn't want to give her more education. So she thinking about. Suizen have to marry a Guy. But suizen wants to study. She told her aunt but her aunt doesn't listen to suizen. Then suizen is very sad and she tried to kill herself but suddenly her aunt's son suizen brother came over the room. And he saw the suizen killing her by herself. Then her aunt punished her again. Suizen doesn't want to marry.

Then after 6days Suizen agree to marry a guy. but first she need to talk with him. And suizen aunt give the permission to talk that guy with her. And suizen told him, yes I'm agree to marry with you but you have to promise me. After the marry you doesn't stop my study. Then He agree about that topic then they got married. After marriage suizen was happy that moment she thought that she got everything thing that she want. But she was wrong her husband always listen to their mom. And his mom is very clever lady.after that suizen passed her 10th exam. She had to study 11th class.but her husband stop her education.she broke her aim her respect from her husband. Then,after her husband family have force her to gave them a baby. But she was just 16th years old. She don't want baby now. Her mother in law was very angry and she punished suizen. Suizen think that. I never be a happy. After 5 months suizen got pregnant, and her family was very happy. They told suizen they want baby boy. But suizen said if baby girl have born then. Her mother in law said you throughout from my house with your baby girl. Suizen was so afraid.and she always prey to God her baby was boy. But she gave a birth a baby girl. Then she and her daughter live separately. Together suizen husband get married to another girl. Suizen have to struggle and fight to every problems for her daughter and herself. She gave the better life to her baby. But one day suddenly her daughter faint in the ground. She take her daughter to the hospital but she haven't money to pay the bills of hospital. She sell her all jewelry but that money was not enough to save her daughter. Her daughter suffering from brain tumor. And she started to collect the money from the people for the operation. That time a guy saw a suizen. And he started to love suizen. He gave suizen the money for her daughter. Suizen daughter have successful operation. After the 2 years suizen cross 21st birthday. And her daughter was 5th years old. Suddenly one guy was searching for suizen and he found the suizen in bad condition. Suizen have lost her house and her all jewelry. He ask the suizen for marriage but she don't want to marry because she already got big trouble when she married that first guy. But another guy who's name is Jack. He promised suizen he never get her trouble like that guy. And her daughter had talk her first word that was dad. And suizen and jack got married. Suizen meet jack family they all are really a kind people. Suizen and jack now living together. Happily and nicely.

Thank you friends

For reading this story it was real story about a polite girls please be safe and please chose right person for your life. Love you all.