
A Fourth Lion

Reincarnated into the twin brother of Tyrion, watch as Cerion Lannister deals with plots, schemes and war. Will he live or die in this game of thrones? ——————————————————————————— It’s my first time writing so dialogue may seem a bit awkward. Also I’m just writing for fun because I’m bored of reading. Updates may be inconsistent. I would also like to add that Cerion will not be a dwarf. I would also like to point out that a character can only be as smart as the author. [The cover art isn’t mine]

SIMA_ · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
45 Chs

A Chat With Dad

Ser Rylen Algood was not having a good day, it has been two days since Lord Tywin had arrived back at Casterly Rock and with him the remainder of his host, as more than half of his army returned back to the Westerlands when the war was declared over. With the Lord back that meant compensation and sympathies were due to the families of war casualties.

Compared to the rest of Westeros, the Westerlands mostly remained untouched, however 347 men have been confirmed dead after the Sack of Kings Landing and a further 82 men are reported missing, either they are dead or they deserted, and that's not even counting the number of wounded. Despite the numbers being smaller than estimated, Ser Rylen hated it, he once served as a soldier during the War of the Ninepenny Kings and he saw more than his fair share of death.

So when Lannister men die and he has pay the grief-stricken families a dozen Silver Moons, which is pocket change for House Lannister, he loathes it and dreads it every time Lannister men march into battle.

Shaking his head and letting out a sigh he continues onward to his destination, where he stops outside a pair of large oak doors. He hears giggling and barks of laughter from the other side, and slowly starts to open the door with a growing smile on his face.

"-nd he stumbles out of his carriage nearly falling over and the servant blanches at the smell of him" The voice, who he recognises as Cerion, continues to laughs and giggles from Tyrion whilst banging his fist on his table in hilarity.

"What are you two laughing at?" Ser Rylen says with an amused voice, to which both Tyrion and Cerion both nearly jump out of their seats at.

Taking a deep breathe or two to calm down, Cerion replies "The King Ser Rylen, he got so drunk on his wedding day he could barely stand, and that's before he even arrived at the Great Sept."

Chuckling, Ser Rylen responds "Yes I've heard the details quite vividly from your father. Now is that any way to talk not only about your King but your Good-brother?" he asks with a raised eyebrow to which neither of the two respond and look down.

"Now, Your Father has asked me to bring you to his study Cerion. Tyrion, aren't you meant to have a lesson with the Maester?" He asks to which Tyrion nods and they both follow Ser Rylen out of the room, Tyrion splits off from Ser Rylen and Cerion when passing the stairs that lead up to the Maester's Tower.

"Ser Rylen, do you have any idea on why father wants to see me? It isn't time for a lesson." Cerion asks curiously after a minute of two of silent walking.

"No idea, probably nothing to worry about, if it was something big I most likely would've heard about it". Ser Rylen replies honestly as they near the door to Tywin Lannister's study. As they arrive Ser Rylen knocks on the door three times, the door is then opened by a guard inside the study who nods at the Steward.


"Leave us" father says to Ser Rylen and the two guards in his study, to which they mutter a 'My Lord' and leave.

"Winter is over and spring has started" father announces, "the stores of Casterly Rock and Lannisport are vast and plentiful, however a percentage of those provisions have been used in supply trains during the war. I have also agreed to send more food to Kings Landing to help the Capital recover as another show of alliance between our family and the Baratheon's".

"The Westerlands is not the most fertile lands in Westeros, around a third of the land is suitable for crops and the rest is too mountainous. I am not worried about the Rock or Lannisport starving next winter, nor am I about Cornfield, Crakehall, Kayce, Feastfires, Faircastle, Silverhill and Sarsfield as they have been able to provide enough food for themselves over the last dozen winters. The Golden Tooth is the second richest House in the Westerlands and are able to purchase provisions for winter, the same goes for Deep Den, due to the tariffs they make on the Golden Road. However Ashemark and Hornvale are surrounded by mountains and hills, the only source of food grown there is livestock. The Crag and Banefort are the opposite, they have rich, fertile soil but raiders and looters from the Iron Islands disrupt farming."

"As Lord Paramount of the West, it is my duty to make sure my subjects are nourished and don't starve in the upcoming winters. Making sure that doesn't happen requires me to procure provisions and supplies on behalf of the houses that cant feed all their subjects." He professes, as he leans forward and places his elbows on the desk and puts both of his hands upwards.

"There are two main sources from which we can buy from, The Riverlands" he signals to his right hand "makes more than enough food for themselves that they are able to sell some, though in smaller quantities." he says, he then signals to his left "The Reach has more land than they know what to do with it, it is teaming with herds of cattle, livestock and its crops are some of the highest quality produce in Westeros, however Olenna Tyrell has the Reach Lords drive up prices far too much when dealing with the Westerlands." He puts his arms down and leans back, looking straight into my eyes. "Convince me which option is better"

I sit in silence for a few minutes gathering my thoughts and thinking of the best choice, before replying "Well I don't think either choice is better than the other really" to which I get a raised eyebrow from father asking me to elaborate "If we were to buy from the Riverlands then we would get it cheaper than from other sources but then if its in small quantities then we would probably only be buying the scraps and the poor quality produce from the harvest. Whereas the Reach is the opposite, it can supply high quality produce in large amounts but for very high prices, now I'm not sure how much but for you to comment on it then it must be an absurd price. All in all I don't think either option is better."

Father stews in his seat for a moment "You have good reasoning Cerion, but not an answer, to be a good Lord you must be decisive and sometimes you must choose an option even if it costs you. I will say again, which option is better?"

"What about importing from Essos?, they are said to produce vast quantities of food and are barely affected by winter." I ask, genuinely curious as too what his answer may be.

"Too risky, supply ships carrying that amount of food would be vulnerable to pirates, storms and even other Free Cities. No doubt the Magisters would drive up the prices once they know I'm buying the food, not to mention what kinds of food we would buy, Westeros have a much more... refined palate than Essos." he replies after contemplating it for a few seconds.

Seeing one alternative I had get shot down, I answer "Then I suppose that the Reach would be the better choice, they are the second largest Kingdom out of the Seven and unlike the North, nearly all that land is being put to use. There is also the fact that there is a better general security of food there than in the Riverlands, it is said by Archmaester Crey that nearly all wars and conflicts are mainly fought in the Riverlands as they are at the centre of the Seven Kingdoms. It would probably be wise to hash out a long-term trade agreement between the Westerlands and the Reach where we would buy shipments of food for a set price depending on the harvest."

Tywin nods his head at my answer "A good answer and one which I agree with for the most part. When you become Warden of the West, it will be your duty to make sure the West does not starve. As that is so, I will be passing on that task to you."

To say I was shocked was an understatement, I mean I would be responsible for Tens of thousands of people and making sure that they don't starve to death in the coming winter.

Seeing my expression of surprise, father added "You will write a ledger that will tell me everything that you will do and you will document the Harvests when it is time. I will of course observe your actions and step in if I must. The Maester's of the Citadel think that this will be a long summer, giving you more than enough time. I want you to remember that if you succeed, you will cement a good image in the eyes of the Houses of the West."