
A friend's world

An unusual story following the chaotic life of a girl with an unlucky streak in life, ironically named Clover. Never having had any friends she somehow finds herself being the best of friends with three equally odd girls. Though she still isn't convinced she needs friends in the least. She is a die-hard believer in love at first sight and finding your prince charming. She often spends her time stalking her love interests who don't even know she exists even with them being classmates. Read as she constantly gets herself in the oddest of situations trying to tie a non-existent knot with three handsome boys. But wait, why does it seem like she is being stalked by a boy she doesn't even like herself? Could it be karma getting back at her? Why though since life hates her enough to constantly get her in trouble! And what is with the red-haired beauty who makes her feel a way she has never felt before? What is this gushing feeling in her stomach, could she just be sick or something? What awaits Clover in her ever chaotic yet entertaining life? Maybe friendship, a new discovery about herself, and a deep bonding with three of the craziest girls she has ever met. Find out what mischiefs she and her partners in crime will get up to in.... A Friend's World!

Cromulent_life · วัยรุ่น
21 Chs

Chapter two

So here we are in front of a big house with a big yard and a creepy old lady who had a ghostly complexion and black beady eyes staring into my soul standing on our porch.

Wait, why is there a creepy old lady with a ghostly complexion and beady black eyes staring at me?

Does she come with the house? If so I'm packing up and hightailing out of here!

"Mrs Claire, how are you?"

Dad greeted the old lady with a huge smile. Simply grunting in reply she gave him a nasty look.

Seemingly ignoring her odd behaviour, dad turned to us with enthusiasm.

"Kids, I'd like for you to meet Mrs Claire. She is the nice lady that sold this house to us. Come say hi"

Father dearest, your definition of nice is far different from mine. That is unless you said she was nice enough not to murder you then yeah. I guess that works.

Syl came rushing forward comically smiling at this Mrs Claire she took her hand and basically screamed out her greeting at the grumpy-looking lady.

To be honest, if I were her age I would also be grumpy with a dead look in my eyes. Was she not loved by her children or something?

"Hello Mrs Claire, I'm Sylvia Klein. Nice to meet you!"

Again she grumbled staring at Syl's big doll eyes completely unaffected by her cuteness.

Okay, she's pure evil. No person in their right mind could look at my baby sister's cute self and not melt from her complete cuteness. No one....but the devil!

"Uhm... a pleasure to meet you. I'm Clover Klein."

Another grumbled reply.

Seriously was grunting and grumbling her only answer to everything?

Does she even talk? Wait, does evil even need to talk?

I should search that right after I search; "How to cleanly get rid of a body". Do not ask me questions it is for educational purposes only.

"Kids, help me with the boxes and-oh Mrs Claire. So nice to see you again."

Rushing forward with a large box in her hands her view slightly obscured she greeted the old lady. Not sounding at all happy to see the old grump, I could tell.

Guess mom thinks she's also a witch, or an ugly siren maybe a troll in rags. Yeahp, that works.

Okay before you say anything about me being a complete hater of the elderly, let me clarify.

I don't. I repeat I don't dislike old people.

In fact, I love my Nona and Pops partly cause they give me money and feed me until I feel like a fat pig but that's not the point.

The point is I like old people.

Just not this one.

The trol-I mean the beautiful old lady *cough* nodded her head at my mother.

Woah, she did something other than grunt. I'm genuinely surprised and impressed.

I was starting to think she was not a human being but some ugly-looking, troll statue. Okay, I'll stop now.

She reached toward her back but then seemed to change her mind and searched the inside of her, I'm gonna say cloak? Yeah, it's a cloak.

Wait is she reaching for her wand? Oh my gosh, she's really a witch!

Pulling out her hand from the dark cavern of her long robe she held out...a key?

Handing it over to my dad she turned and walked down the porch steps.

Well, that was disappointing.

"Okay Syl, let's help out with the house Kay?"

The cute brunette looked up to me and gave a big bright smile, she responded with an enthusiastic "okay" and then proceeded to go to the car.

Following after her I laughed as she struggled to pull out a box from the back. Helping her with it she puffed her cheeks annoyed.

Swatting my hand away she insisted that she needed no help and could do it herself.

"I'm a big girl who can do big girl stuff"

Awkwardly waddling to the door somehow managing it without my help I cooed at her.

I swear to the heavens above I had the most adorable little sister out there!

Two pizzas, four cans of sodas and a terrible sprain later, we were finally done with unpacking.

Mom, although not a cleaner wasn't the type to leave boxes lying around her house, even if we just moved into the said house.

So like the heartless tyrant she is she made us unpack literally everything!

Talk about brutal man.

"Oh my skittles, I can't feel my butt or my back. Is it even there?"

Syl laughed at my words trying yet failing to cover up her cute giggles with her tiny hands.

I looked at the toddler and gave her a small glare and her giggles grew.

"Syl, I need a favour. You think you tough enough to do it?"

"I was born tough."

She banged her hand against her chest buffing it up to look tough but failed miserably cause let's face it, she looks too darn cute to be tough damn it!

Giving her a serious look I grabbed both her tiny little hands and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Smack my back."


"Smack. My. Back"


"Honey I think we need toilet paper. Could you go and buy so-"

Stopping mid-sentence mom stood at the entrance looking at her two daughters busy spanking each other. Her face wrote "Confused" with a capital 'C'.

"Come on Syl you can do it!"

"I'm trying I'm trying."

Small giggles escaped her lips while she kept relentlessly slamming her little palms into my back.

"What....are you doing."

Syl stopped in her tracks and looked at our mother with innocent eyes.

"My back hurts."

I shrugged at our mom completely nonchalant about the fact that I was busy teaching my sister to hit people.

Mom nodded her head, turned and walked away. Pretending to have seen nothing.

Syl and I looked at each other then back at her retreating figure and broke out into laughter.

Well, it was not the first time the Klein sisters did something weird and disturbing, and it would not be the last.

Monday morning came by really fast a little too fast if you asked me. Syl and I were in the kitchen eating breakfast as we waited for dad to come downstairs and take us to school.

Bored out of my life I decided to pick at Syl's food with my finger.


I ignored her and kept harassing the cereal. Syl took her spoon licked it clean and started swatting at me with the bacteria-infested weapon.

I dodged her attacks but not for long as she landed a hit on my finger.

It hurt.

"Ouch, oh you are so getting it"

I launched at her in attack she squealed in terror trying to run. Grabbing her by her sides I danced my fingers on them tackling her. She laughed and squealed as I repeated my onslaught.

"Uncle, uncle, u-uncle!"

She could barely get her words out as fits of laughter kept escaping her fragile little body. I smirked at her trembling figure.

"Huh?....who's this uncle you speak of?"

"I-I'm sor-sorry!"

Huffing in satisfaction I let her go. She lay flat on the ground, hands and feet spread out like a starfish.

"Alright then, I'm done. Let's go!"

Announced our father rushing down the stairs with a laptop bag in hand.

Sylvia jumped up from the ground tackling his leg. She clung to it tightly like a leech sucking blood from its victim.

"Okay then."

I grabbed both mine and Syl's bags and followed behind the large dark-haired man who had a tiny person hitching a ride on his right leg.

We quickly hopped into the car Syl now in the backseat tightly strapped and off dad's leg.

After dropping her off at the pre-school we drove to my new high school.

There were many cars in the parking lot majority owned by teenagers.

Dropping me a bit away from the entrance since he had to hurry out to make it on time for his job I quickly hopped out of the car.

"Bye kiddo. Have a great day"

Grabbing my bag from the back I turned to my father and gave him a large smile.

"Bye, dad. Don't kill anyone."

I jokingly said pointing a finger at him. He rolled his eyes and returned the smile with full force.

"No promises."

I laughed at his reply slammed the car door shut and stalled back to let him drive off.

Watching my father drive out the school gates and then slowly disappear, I could not help but compare it to my non-existent love life.

Sighing out loud I looked at the large ass building in front of me and scrunched my brows in confusion and slight irritation.

So, this is Horizon high, huh? How the hell do I find the admission office?

Please don't forget to follow me on Instagram @Cromulenthost. Thank yew!!

Cromulent_lifecreators' thoughts