
A Former Bum dancing under the Sun

Alright… here we go, MC determined, Hax determined (Yoriichi shit), let me quickly roll the dice to see which sense gets a stupid amount of buff,….Touch, so Inosuke route.

ProfesorGoblitz · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Breaking Dawn

In the main land, the land of Asura, in the Fittoa Region was a village, to the Northeast of the Capital.

Weaving through fields grown from hard labor, on the edge of the forest that beasts and low ranked monsters lurk.

And the house where the man in charge of the region was at, Paul Greyrat, along with his wife and maid.

Who were all outside, be it to work, train, or to play, or the very least enjoy the sun be it ti lie down or tend the garden.

It was a nice day…which is why I was wondering why were we still inside.

Granted, I myself didn't have the problem going outside,… but apparently my new brother of this life, his name being Rudeus Greyrat, did have trouble going outside.

He simply did not want to go out, as if there was some deep seated fear and despair that if he were to go out, it would only mean bad things, be it to him or others I did not have a clue.

I assume he had some left over trauma from his last life

It wasn't exactly hard to determine that we both incarnated, I never understood why people that wrote stories about both children that reincarnated never realized that they shared the same circumstances with their twin.

I have seen it a few times in anime…like Oshi no Ko, like seriously, it took me a week, to realize our behavior isn't natural whatsoever.

I have helped raise two younger brothers in my last life, as well as had a class in school that had me take care of a baby doll that was programmed to act like the real thing.

It was hell.

Me and Rudeus however only ever cried when necessary.

I slept soundly at night…ok no I did not, my parents'…excerices scarred me deeply,…and unfortunately revealed a side of my new brother I wasn't very fond of.

He was a pervert…no a degenerate,…on such a level based on his expression, that wide open mouth grin with a flaring nose, that it made it obvious that things were looking grim for the future I was living in.

Seriously, it was no wonder the maid preferred me over him at times…at least I believe so, she had a cold mask I could not read at all, but the fact remained thar compared to her continuously holding me longer when she did her duties (going at normal speed), while with my brother she sped through as much as she could to get it over with spoke volumes in my eyes.

It's been a year and a half now…based on the snow that had arrived and left, it's hard to keep track, my eyes have finally developed enough to see colors and see the full distance they should be able to…that should have stopped developing a year ago.

Except it didn't.

"So your saying you can see through people," Rudeus asks curiously, as we crawled up the stairs, before he pulled the demeaning face again, "does that mean you can see through Lilia's clothing he he he,".

I deadpanned, "please stop, also I can, but I don't see the point in that," feeling something was off, I pulled myself out of the mental mindset I was in.

My mind kept naturally wandering back to a mindset where…I just didn't really feel anything…a little bit, but incredibly dulled, be it disgust, anger, or even fear of the situation at birth.

It was almost like I was putting myself aside for a bit, I didn't like I could just do that so naturally I at times am unaware that I slip into it.

Rudeus looked at me strangely, "come on, weren't you a guy?…wait were you, I never actually thought about the fact the my gender was by complete chance," the child that was actually a man thoughtfully said with a curious glint.

"No, I was a guy,…I just never found anyone I found sexual attractive," I wasn't sure why I was sharing this, but I suppose this would be a sure fire way to bond…maybe,

"…really? Never?," as he finally reached the end of the top of the stair way with me not far behind.

"Nope,…well except that one time I had a crush on a childhood friend…apparently according to one of my cousins that might mean I'm Demisexual," the last word was in English, as I don't know what would even remotely come close to that in this language, and I never studied Japanese.

Speaking of English, the blank look on Rudeus face told me that he didn't know what it meant…which was fair.

"…in order for the possibility of me actually getting attracted to someone to occur, I need to actually emotionally bond to them first, a particularly sturdy one too," I said nonchalantly, as I laid down on my back, only a sharp sound of inhaling could be heard from me.

The other one winced and gave me a look of pity, "that's rough, I can't imagine something like that, I would feel like a part of me isn't responding,".

I raised on eyebrow, "I mean…in my eyes I don't really feel like I'm losing out on much, I can tell if someone is beautiful or less so, it's just I won't go…ugh hard for them,".

The literal man child giggled, as he immaturely placed a hand on his mouth while his mouth was open, I rolled my eyes.

"Wait, going back on topic, you said you can see through clothes? Like x-ay?," he quickly retorted, and it was my turn to stare blankly at the last word.

"Uuuuuh…that thing, that that test doctors do to check fractures on your bones and you have to wear lead.

Quickly piecing it together, I returned his earlier question, "x-ray,… I mean, kinda?, except only on living things, though I struggle heavily on trees, and it's not just clothing or bones, I can see how your body functions, I can see how your blood flows,…it's very fascinating as it is gross" as I let loose a burst of air through my mouth.

He just stared for a bit, probably thinking something, before he replied, "hey…I've been meaning to ask you something, for a long while now…but didn't get a chance before because…well no common language and all and almost no privacy, and by the time we did manage to break the code on it, I got used to it and forgot…,".

"Go on…." I answered curiously, as I tilted my head towards him.

"…Whats with those noises you keep making when you breathe," he finally answered after trying to probably phrase it right before giving up.

I blinked twice in realization, 'ah, …he meant THAT,' before I rolled over to my stomach and looked at him as his head stared directly down at me.

"I honestly don't know…or more accurately I don't remember clearly yet, I do this naturally, instinctively actually, but apparently, if I remeber this right, this is giving me superhuman body by breathing right," I answered honestly, I don't have anything to hide, I would rather be an actual brother and not just something we had to play along to appease the parents.

His eyes widened, "…WAIT, is that how you were able to sit up and crawl before I could even roll over?!," he looked at me as if I was a filthy cheater.

I raised on eyebrow in amusement, "hey your the one who actually remembers their life perfectly while I'm stuck over here just recovering them little by little,".

He puffed his cheeks up in a pout like a real child…kinda weird, is the body and his mind showing a disbalance?

It was a few minute before he calmed down, sighing and proceeded to turn to the hallway, we were about to actually explore the second layer of the house without supervision,…until I felt through my enhanced touch what felt like someone quietly moving to us.

I quickly turned to see a familiar hand reach out and grab me without fail as I squeaked in surprise, which Rudeus not being far behind.

It was Lilia, who sighed as she made her way back down the stairs, "honestly young master Rudeus, young master Auster, you two should really stay in place, at least in the first floor, I'm quite sure your mother would not be happy that you two could've fallen down the steps,".

She says it as if it was addressed to us, but her muttering to herself while not looking at us said otherwise…

Right…even after a year hearing that properly…it felt strange to be called Auster.

Its mine though, and I will try to live my life to the fullest.

…just wish my "dearest" brother would put away that face.