
A Flawless Legacy (Waifu Catalog SI)

A person from gets Waifu Catalog System and uses it to reincarnate himself in the Naruto world. Now a newly orphaned Ren Uchiha comes over to live with Fugaku and his family. Wait!? Itachi is a girl? Mito Uzumaki, Ringo Ameyuri and other beautiful women are still alive? The other villages realised how awesome I am and want to go to war with Konoha? Watch as our SI shocks everyone with his abilities and goes on to become the strongest in the world while getting himself a few waifus on the side. For advanced chapters: https://www.p@treon.com/ankit1

Fortunate_Soul · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
65 Chs

Chapter 61- Ren becomes a father

Ren Uchiha POV

He hovered high up in the sky and watched with a content gaze as Konan, Pakura, Yugito Nii and Mito fought against the Level 80 Orcs.

After advancing his ID to Level 8, it began producing monsters capable of posing a challenge even to an Elite Jounin.

These Orcs were still not a match for his women, individually. But they came in a large numbers, were smart enough to work together in strategic formations, and had access to armour and weapons, with some of those Orcs being Shamans even having access to ranged and magical attacks.

Despite all those advantages, the Orcs still poses very little challenge to his women, who had trained from an early age with the sole purpose of killing their enemies.

Even Mei had insisted to join in on the fight, despite being 6 months pregnant. And his dumbass self had fallen for her puppy eyes and had allowed her to come, albeit under strict conditions. She would only fight from distance with her Ninjutsu, while always being protected by two of his Shadow Clones.

Despite her protests about being treated like a porcelain doll, he remained steadfast in his decision, unwilling to endanger their unborn child.

He watched as his women tore through the Orc's ranks, effortlessly evading attacks and striking with precision at vital points using kunai and shuriken.

The Orcs were extremely durable though, and had an innate regeneration that kept them in the fight long after an Elite Jounin would've died ten times over.

He'd seen an Orc, who'd been covered in Mei's acid to the point that all its muscles were visible, keeping fighting for five more minutes before it was finally put out of its misery.

Finally, as the last of the Orc was torn to pieces by Mito's Golden Chains, dropping a steel pauldron and a few pieces of gold coins as loot, the boss music started to play, and a large Orc appeared in the distance.

Toweringly imposing, this Orc dwarfed all others previously encountered, standing at an impressive nine feet tall. Its massive frame was adorned in heavy armor, providing full-body protection. Gripped firmly in its hands was a menacing double-headed axe, a weapon capable of cleaving through any of his women should they underestimate its strength.

Orc Boss Level 93​

He knew all this without even using Observe because he had fought this guy before. Multiple times, really. The Orc Boass was deceptively fast for its size. And extremely strong. In fact, the only one in Konoha who had a high Str stat than it was him, Sage Jiraiya, Sage Minato, Might Guy and Tsunade when she enhanced her body with Chakra. With every other S-class shinobi falling short in pure brute strength.

As per their predetermined plan, Konan stepped forward to confront the imposing Orc while the rest of the group held back.

Upon reaching Tier 9, he had fully unlocked all of Han Jeehan's abilities, including his vast magical reserves and every skill Han Jeehan possessed. However, these skills began at Level 1 and required leveling up from there.

He was putting off learning those Magical skills as he had been focused on other things recently, but he knew that he would eventually have to take some time out of his schedule to learn them. Not doing so would just be lazy.

He landed on the ground beside his women, Mito already having brought out chairs for all of them from a Storage Seal, and sat down to watch the fight between the Orc Boss and Konan.

For all that he had hyped up the Orc Boss, the fight itself was completely one-sided in Konan's favour.

Mainly because while the Orc Boss was indeed extremely strong, Konan's body was nigh impervious to physical attacks. What's more, she could just fly in the sky, where the Orc Boss was unable to chase her, and bombard the Orc Boss with Explosive Seals, decreasing its health little by little.

Even when the Orc Boss reached its enraged state, losing its armour but becoming even stronger and faster in return, it proved powerless against Konan and died a dog's death.

Upon its death, it dropped a wad of 6 million Ryo in cash, along with a set of 6 Health Potions, a piece of Adamantine ingot, and the double headed war Axe as its loot. The golden aura around Konan's body told him that she'd Levelled Up as well.

His Shadow Clones had swiftly collected the loot dropped by the other Orcs, ready to be evenly distributed among his women later. And with the boss defeated, it was time to exit the ID.

Gathering his women around him, he initiated the ID Escape, transporting them back to his manor.

However, their return was met with a worried-looking Shadow Clone awaiting them. "Boss, Ringo has gone into labor," the Shadow Clone informed him anxiously.

Before he could entertain the idea of teleporting to Ringo's side, he felt Mito's reassuring grip on his shoulder.

Turning to her, he met her determined gaze. "We're all going with you," she declared firmly.

He glanced at Konan, who hesitated briefly before nodding. "I'll accompany you," she affirmed. "However, could you please Hiraishin a Shadow Clone of mine to Ame? I don't want my people to be without leadership for too long."

He affirmed, and once arrangements were made, they proceeded to the hospital. Four of his shadow clones stood guard over the area, maintaining a protective barrier around the birthing chamber with Fuinjutsu. This seal ensured that the space remained sealed off, preventing any potential threats from intruding and endangering his loved ones.

This level of protection was kinda unnecessary, considering that he had already found and sealed Black Zetsu in another dimension. And Obito had already been dealt with as well. But better have precaution and not need it than need it and not have it.

Following a discussion with Tsunade Sensei, who oversaw the delivery, he was granted access to the room. And after three relatively painless hours, during which Tsunade used her mastery of the human body to slowly loosen Ringo's birthing canal until the baby can finally come safely into the world.

And just as that happened, he got a notification in his Company Device and saw that the baby was added to his list of Captured Waifus and Familiars. Though this one had a new designation to it, called an 'Offspring'.

Seated beside Ringo, he watched as Tsunade skillfully severed the umbilical cord and tenderly cleaned the baby before presenting him to them.

"Congratulations." Tsunade said, looking genuinely happy for the two of them. "It's a boy."

"Thank you, Sensei." He said as he stared at the boy, his eyes becoming blurry from emotions.

Two lives, and he'd finally become a father. And despite having a vast amount of wealth and resources in his grasp, he now felt that his son was now his greatest treasure. And his greatest creation.

He watched with happiness bubbling in his chest as Ringo started to breastfeed the boy. He held the boy's hand and felt his happiness increased tenfold as the baby got hold of his finger. It's hand looking tiny in comparison to his index finger.

"Have you thought up a name for him?" Tsunade asked, looking a bit wistful as the other medics slowly evacuated the room.

He and Ringo had already deliberated on this matter. While Ringo didn't mind him choosing names for their children, he had given her the honour of naming any daughters they had, while reserving the privilege of naming their sons for himself.

"Yes. His name will be Hashira. Hashira Uchiha," he announced. "In honour of the man who envisioned a brighter future for a war torn world and dedicated his life to achieving it. In honour of the founder of Konoha."

As he spoke, he noticed Tsunade's eyes glistening with tears. "Although I hope he doesn't inherit your grandfather's penchant for gambling," he added, eliciting a wet chuckle from Tsunade.

"Yes, let's hope not," she agreed, her voice tinged with fondness.


Ringo POV

A day later.

Her entire world was pain as an overwhelming surge of chakra tore through her Chakra coils. Grimacing, she clutched onto Ren's arm tightly, the warm green chakra coming out of him soothing away some of the pain.

After what felt like an eternity, the process finally concluded. She sat up on the cold hard ground, filled with Fuinjutsu seals and studied the new seal in her belly.

"That… let's not repeat that anytime soon." She said and then leaned into Ren's arms, unwilling to do anything but be pampered after this harrowing ordeal.

Ren scooped her up in a princess carry, allowing her to nestle closer to him as he spoke. "Sorry for putting you through that. But once you master becoming a Perfect Jinchuriki, your power will receive a significant boost."

"I bet capturing a Tier 7 Familiar doesn't hurt either." She said teasingly, fully aware of the main reason behind why he asked her to become a Jinchuriki.

It wasn't like she even blamed him for it, considering that as his 'waifu' she and her children got to share in his Defences and benefitted from his other powers like the Gamer System.

If she could help him while becoming more powerful herself, then why the hell would she ever hesitate. Yes, the process was painful, but she'd endured a lot worse during her training in Kiri.

"No, I suppose it doesn't," Ren agreed, glancing at his Company Device, which now displayed a new entry for Son Goku, the Four Tails, as her Tier 7 Familiar. This acquisition granted Ren 60 points, boosting his total from 51 to 111 points.

"Take me back to Hashira. I want to hold him once more," she requested, and Ren nodded before teleporting them back home.


Tsunade POV

She drank sake in a restaurant, trying not to think about Ren and Ringo's new baby as that led her to a spiral of depression regarding her own childless life. Then her drinking got interrupted by an unwanted visitor.

"Shouldn't you be with your wife and child?" she inquired, attempting to temper her bitterness during this joyous occasion. Even the Hokage had temporarily left his duties to partake in the celebrations.

"I am with them right now. The Second Tsuchikage's technique is rather useful like that. Then, I sensed your emotions and decided to come give you a visit." Ren explained as he seated himself beside her, their shoulders touching. A warmth spread from her belly to her core as they sat together.

For a fleeting moment, she entertained the notion that he had employed some form of seductive jutsu to stir her arousal. However, a brief self-assessment revealed that it was simply her body's natural response to the presence of a young and exceedingly attractive man.

"Did you acquire that emotion sensing technique from 'that woman'?" she inquired, brushing aside her own arousal, even as Ren's hand found its way to her thigh, gently caressing it.

She turned to him with a deadpan expression, which he mirrored with a seemingly innocent gaze of his own.

Any other day, she would've punched him out of the restaurant for that. However, her emotions were in disarray at the moment, and considering Ren had just become a father, she chose to exercise restraint.

"No, I learned this technique on my own when my basic Chakra Sense reached a high enough level." Ren explained, his hand edging closer to her inner thigh, eliciting a shiver that sent a wave of moisture to her core.

Her breath grew heavier, and she contemplated removing his arm. But after some thought, she decided to let it be, despite knowing where it might led.

Knowingly being seduced by her own disciple was not a good decision. But her entire life was a long list of wrong decisions. What's one more to the tally. At least she might enjoy this, provided she didn't regret it too much in the aftermath.

"You're fucking her." She said, though the words didn't came out accusatory, as she'd expected. "You do realise that she's old enough to be your great grandmother, right?"

"It seems I have a thing for older women." Ren replied with a nonchalant shrug, eliciting a soft chuckle from her. However, that chuckle swiftly transformed into a moan as Ren's hand grazed against her pussy lips.

The gaze of other patrons in the restaurant fell upon her, causing her cheeks to flush crimson. She redirected her glare toward her impudent disciple, who seemed thoroughly entertained by her embarrassment.

"Seriously? Can you be any more repressed?" Ren quipped, his deep, husky voice sending a shiver of arousal through her.

"Do you want to die, bastard?"

"No. I want to live forever, surrounded by friends and family." He said, before he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Her breast pressed against his chest and she let out a shuddering breath, another involuntary moan escaping her lips. "And I think we've danced around for long enough, wife."

"I'm not your—" She began to protest, but her words halted abruptly as Ren seamlessly teleported them from the restaurant to a soft bed in the blink of an eye. "—wife…"

"No, you're not," Ren confessed, surprising her. His hand trailed tantalisingly along her waist, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in its wake before finally reaching one of her ample breasts, where he began to caress her with practiced skill.

She knew she should put a halt to this, that it was inherently wrong. He was her disciple, and moreover, he was already married—several times over, in fact.

So why wasn't she stopping him?

"But I hope you'll consider my proposal by the time we're finished here," he murmured. In an instant, she found herself reclining on the plush bed, Ren leisurely positioning himself over her.

"What—" she began, but Ren silenced her with a finger pressed gently against her lips, his intense gaze fixing upon her.

"Shh… Just rest and enjoy yourself, Sensei. Leave everything else to me." He said, and in the next intent, he tore off her clothes, leaving her completely naked.

She immediately tried to cover herself, only for Ren to take hold of her arms and place them over her head, leaving the rest of her body wide open for him to do with as he wished.

Just the mere thought of that terrified and excited her in equal measure, causing a steady flow of wetness leaking out of her womanhood.

She tried to move her arm out of his grip, and then realised the real difference between their power as she was unable to move an inch.

It was like she was back in the academy days once again. A talented but otherwise helpless student who had a long way to go.

The notion stirred her further, a flush of desire staining her cheeks as she swallowed hard, meeting Ren's gaze.

Her bastard disciple chose that moment to lean down and place a kiss upon her lips.

He must've used some sort of Sex based Jutsu because her entire body tingled at that kiss, her mind going blank at the sensation and a torrent of fluid surged out from between her thighs, drenching the bed.

Ren broke the kiss, gazing down at her with a hint of surprise.

"Tsunade…" His use of her name, for the first time, sent a shiver of arousal through her. "Did you just climax from a kiss?"

Her cheeks burned crimson, and she averted her gaze, wishing that the ground would rise up and swallow her.

"You're really pent up, aren't you." Ren asked as he leaned down and placed a kiss on her cheeks before his lips brushed into her ears and he whispered. "That's alright. Just relax, and let me take care of you."

And what else could she say to that but nod.

Ren's smirk widened as he descended, his lips tracing a path along her body until he tenderly grasped her soft, ample breasts. With a deliberate slowness, he lowered his head, maintaining eye contact as his tongue swirled sensually around her light pink nipples.

A surge of electricity shot through her, causing her back to arch and a shuddering moan to escape her lips as Ren effortlessly elicited another climax, using a single application of an actual Sex-based Jutsu.

As her senses reeled from the overwhelming pleasure of the brief orgasm, a distant part of her mind registered the fact that Ren had refrained from using any of his sex-based jutsu on her thus far. Given his current performance, she was certain she would have been aware if he had.

Gradually returning to reality, she found herself gasping for air, her forehead damp with sweat and her hair clinging to her skin. Sensing Ren nuzzling against her breasts, she allowed herself to revel in the intimate moment before he shifted his attention.

Trailing kisses down her abdomen, he reached her belly button and continued southward until he reached her moistened core, pausing momentarily.

Anticipation surged within her as Ren locked eyes with her once more, before grasping her thighs and lifting them onto his shoulders. With a gentle pressure, he leaned forward, bending her in half until her dripping arousal was prominently displayed before him.

Her lower lips continued to quiver from the previous orgasms, while anticipation of what was to come heightened with Ren's every movement. As he lowered his face, taking in a deep inhale of her arousal, she tensed in anticipation.

Ren's skilled tongue teased the edges of her entrance, intensifying the anticipation before meeting her gaze once more. With deliberate intent, he trailed his tongue across her sensitive nub.

Her fists clenched the bedsheets tightly as waves of pleasure consumed her once again, enveloping her in a world of bliss. It seemed almost unreal, the rapid succession and intensity of her orgasms. Yet Ren somehow orchestrated it all, granting her sensations of pleasure more profound than she had ever experienced before.

A traitorous part of her mind drew comparisons between Ren and the brief moments she had shared with Dan, mere innocent explorations where they discovered more about each other. They never went to the end, but from what little she could compare of that experience with Ren, the difference was so staggering that she might as well forget about her lost love at this point.

Another shuddering breath escaped her lips as clarity returned to her senses. Blinking, she found Ren's face looming above her own, and she realized that he had contorted her body completely, her knees pressed against her ears as Ren positioned himself at her entrance.

His nine inches of thick, rigid shaft teased and grazed against her quivering entrance, a distant realisation dawning upon her that she was on the verge of losing her virginity.

In one decisive, forceful motion, Ren penetrated her, claiming her virginity and marking her as his own. And all she could manage in response was a low, guttural moan of pleasure, surrendering to the overwhelming sensations as another climax washed over her.


AN: This story is mostly finished at this point, with only four more chapters left. Three, I suppose, as the last chapter is just Ren having sex with Kaguya, and a two year timeskip before he meets a Waifu Catalog employee and negotiates his transfer to the next world.

And for those who already don't know. The next world is Worm.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.