
A Game Of Inches

So many times she had been asked the meaning of the words, or the name of the person whose initals were on the stone. She extended her finger and traced the intials C and T very slowly, a smile coming to her face. “Hey Court, hold him tight, keep him warm until I get there.”, she whispered. Alexis turned slowly and began to walk away. This was always the hardest part, it was like saying goodbye all over again. As she walked away a sudden breeze blew over her back, a chill ran up her spine. She turned and looked back at the tomb, the evening sun was shining off of the granite. “You always have to get the last word in, don’t you baby ?”, she whispered softly.

Fredrick_Udele · แฟนตาซี
133 Chs


For the next twenty minutes or so, we passionately kissed on the sofa, like two young teenagers making out for the first time. Other than our lips on each other, there was no touching of any kind, even though I desperately wanted to ravage this gorgeous woman. I knew that if I moved too fast, I might ruin any chance there could be anything between us. Finally looking at the clock, I decided that perhaps we both needed to cool off a bit.

"It's getting late, I'm going to go to my place.", I told her, my hand brushing the hair out of her face.

Those light green eyes, those soft understated Asian features, that jet black straight hair just mesmerized me. God, I wanted so much more, the urge was almost unbearable. It took everything I had to maintain my composure, not wanting her to see right through me.

"Brian, I want to.... I….know you….", she began.

I said nothing, I just gently raised one finger placing it across her soft moist lips, my eyes locked on hers.

"Alexis, we have all the time in the world. Nothing needs to be rushed.", I whispered.

I could see in her eyes, I said the one and only thing that she was wanting to hear. She reached over and wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly, whispering a thank you in my ear. I squeezed her tightly, then got up making my way to the door, holding her hand tightly in mine. When we got to the door, I leaned over and kissed her quickly again on the lips, then told her to lock the door behind me. I stepped out, the door closed, I heard the dead bolt turn in the cylinder. I finally exhaled deeply as I walked the two doors down to my unit. My heart was racing, my body still on fire, I don't think I had ever felt this alive in my life. I got undressed and went to bed quickly, although it took me well over an hour to get to sleep.

I woke up Saturday morning sometime around nine, for some reason I was still exhausted. I know I laid in bed for at least an hour before finally getting up and putting my feet on the floor. My thoughts quickly returned to the night before, closing my eyes trying to recapture the moments. I finally got up, took a shower and dressed casually in shorts and a tee shirt, planning on going down to the pool later and just relaxing. I ate a small breakfast, fighting the urge to call Alexis several times in less than an hour. Sometime right after noon, I grabbed a towel and headed down to the pool. It was somewhat overcast, the clouds almost completely blocking out the sun. As I got down to the courtyard area, I could see that the pool was much more crowded than normal. I found an open chaise lounger at one end and sat down, laying my phone and towel on the table next to me. There were three young girls in their early twenties right next to me, wearing very skimpy bathing suits, all three of them very attractive. They were whispering back and forth to each other, then looking in my direction. I pretended not to notice, paying no attention to anyone, minding my own business. I had been there for about thirty minutes when I heard one of the girls sitting next to me speak out a little louder than normal.

"Excuse me ?", I heard from my left.

I pushed my sunglasses down and looked in the direction of the voice, the smallest of the three girls in the chair closest to me , was leaning in my direction.

"Yes ?", I asked.

"You're the football player that lives here right ?", she asked.

"Yes ma'am, I am.", I responded.

"I thought so, I have seen you around the complex a few times. I'm Cindy, this is Janet and Debbie.", she answered, pointing to her friends, respectively.

"Nice to meet you ladies.", I answered, trying to be polite.

"Uh, you want to join us over here for a few beers ?", the petite brunette asked.

"Thank you ma'am but I rarely drink, and never during the season.", I replied.

"Oh ok, well you can still join us if you would like.", she told me, a very dangerous smile on her face.

I didn't want to seem impolite, but I had little interest in joining the three women. I was trying to think of a clever excuse. Luckily I happened to glance in the direction of my unit to see Alexis walking toward the pool, apparently she had the same idea I had. It gave me the perfect out.

"I'm waiting for someone, but thank you very much.", I answered.

Before the girl could respond, Alexis was in earshot, all three girls watching her approach. You couldn't help yourself, Alexis was a woman that men drooled over and other women found it easy to dislike. It simply appeared she had no physical flaws whatsoever.

"Cindy, you trying to cut in on me ?"Alexis laughed at the petite brunette.

"I didn't realize you had dibs on him yet, Alex.", the girl giggled back.

"I don't, he is fair game, but just so you know, I might be in the hunt.", Alexis replied.

I'm not sure why, but suddenly I felt very uncomfortable being referred to as the new prey of the complex. I pulled my glasses back down and returned my head to the chair. Alexis was standing over me, a twinkle in her eyes. I raised my glasses once again to acknowledge her presence, making sure I let her know I was glad to see her.

"Hey Alexis, glad to see you.", I told her, warmly.

"I was over there watching you for quite a while, I have to say I was impressed at how well you behaved.", she stated, pointing to the covered staircase at the end of our unit.

"I always behave girl, I told you that.", I replied, seemingly unconcerned, but very relieved I handled the situation as I had.

"Apparently so, so far so good.", she laughed.

I got up and offered her my chair, telling her I would go across to the other side of the pool to get one that wasn't being used. She readily accepted my chair, laying her towel down over it, then lowering her long sleek body into the chaise. I grabbed the chair and walked my way back to her, setting my chair down next to hers. We had been laying there for a few minutes when she turned to me.

"I had a hard time going to sleep last night, " she said softly.

"I know the feeling.", I laughed.

Without much warning, large rain drops started to fall on the courtyard, everyone jumping up and grabbing their belongings. Alexis sat up in her seat looking over at me, a comical look on her face.

"You're not going inside ?", she asked.

"What for ? I came out to go swimming, I was going to be wet anyway. There's no lightning or thunder, it's perfectly safe.", I answered.

She just sat there for a second, looking up into the sky, large raindrops continuing to hit the pavement with no apparent pattern. She shrugged her shoulders and laid back down on the chaise lounger, by now the entire courtyard had taken refuge elsewhere. The rain began to come down quite steady, within minutes both of us were soaking wet. It felt quite good, the rain was cool and refreshing, the temperature was dropping. I jumped up, threw my glasses on the table between us, took off my shirt then dove in the pool head first on the deep end. I came up about half way across the pool near the safety rope, turned and looked back in Alexis' direction. She had already taken off her swimsuit cover, exposing her black nylon bikini, which quite frankly was jaw dropping. She dove into the pool as well, I watched her swim in my direction below the surface of the water. She popped up right next to me, her hands grabbing for the large, blue and white safety rope stretched across the middle of the pool.

"You're right, this does feel good.", she stated, pushing the wet hair out of her eyes.

I could feel her long muscled legs, brushing against mine as we both treaded water, our bodies facing each other. I felt her right hand suddenly on my hip, holding on for some support. Soon her body was flat up against mine, her right arm firmly around my waist. I leaned over slowly making sure she understood I wanted to kiss her. I pressed my lips to hers gently, waiting for her to respond. Again it took a few seconds, but she was soon pressing her mouth against mine, her lips slightly parted, her tongue brushing against mine.I could sense she felt a little more at ease with me, I felt her fingers stroking my lower back. She pulled her lips away from me, then pushed off with both hands, swimming across the deep end to the concrete stairs cut into the side of the pool wall. I followed her quickly, pulling myself up on the bottom step next to her. The rain was still falling steadily, the feel of the cold rain on my head, combined with the warmer water of the pool gave me a quite unique feeling. We were both sitting on the bottom step, the water up to our shoulders, the rain soaking our faces. This time she leaned over to me, once again her lips sending electricity to every nerve ending in my body. I shifted my body weight on the concrete step nervously, I felt my cock hardening, I couldn't stop the feeling. Then I felt Alexis' hand on my thigh, jolting me into an entire new dimension. As her tongue gently probed my mouth, my cock was straining against the nylon fabric of my swimsuit.

Thankfully, she lifted her lips from mine, her eyes looking deep into mine.

"Let's go back upstairs.", she whispered softly.

"Um, that might be a little difficult right now Alexis.", I replied somewhat embarrassed.

"Why ...… Ohhhhhhhhhh.", she exclaimed suddenly, a nervous grin crossing her face.

She jumped off of the step and swam over to the ladder, pulling herself out of the pool. It took a few minutes but I was finally able to follow her to our chairs, picking up my belongings from the table, following her back up the stairs. She had wrapped her large beach towel around her body, covering herself completely. My mind was racing as I followed her up the stairs, the water dripping from our bodies on the concrete stairs. She paused at her doorway, pulling her key from a small zippered bag she had with her.

"I'm going to change into some dry clothes.", I told Alexis, turning to head down the walk to my unit.

"Nuh uh.", she said, grabbing my arm, pulling me into her unit.

I was barely able to push the door closed as I was pulled through it, Alexis pulling me towards her sofa. She unwrapped her large beach towel from her body, laying it down on the sofa. She then took mine from around my neck and laid it on top of the first. She then pushed me down on the sofa, pressing my shoulders back until my head was on the arm rest of the sectional. Alexis lowered herself slowly until her body was completely over me, my body absorbing her entire weight.

"Are you sure Alexis ? I don't want you to be …..", I started.

She pressed her lips to mine making me unable to finish my sentence. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling this goddess deep into my arms. She pushed her tongue past my lips, this time there was no hesitation. I had never wanted anyone more in my life, then I did Alexis at this very moment. But once again I realized that in this case, being gentle would be the thing to do, another bad or quick experience might ruin any chance the two of us might have. I felt Alexis shift her body several times, moving herself into a position where my rock hard cock was pressing against the nylon crotch of her swimsuit bottom. She broke her kiss, pulling her lips from mine opening her eyes, looking directly into mine. I felt her hips shift once, placing my erect throbbing cock directly between the lips of her pussy. I didn't react one way or another, I wanted to make sure Alexis was comfortable with everything that was happening. Even though both of us were still clothed, somehow this seemed very taboo for some reason. I took one hand from her shoulder, gently tracing a long, soft straight line down her spine, stopping immediately when I felt the waistband of her swimsuit bottom. She reacted to my touch by pressing her hips into mine, her pussy grinding against my hard cock. She closed her eyes tightly, concentrating on the intense feelings running through her body. I could feel the muscles of her well shaped thighs as they pushed into mine, her hips moving in unison with mine. She opened ,her eyes, pressing her lips into mine, her mouth soft, warm and moist. I slowly moved my hand down from the waistband of her swimsuit, until it was firmly cupping her ass, urging her to push into me. Everytime she would thrust forward, I felt the muscles in her legs tighten up. She pulled her lips from mine, burying her face into my neck and shoulder, a long, soft groan resonating from deep in her throat.

Her breathing was becoming short and labored, her body tensing up from top to bottom. I felt her lips against my ear, her warm breath on the side of my face. I heard her soft, almost inaudible words in my right ear.

"Brian, I'm gonna... I'm gonna….please..", she uttered.

"It's ok Alexis, let it go. Just let it go.", I whispered back,

She suddenly tensed up, her arms tight around my neck, her face buried in my neck. She was grinding her pussy against me with reckless abandon, all inhibitions gone for the moment.

"Ohhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhh.", she moaned, her lips pressed against my neck.

She rode wave after wave of pleasure, her body clenching tightly, then releasing the muscles in her body in rapid succession. It was by far the longest, most intense female orgasm I have ever witnessed. She rode wave after wave of pleasure for close to a minute before I felt what was left of the oxygen in her body pass between her lips in a long slow sigh of relief. I held her softly against me, my hand stroking her back gently, letting her know I felt wonderful about what had just happened. It took a few minutes before she lifted her head from my shoulder, her light green eyes sparkling, wide and alive as I had ever seen them.

"I don't know … I mean God that was awesome… I just.", she whispered.

"Shhhhhhhhh.", I replied, softly.

She smiled at me briefly, her hips still moving against mine, my rock hard cock still between the lips of her pussy.

"What are you thinking about right now ?", she whispered, her eyes and lips just inches from mine.

"About how good I feel right now.", I replied, with no hesitation.

"Why do you feel good ?", she whispered back.

"Because you trusted me enough to get this vulnerable in front of me.", I told her, my eyes locked into hers.

I could immediately see the emotional response in her eyes, they became wet and glazed over.

"I still can't believe you're for real. You're too good to be true.", she whispered back to me, her lips quickly kissing mine.

"Nothing's too good for you, never forget that.", I replied.