
A Gacha-Grimoire System's Fae Gamble

[Worm - Celestial Grimoire/Gacha System, OC MC, OP from the start, RNGesus be kind] A Gacha System - played out, on its last legs, and without a host - merges with something fresh and new. The Celestial Grimoire, the key to all magic across all worlds. Still weak and dying, they cast the dice one last time, landing upon an... unusual host. Edgar dé Brân, Raven Prince of the Fae's Winter Court, yearned for adventure and excitement beyond what his kind could offer. As it turns out, luck was ever in his favor. Stepping out from his sheltered world, he lands upon a doomed world of heroes and villains. Instantly, well-laid plans are soundly defenestrated and Earth Bet will never be the same. [AN: Even if you don't know Worm, I'd encourage you to give this story a shot. I'm trying my best to keep it relatively beginner-friendly. Yes, the cover pic is relevant to the story. It's my cultured take on Dragon ;] [Beyond that, early chapters (40k words) are available on my Patreon (patreon.com/dryskies_btb). Also, Patreons get access to additional characters and bonus pics from my personal collection, plus all of my past stories. Some quality content there, in my oh-so-humble, biased opinion, especially if you like goth girls. Anyway, enjoy the story :]

Daddy · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
9 Chs

Character Pics + Grimoire/Gacha Information


Edgar dé Brân



Ciara/Faerie Queen



+More to come...


Celestial Grimoire: For the uninitiated, the Celestial Grimoire is essentially a CYOA prompt. But instead of the traditional choices to be made, the Grimoire offers a database of powers (all related to magic in some way) to pull from and a way to roll them randomly. The OG Celestial Grimoire was big enough but there was a lot of overlap between perks. The one I'm using is vastly expanded upon (~12,000 entries in the spreadsheet).

Now, the expanded version isn't without faults. I'm pretty sure it was put together from a whole bunch of Jumpchain documents. So some perks are much less balanced/'worth' than others. But it's still a huge database of powers and I'm going to be using it to the best of my ability.

The Grimoire pull system works off points. Traditionally, 100P per ~2k words the author writes. It also rolls for new perks immediately upon point gain. I've changed some of that. My story still uses points and I originally tracked word count but it quickly slipped my mind. So you'll see point gain for word count in the first few chapters but not after that. Instead, I've replaced the traditional point gain with an achievement/feat/quest system. I feel like this way will be just as good, if not better, than the traditional word count method (it's also so much easier for me to keep track of...).

Additionally, perks are rolled consciously by the MC instead of when points are gained. Because what's gambling if you aren't choosing to gamble? This way, I can keep the pace of the story going without constant interruption and each Gacha rolling session has more weight to it (IMO).

I mention this in an author's note at the end of the first chapter, but I'll say it again here. The first perk was chosen specifically by me with a purpose in mind. After that, all the perks have been and will continue to be rolled randomly. The RNG is a big part of this story but I also needed to get it off the ground in the first place.

Links to the Celestial Grimoire



The expanded version I'm using:
