
A Fox Bride

Rang, a cold-hearted fox man because of his past misery. Using his strength and immortality to get anything he wants. However, his life begins to change when he meets a girl who has his fox bead.

Ai_myours · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


"I won't let them live!"

Because of his disappointment with his mother who abandoned him because of the scorn of the villagers.

Finally, Rang wiped out all the villagers who had insulted him in the past. He was ostracized because he was considered a disaster in his village, because his mother was in love with a fox with nine tails.

The love affair between the human and the fox that gave birth to Rang. Little Rang lived in misery, he was even determined to kill his own father for neglecting him just because he was born of a human.

Whereas Rang, was actually born as a nine-tailed fox whose life stopped at the age of 30 years. In other words, Rang would not age until thousands of years into the future.

The man is now transformed into a cold, cruel and unforgiving adult man. He does things according to his own will with the power of the nine-tailed fox that he has.

And in modern times, now Rang has the status of a cold rich man who leads a big company.

However, Rang got it all in a cunning and evil way. He hypnotized everyone so that no one would know, that their leader wasn't a real human.

In fact, the company was actually not owned by Rang.

When he was little, he had a girlfriend who he loved very much. However, a malignant disease took the girl's life.

Rang's life became bleak again, right before the girl's death Rang gave him a fox gem with the hope, the girl reincarnated and could meet him one day.

600 years passed...

"Hey Sir! Stop!" one girl exclaimed. With a sling bag on her body she held the hand of a man standing on the bank of the river.

"No matter how hard your life is, don't even think about ending it!" continued the girl.

The man who had been standing earlier, now looked at the girl with confusion, he raised the corner of his eyebrows.

"Who do you mean?"

"Yes, you! Who else?"

The girl was still confident thinking the man was going to kill himself.

The man chuckled, "let go, little one!" he exclaimed.

"Little? Can't you see that I am almost as tall as you are? I'm 24 years old! ck, I'm just trying to help you!"

The man pulled the girl's arm closer to him. "You're still a child for me!"

"Ah it's up to you, let go! I'll be late if I have to deal with you! Just jump if you want!" Furious, the girl left.

The man laughed but then glared sharply at the girl who was now walking away from him, "kids these days!" he muttered.

He got into the car to return to the company. Drive at normal speed.

When he got there, he saw everyone greeting him. "Good morning Mr. Rang," said a woman in her 50s.

"Morning," he replied simply.

"There's a meeting scheduled for the new secretary candidates this morning."

"Why did you retire so soon," Rang snorted softly.

"I've been working here for 30 years, I'm not too fast but, you don't age at all." the woman smiled faintly.

They both enter the elevator.

This was already the 20th time Rang had been abandoned by someone he trusted. Some of them died first and some decided to retire.

But, Rang... Not aging at all.

"You just wait in the room, I will summon some candidates."

Rang nodded, he entered the room and sat down while taking a deep breath.

Immortality made his experience many things, the pain of his past still makes an impression to this day.

"Excuse me, Mr. Rang is the first candidate." Rang let the woman sit, all the backgrounds are quite good. Only, Rang saw an ominous aura on the woman so he would most likely reject her.

"Second candidate," his secretary brought the second candidate to enter.

Rang was getting bored with the question and answer process he was currently doing. Until the second last sequence.

"Mr. Rang, to keep things short I invite the last two candidates to enter." Rang again just nodded.

A girl that Rang met this morning was standing there. "You!" said the girl wide-eyed.

Rang with his signature grin looked at the girl. He was happy because this time he would repay his actions by rejecting the girl's job application.

However, Rang's gaze drifted to one final candidate. His heart seemed to stop.

Does she... My Aura? Rang thought, he saw a girl who looked exactly like his childhood friend who had died long ago.

"Sir! Are you going to do the question-answer test?" said the girl Rang met this morning.

"My name is Yuri," she continued.

"Silence! You may leave my office. I have found my future secretary." Rang was still focused on the girl beside Yuri.

Yuri snorted softly, "what do you mean sir? You haven't even asked me a question yet?"

"This is my company, I can do anything!"

Yuri snorted softly, she walked out of the room with a sour face. "He's just acting on his forehead!" Yuri growled as she walked out.

Inside the room, Rang immediately invited the woman to sit down and asked several things.

"What's your name?" he said without blinking.

"My name is Nara," the woman replied smiling.

"Nara, I accept you to be my secretary." Rang grinned widely showing his neat teeth.

"Are you serious? Thank you, sir!" replied Nara.

"Have you ever had deja vu? As shown in your past life?" Rang's question made Nara frown.

The woman shook her head.

"Maybe not yet, well good luck." Rang asked his secretary to teach Nara every job she had to do.

The woman came out of Rang's room.

"So far, I've met four people who look the same as Aura. However, none of them have a fox bead."

"Will Nara have it?" he asked himself.

"I have to make sure that girl has a fox bead or not." said Rang while thinking hard.

On the other hand, Yuri was still grumbling because of Rang's attitude and actions which she considered unfair.

"Is it because I'm not beautiful? But, why is he acting like that? Tch! I wish your company goes bankrupt! You heartless leader! I'm grateful that I don't work here! Your name even sounds like a bug Rang!" Yuri shouted in front of Rang's company building.

She was sure no one could hear her because of the disguising noise of the cars.

However, her guess was wrong. Rang who is not an ordinary human, of course, easily hears every word that mentions his name. Now he was standing and watching her through the glass wall of his room.

"He's starting to dare to swear at me?" Rang frowned in annoyance.

He flicked his finger at a trash can near the girl.

"Aw! Hey where did that can come from?" Yuri looked left and right looking for someone who had thrown a used drink can at her.

"Is that a ghost?" She frowned, instantly getting goosebumps down her spine because she didn't see anyone passing by.

Rang, who was watching Yuri from his room, could only laugh with satisfaction because he had managed to play a trick on her.


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