
A Flugel's Gacha

An ordinary anime fan transmigrates into the world of Fairy Tail with a Gacha System and a sassy A.I Kouhai. He wants to become strong enough that nobody can mess with him ever again… And have a harem of girls, but he’s a bit too embarrassed to say that out loud. Updates (Hopefully) once per week on Thursday.

Ezras_Hargrave · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Chapter 5

I took a deep breath and wiped sweat from my brow using my arm as I looked at the area around me, having been putting all my focus on training my Star Dragon Slayer Magic and my Time Magic.

Time Magic wasn't exactly easy to grow when I could only use it on myself at the moment. I'd probably have to ask other Guild Members to help me develop new spells like 'Slow' and such. However, I felt confident that I'd developed 'Haste' to a good enough level… At the very least, to the point where I also sped up the brain so that those targeted by it could also process things faster. That way, I could understand people who sounded like they were talking in slow motion.

Star Dragon Slayer Magic, on the other hand, was much easier. It was all about just developing different ways to use it, and then improving on it once you developed a spell. With that in mind, I'd been able to use the abilities of other Dragon Slayers as a reference to help develop my magic.

"BB, how long have I been here?" I ask her. I did notice the sun setting a few times, but with how focused I was it all kind of just blurred together.

[Hmm…] She tapped her chin. [About two weeks?]

I stared at her in surprise… "I've been here for fourteen days!?" I exclaimed and shook my head. "Right, no more training for now…" I muttered before I opened my status screen.


Time Magic (Initiate)

Magic that allows one control over Time.

Star Dragon Slayer Magic (Amateur)

Magic capable of killing dragons utilising the power of the Stars.


Star Dragon's Roar – Long Range Spell, the user unleashes a roar imbued with the cosmic energy of the stars.

Star Dragon's Fist – Enhancement Spell, the user strengthens their fists with their magic to deliver a powerful punch.

Star Dragon's Talon – Enhancement Spell, the user strengthens their feet with their magic to deliver a powerful kick.

Star Dragon's Wingbeat – Mid Range Spell, the user unleashes their magic in a sweeping fashion, similar to that of a Dragon's Wingbeat to attack their foes.

Star Dragon's Steps – Enhancement Spell, the user strengthens their legs, allowing them to move at greater speeds and perform more complex manoeuvres.

Star Dragon's Blade – Short to Mid-Range Spell, the user moves their hand in a swiping manner to unleash energy waves that can slice and cut like a blade.

I smiled, tired but proud as I saw the results of my own hard work. Time Magic had been upgraded to Initiate, while my Dragon Slayer Magic had been increased all the way to Amateur. To increase time Magic further, I would likely need to develop some more spells.

I looked around at the damage to the area done around me, and a thought struck me…

"Hm…" I thought about my Haste Spell, how it advanced time… So… What if I tried to do something similar to Ultear, and did the opposite, reversing time to fix the damage around me?

I hesitated for a moment before I decided to try it, focusing on a single crater I'd formed nearby. I carefully pushed out my magic, forming a magic circle in front of myself, my brow furrowing as I directed my magic to undo what I had done.


Nothing happened for a moment before I watched as dirt and debris from the surrounding area slowly began to roll backwards towards the hole, filling it up and becoming compact once again…

I took nearly five minutes, but eventually the singular crater I had focused on was now gone, replace with the grass of the clearing as if no damage had been done at all.

I quickly opened my status once again to see my new spell.

Rewind – AOE/Target Spell, reverses time in the surrounding area, undoing any damage done. Can only be done on non-living beings (plant-life and other similar existences are not counted as living beings to this spell unless they have enough intelligence to be considered truly 'sentient.')

I smiled proudly at the sight of my new spell. Given the amount of damage Fairy Tail Mages were known to do, and I would likely do as well given I knew I was careless, this spell was godsent. It may take some time, but I would be able to fix any damage I did. It was time consuming now but with the amount of practice I would be getting in the future, I'd be able to get this spell down to seconds!

… Almost kinda made me feel like Thanos using the Time Stone.

I took a deep breath and got to work fixing the other craters around me… It took about an hour to fix everything, but soon enough the clearing looked as if I'd done no damage to it at all!

"Ahh… No property damage for this guy," I smiled happily.

[Heeeh~] BB smiled. [I guess Senpai is actually good at using Magic, who would have thought?]

"Really? Can't you just give me a genuine compliment?"

[What's that taste like?]

I just grumbled and shook my head, undoing my transformation magic and flying over to the guild. It was faster than walking, and I honestly didn't feel like walking after having done nothing but training for 2 weeks without a break.

'I'm hungry…'

[But you don't need to eat, Senpai.]

'Doesn't mean I'm not hungry. Besides, the taste of food is nice. Just because I don't need to eat, doesn't mean I don't want to eat.'

[So, Senpai has gone from eat to live to live to eat~]

I gave her a small glare and she smiled innocently as if she'd done nothing wrong.

I huffed and touched down in front of the guild, re-applying the transformation magic to hide my wings and halo once again before I made my way into the guild and walked up to the bar, taking a seat.

"Hey, Mavis," I greeted the barmaid, who smiled at me.

"Oh, Ash," she smiled at me warmly. "Welcome back! You were gone for quite a while, where did you go?"

"Well…" I rubbed the back of my head. "Once Nozomi showed me that training location, I went there and… Then I just started training… And I never stopped."

She stared at me for a moment and then shook her head. "I have a feeling this is going to be rather normal with you," she told me, feeling exasperated. "You must be starving; I'll make you something to eat. Is there anything you'd like?"

"That pasta you made me last time was really good, I'd like that again," I told her, feeling a bit sheepish.

She smiled kindly and nodded as she got to work cooking. "So, how did your training go? Given you were gone for two weeks, you must have made a lot of progress."

"I did," I nodded. "I mostly focused on developing my Dragon Slayer abilities since that's my primary attack ability. I managed to create a few good spells I think will definitely help me out in a pinch, though I definitely need more ranged options in the future."

"That's good," she hummed. "Making progress with your primary power is obviously ideal, but did you make any progress with your Time Magic?"

"A little," I told her. "I mostly improved the one spell I did have to be a bit more dependable, but I also developed another spell I call 'Rewind.' It only affects non-living things, but I'm able to reverse that thing's 'Time' and undo any damage."

She stopped cooking for a moment and looked at me. "That's amazing," she told me, slightly shocked. "A spell to rewind time? Even if it's limited to non-living things, it means that you could take a wide variety of jobs on the board now. Restoring priceless artefacts, repairing buildings… You can even fix damage you do during jobs that Fairy Tail is rather famous for causing, thus meaning you'll never have to forfeit any part of your reward!"

"I could also repair old books on lost or valuable magic," I added. "After all, who knows what kind of spells have been lost after hundreds or thousands of years?"

Mavis paused at my words, and I couldn't help but wonder if she was thinking about several such books on Tenrou Island that were no longer readable due to the damage.

Mavis was someone who, as far as I was aware, loved knowledge. She loved learning new things; she was very prideful about the fact that her vast knowledge helped her form incredible strategies… Though she did have a habit of breaking down a bit if her strategies failed.

"I'll bring any such books I find like that to you," she smiled, her eyes lighting up at the thought of obtaining old, forgotten knowledge.

"Sure," I smiled in amusement as we fell into a comfortable silence before she placed the food in front of me and I began to eat.

Ahh…~ After not having eaten anything for two weeks, the feeling of food slowly filling my stomach felt great! Plus, the food tasted really nice too… Hm, maybe I could consider re-creating some recipes from my past life? Something to consider.

"So, Mavis, how do jobs work?" I asked her between bites.

"What do you mean?" She asked, tilting her head.

"I mean… I know there are such a thing as S-Class Mages, but does that mean that there are A-Class, B-Class, and so on?"

"Oh!" Her eyes lit up. "Now I see what you mean. Right, so… For normal mages who don't have a guild, if they want to take jobs then they have to register with the Magic Council. Every mage starts at E-Class unless your magic is shown to be exceptionally powerful like a Dragon Slayer, in which case you may be assigned D-Class or C-Class immediately. After you successfully complete about ten to twenty missions of your current class, you can then take a test with the Magic Council to determine your physical strength, magical strength, and your intelligence. If you pass, then you will successfully go up a single Class, unless you show yourself to be very exceptional, in which case you may skip a class entirely. S-Class is different, but not relevant for the moment since you're part of our guild, so how they determine S-Class doesn't matter as much."

She took a sip from a glass of water nearby before she continued. "With Guilds, however, it is different. Everyone starts at E-Class, no exceptions. You could be S-Class in another guild, but you will start at E-Class if you leave that guild and join a new one unless the new Guild Master decides it is a waste to keep you at E-Class, in which case he may decide your starting Class is higher. After clearing a certain number of jobs, you will then be directly promoted to the next Class if the Guild Master deems that you are worthy of it. When it comes to S-Class, for Fairy Tail, we have the S-Class Trials where the Guild Master selects a certain number of candidates for S-Class and then they all go to Tenrou Island, Fairy Tail's personal island. There, the Master himself holds an examination and will determine who is worthy of being promoted to S-Class. It could be one person is promoted, or multiple people, or none."

"I see," I nodded at her words. "So, at the moment, I can only take E-Class Jobs. Once I complete enough, I'll be promoted to D-Class, and so on and so forth until I eventually hit A-Class. Then, I'll need to hope Master chooses me for the S-Class Trials?"

"You got it!" She smiled.

"Right, thank you," I smiled at her. "What do E-Class jobs consist of, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh, usually E-Class Jobs are more akin to chores," she explained. "Like helping someone plow a field, helping with construction. Basically, any sort of menial labour that either doesn't require magic or only requires a small amount of magic."

Hm, so sort of like D-Rank Missions in the Naruto Universe…

This… Could actually be pretty useful. E-Class missions, especially ones that required more hard labour, would be exceptionally useful in helping me build up my body, increasing stamina, strength, and so on.

Granted, given I could cast magic for 2 weeks and only be slightly tired, I didn't think I would have to worry about stamina. But physical strength was another matter, I would take any small gains I could get given what dangers I knew were coming in the future like the Oracion Seis, Phantom Lord, and so on…

"Right," I finished my meal and stood up. "Thank you for the meal, Mavis. I think I'm going to go grab a job from the board," I smiled at her. "Thanks for explaining things to me."

"Not a problem," she smiled. "Oh, right! One more thing, to take a job you have to choose it and then bring it to either the Master or I, and we'll have to approve it. This is to make sure you don't take higher Class jobs or jobs that we don't think you are capable of."

Hm… That sort of confirmed for me that Mavis was definitely the First Guild Master of Fairy Tail. A normal barmaid wouldn't have the experience to determine how strong someone was just by looking at them. It was something that came from experience and understanding, which explained why Mirajane was allowed to sign off on people going on jobs.

Which also begged the question, why was Fairy Tail's First Guild Master pretending to be a barmaid?

I smiled at her and nodded. "Don't worry, I'll bring the job to you," I waved and made my way over to the job notice board.

This timeline was interesting, and things were too different from what I've known. I would have to do my best to slowly get stronger, and to make sure I didn't get cocky or secure in my future knowledge. It could mean my death if I did something stupid, after all.