
The Touch

Sarah you lazy girl,Wake up and start cleaning this house,everything looks so messy your dad won't be coming back home today again and I'm going to work now just make sure you everything is sparkling clean before I come back home this evening.I prepared breakfast for you because I don't want you to starve yourself obviously.And make sure you don't go out of this house my Mum said and immediately left for work.

I checked my phone and Noah had sent me good morning text I chucked and dropped my phone I started to clean because I don't want the house looking all messy when noah comes i finished cleaning and checked the time it was 10:40 am already and noah will be coming by 11am I hurried up and took a shower I sprayed some of my mum expensive perfumes and I was very ready

I received a text by exactly 11:00

it was from Noah

"I'm outside the Gate you can come and open it now"

I checked myself in the mirror again making sure I was looking okay again

I had put on some shorts and a nice crop top to go well with it,I went downstairs to open the gate and there was noah facing the ground he was wearing a very big hoodie with dark shades so I couldn't see his face well

why are you so covered up I said

he then chuckled.Come inside I said

we then went upstairs,everything was a little bit awkward for a while so I turned on the TV to live everything up

we were watching a series when a kissing scene turned up,I stood up and turned off the TV immediately he stared at me for a second and faced the ground again

I started by asking him why he showed up to my house looking like an assassin and he hasn't say a word since he came

he stared at me and said Nothing

Oh my God his Voice was so deep and manly I said to myself

we started talking and after series of begging he finally agreed to remove his hoodie cap and the dark shades but he asked me to close my eyes because he was feeling shy which I did,after removing them he asked me to open my eyes

he had brown beautiful eyes and very dark hair his face was perfection

I couldn't think straight anymore I just stood there looking surprised and then I locked his lips with mine.I stopped and apologized I have never done this before I don't even know why I'm feeling like this he told me not to worry that it's fine and he wouldn't mind if I tried it again.I kissed him again and this time I felt so relaxed the kiss was soo passionate

and I did not want this moment to end he then grabbed my breasts I left out a soft moan but then I pushed him away and slapped him I have never allow someone to touch me that way before but I regretted slapping him I shouldn't have done that I said to myself we apologized at the same time to each other and he said I think i should leave

I simply said Okay but deep down I know I want him to stay longer

he opened the door to leave when I stopped him he turned around he stared at me and we started kissing again this time around he asked if he can touch my breast and I nodded softly as acceptable he took off my crop top I saw the excitement on his face when he saw my boobs he grabbed them,and started sucking them I was already very wet down there..

"Fuccck" I moaned out

I didn't want him to stop he tried to unzip my shorts but I stopped him

"let's take things slowly" I said

Are you a virgin?

Noah Asked.I nodded my head slowly and he giggled

"I'm sorry for taking things too far with you"

How old are you he asked?

19, I lied.I didn't want Noah to think that he was dealing with a child,I will be turning 18 Next year mid June

What about you Huh? how old are you

I asked Noah

I'm '25'

wow Noah is way older than me but he had the looks of a teenager

So you live alone?

what about your family?.I turned and asked Noah

He gave me an awkward stare and said you don't have to worry about that

its okay if you don't want to tell me I understand I bluntly said

I'm hungry why don't you prepare something for us eat Noah said shyly

How do I tell Noah that I don't know how to cook i said to myself

I was starving as well

Wow you don't know how to cook?

Noah said.How did he know what I was saying did I mistakenly say it out loud.

Don't worry I know how to cook just sit and I will prepare something for us to eat

on hearing this I was smiling so hard

Noah was such a sweet guy and a great cook too the food taste really good

who taught you how to cook? I asked.

I learned from my Mum she was a very good chef she taught me everything about cooking I miss her so much

So where is she now,Your mum?

I asked

she died two years ago

I felt really bad for him I saw the sadness in his eyes when he talked about his mum

he must have really loved her a lot

Don't worry I Can be your New mum I said

He looked at me and we both burst out laughing

you are sooo funny How can you be my new mum when you dont know how to cook but don't worry I will teach you

I can start teaching you tomorrow that is if you allow me to come over to your place or you come to mine

I was silent for some minutes

but I eventually said yes he can come over tomorrow.I did not want to get too attached to Noah but I can use him throughout my two weeks suspension to avoid being bored at home.That was my plan