
A friend group gets reincarnated in the multiverse

This story does not have a main character and will consist of multiple point of views. Ahem I don't own anything. Will have at least 10000 words a month.

Diobutstronger · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
34 Chs

A 1-12(Mike)

I felt myself being taken from what I assume to be my mother as I am given to another set of hands. It wasn't forceful which means it was most likely a doctor. I presume that they are making sure I am okay which is a good thing. I hope my friends stay okay with everything that is going on. I guess that I will just have to wait and see what happens in this new world.

........Time skip (4 years old)........

"Mikael com here I will show you how to use your demonic power." said my mother Lily Astaroth as she gestured for me to sit next to her. I nodded and sat down next to her. My new name in this world is Mikael Astaroth. My parents Lily and Shaun Astaroth are both branch members of the Astaroth clan of the 72 pillars. I am being taught how to use my demonic power and noble etiquette. Demonic power is interesting as it depends on my imagination I can use it for making different spells.

"Alright Mikael try and form a small flame by gathering demonic energy in one place and imagine it igniting."

"Yes mother." was all I said before a small flame burst to life on my pointer finger.

I watched happily as it started to fizzle out. It was a great first test of my demonic power. According to my parents I have a chance to become a high class devil with my amount of demonic power. I will get evil pieces as I am a pure blooded devil but I most likely won't use them. I don't need servants when I have my friends.

I plan to practice my time magic when my parents leave for the trip they are planning. I may be a branch member of the Astaroth clan but even then we still are provided with a large amount of money and benefits. I am going to make sure that I can protect my friends when we meet up by training as hard as possible. I hear that the heir of the Astaroth clan is a very good kid. I will make sure that I can run away when I turn 11 so my first priority is learning teleport magic. I also need to start my research on magic and the other factions of this world. So much to do so little time I thought to myself as my mother clapped when the flame finally fizzled out.

.......Time skip(8 years old).......

I smile as I walk around and look at the scenery of the Astaroth territory. It really is a nice place. I just wish that I could stay longer, I thought to myself while practicing my demonic power magic. I watched as fire balls surrounded a tree and flew straight into it. It was gone. I smiled because its destructive power was strong. I use time magic to reverse the damage done to the tree and practice different spells on it. I should start planning my escape from the underworld after all teleportation is illegal between worlds. Not to mention the barrier that blocks teleportation in and out of the underworld in not designated areas. I smirk as a plan begins to form in my mind. Turns out that there are a lot more factions in this world than just devils and angels. We have gods running around along with youkai and other mythical creatures. I wonder just how long it will be before my parents realize I have disappeared. I start mapping out my plan.

......Time skip (9 years old).......

It is official that my life in devil high society is over. Thank God! FUCK! I scream internally as I am overcome with a splitting pain. I guess that word is still a no no even after saying it hundreds of times. I have my plans to escape mapped out along with the plans to get to New York (The easy part). My time magic hasn't been revealed which is good because people would probably think I was a bastard of the Agares clan or something. I also found out that the heir to the Astaroth clan is an asshole who should be kicked out immediately. I guess that I will be out of the clan before he leads it to ruin so that is a plus. I hate high society parties as well. People expect me to suck up to them just because they are the clan heir to some stupid house called grimorey or something. Good thing I will never go to one again all that noble etiquette stuff pisses me of.

My plan will need me to use mana zone which I have been practicing for two months. It is almost perfected I just need to get over a few bumps and I will be on my way to New York in no time. I walk home and eat some ice cream before sleeping.

......Time skip(10 Years old).....

I smirked as the clone I had made with half of my demonic power started doing what I would normally do before bed. I hop out the window and unfurl my bat-like wings whilst flying towards the artificial sun in the sky. I fly past it to the ceiling of the under world and start activating my mana zone. Suddenly after my mana zone was formed I sensed a large demonic presence. "What are you doing?" asked a devilishly handsome green haired young man. Ah fuck it's lord Beelzebub this isn't good time to spew some bullshit. "Ahem Lord Beelzebub are you a gambling man?" I asked with a confident smile internally screaming. "No not at all actually why do you ask?" he looked perplexed and it looked like he fell for it. "Well good sir I believe I have found something extremely wrong with your barrier here, in fact its glaring flaw!" I said dramatically. He nodded at me to continue. Unfortunately he did not take into account the mana zone still forming around him most likely because he couldn't sense it. "Well Lord Beelzebub you see the barrier in this area has no problems currently," I paused for a dramatic effect."However! You did not account for the situation in which the past itself doesn't have a barrier in the first place!" I said as I suddenly finished mana zone completely and started reversing time. Lord Beelzebub watched as time rewound itself all the way to before the great war[^1]. I smirked as he was de-aged into the body of a child around my age. "Well cousin it seems you have fallen for my trap card. Sayonara Lord Beelzebub" I said as I cast a spell and teleported straight to New York. Before I teleported I saw him with a dumbstruck look on his face.

Heh I guess no one can account for a minor form of time travel not even the smartest devil alive. I fast forward time and my mana zone disappeared leaving a green haired kid around my age with an expression that told me he couldn't have fathomed what had just happened to him.

..............Time skip (12 years old)...........

Fuck! I am late and need to get to the empire state building fast. I fly there as fast as possible. when I get there I see that Joshua has a big bruise on his face. I also notice I am the last one here. Can't have that I thought as I rewound time to the point no one was there. "Looks like I am first." I said with a smile.


a/n get cringed Lord Beelzebub.

K actual chapter for today.

tomorrow expect a reunion of epic proportions!


Diobutstrongercreators' thoughts