
A Flawless Legacy (Waifu Catalog SI)

A person from gets Waifu Catalog System and uses it to reincarnate himself in the Naruto world. Now a newly orphaned Ren Uchiha comes over to live with Fugaku and his family. Wait!? Itachi is a girl? Mito Uzumaki, Ringo Ameyuri and other beautiful women are still alive? The other villages realised how awesome I am and want to go to war with Konoha? Watch as our SI shocks everyone with his abilities and goes on to become the strongest in the world while getting himself a few waifus on the side. For advanced chapters: https://www.p@treon.com/ankit1

Fortunate_Soul · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
65 Chs

Chapter 29- Gaining a new ally

Mito Uzumaki POV

She sat in the outskirts of Kiri, a thin barrier making her invisible to any and all sensors within. Well, those that were still alive at least.

Her Kagura's mind eye allowed her to sense the entirety of Kiri, giving her a good picture of the various battles going on inside the village.

Unlike what she'd shown that mysterious Konoha Anbu, she hadn't truly left Kiri. She'd only pretended to do so, while in truth, she merely stashed away all the valuable stuff she'd stolen from Kiri's R&D Department before returning to observe the rest of the battle.

Truly, when she had decided to infiltrate Kiri today in order to take advantage of the chaos, she hadn't expected that someone else would have the same idea.

It seems like Konoha's new Hokage was more proactive than little monkey, who would never have even thought about attacking another Major village unprovoked. Especially when Konoha was already at war with two others.

But from what she could sense, the 4th Hokage's risky venture seemed to have resulted in great victory.

Because when she came to Kiri this evening, intending to steal all their secrets from the R&D Department, she had sensed about 13,000 shinobi within the village.

Now, she could sense only half of that number. And while half might not sound so bad, Kiri had suffered far more in terms of quality than quantity.

All of the S-class shinobi that Kiri had were now dead. Their chakra flickering away into nothingness as their lives were snuffed one by one through the course of this operation.

And a similar fate befell all the Elite-Jounins who had fought in this battle. It appeared that Konoha was intentionally focusing on eliminating Kiri's leadership and powerful shinobi.

Not to mention the additional casualties – among those who managed to survive the conflict, a significant number would succumb to their injuries. Furthermore, many others would either desert the village or die to infighting in the next few days.

Even now, when all the Konoha shinobi had pulled out, the Kaguya clan members were still on their ruthless campaign to slaughter the rest of Kiri's population. And while the others had banded together to put them down, without the help of any S-class or Elite-Jounin to lead them, the best they could do was drown the Kaguya in bodies.

And that only scratches the surface of the devastation.

Every piece of infrastructure that Kiri once took pride in has been utterly obliterated by the Konoha shinobi.

Their Mizukage Tower? Gone. Their clan compounds? Gone. Their Port? Gone. Their Shinobi Academy? Gone. Their R&D Department? Gone. Their T&I Department? Gone. It was safe to say that the Konoha shinobi had destroyed everything of import within Kiri.

And while the buildings themselves could be easily repaired, the information within would be forever lost to them.

All the Jutsu that Kiri had collected so zealously over the decades had now been reduced to ashes. The same for all their intelligence, research, and most importantly, the remaining 7 Swords.

Kiri would take an entire generations to recover from this damage. Assuming they ever recovered at all and didn't just fell to infighting.

And she would do her damned best to make sure that they indeed fall to infighting. A few key assassinations and then blaming the other party for it would make sure that the remaining Kiri shinobi would start blood feuds and kill each other until none remains.

It was a fitting end to one of the villages who had destroyed her clan. Yes, revenge was sweet indeed.

The only person left with the ability to take charge and unite Kiri at this point, was the Jinchuriki of the 6 tails. And that was one of the reasons why she had volunteered to give his location to that Konoha Anbu.

Only problem was, she had no idea where he was.

But locating him shouldn't be difficult for her. She'd met him a few year ago, after all. It was more by coincidence than anything, but she'd taken that time to remember his chakra signature in case she ever needed to find him again.

And it seemed like she would have to find him again. In one month at that.

Now, finding a single shinobi in the entirety of the land of Water would be a difficult prospect for anyone, give that there are hundreds of islands in this archipelago. Some of them large enough to hold entire kingdoms.

But, she was not just anyone. She was Mito Uzumaki. Someone who can use Hiraishin Jutsu to go anywhere, Shadow Clone Jutsu to be anywhere. And last but not the least, use Kagura's Mind Eye technique to scan a vast amount of land for a familiar chakra signature.

She estimated that it would take her no more than 2 weeks before she found the Jinchuriki of 6 tails.

And when that happens, she would go to that Anbu and see if he had kept his end of the bargain. If he had indeed kept the knowledge of her survival to himself, then she would give him the Jinchuriki. If not, then she'll simply extract the Tailed Beast and keep it for her own clan.

She loved Hashirama but he had been hopelessly naive when he handed over the tailed beasts to the other villages, hoping that it'll keep the balance of power and maintain peace.

She would be sure to rectify this mistake on his behalf.

Though… she wondered who that Anbu was and how he recognised her so quickly.

Sure, he had the vaunted and feared Mangekyo Sharingan of the Uchiha clan. But if rumours were to be believed, then every single Uchiha fighting on the frontline had such a pair of eyes these days. It was confusing to say the least.

What was even more confusing was that the anbu was using Tsunade's Permanent Transformation Jutsu and her own clan's Strength of Hundred Seal.

To further complicate matters, this Anbu, after encountering her, had gone on to defeat two other S-class shinobi. This outcome left her grateful that she hadn't chosen to escalate the confrontation against him.

She was good. She was very very good. But she was not good enough to defeat a shinobi who can defeat two other S-class shinobi in a matter of minutes.

Worst part was that that young man was also capable of using Hiraishin, which made his threat go up another level in her mind.

'Just when did Konoha produce a monster like him?' She wondered to herself.

Never mind. Once she's done throughly destabalizing Kiri's remaining elements and have found the 6 tails Jinchuriki, she'll sneak back into Konoha and find that person herself.

Until then, she had more tasks at hand before she could complete the first third of her revenge.

——— ——

Ren Uchiha POV

Two weeks later.


You've slept for 6 hours in a comfortable bed!

HP and MP fully restored!

Negative status 'Blindness' removed!

He stared at his bedroom's ceiling with his newly restored eyes and then shifted his attention to his Inventory where another pair of Mangekyo Sharingan eyes rested.

By this point, he had created enough eyes to supply all of Uchiha's Jounin. The reason he was still creating more of them was so that he could replicate the Tenseigan Energy Vessel on the moon.

See… he has a theory.

The theory being that even if Toneri did activate his Tenseigan, those eyes should be at the same level as the Rinnegan. Maybe a bit stronger, but definitely not strong enough to allow him to cleave the moon in half.

The reason why Toneri ended up becoming so strong was not because of his own eyes but because of the Tenseigan Energy Vessel which held thousands of Byakugan eyes within it and supplied Toneri with his true power.

And he planned to do the same with his own Mangekyo Sharingan eyes.

Not sure if it would work, but it was worth a try.

After checking up on his newly grown pair of eyes, he turned his attention to the two women occupying his bed on his left and right.

To his right lay Ringo, still pretending to be asleep. But having lived as a Rogue-nin for over a decade and a half meant that she slept on a hair's trigger and woke up at the slightest hint of movements or sound around her.

He hoped that she would eventually overcome this and attain better sleep. However, apart from that, there wasn't much he could do to help her. He definitely couldn't take her to therapy as there were no therapist in the Elemental Nations.

To his left lay Mei Terumi, who had become surprisingly clingy ever since she accepted him as his future partner.

Given her upbringing, she probably needed a shit ton of therapy as well. But once again, no therapist in the Elemental Nations.

He hoped that the next world he ventured into after the Naruto world would be a more advanced version of Earth, potentially with access to therapists. Since he had a feeling that all the waifus he Captures in this world would have some sort of problem.

Freeing himself from Mei's embrace, he leaped out of the bed, grabbed Samehada—who acted like a thirsty whore and immediately started sucking on his chakra—and swiftly exited the room.

He went downstairs to his lab where dozens of his Shadow Clones were working to advance his expertise in Fuinjutsu, and developing the next version of Hiraishin. One that would allow him to move anywhere within a barrier without having to rely upon the Hiraishin Kunai. And he dispelled them one by one.


You've suffered damage from Memory Overload!

You gain -1 Intelligence stat due to Mental Damage!


Resistance to Mental Damage increased by 1!


+1 to Fuinjutsu Skill!

+1 to Hiraishin Skill!

+1 to Barrier Fuinjutsu Skill!

He ignored the notifications as he was well acquainted with them by now, and well aware that the -1 to his Int stat was a temporary debuff and would revert after 6 hours of sleep.

And thank the gods for that. Because if that '-1 Int' wasn't temporary, then there was no way he would be able to use his Shadow Clones with such impunity.

Next, he proceeded to other rooms where dozens of his Shadow Clones were deeply absorbed in diverse activities like cooking, drawing, writing, singing, and more. Activities that were designed to enhance his skills for day-to-day life.

After dispelling them and absorbing their memories, he ventured outside to retrieve the final set of Shadow Clones. They had received the largest share of his chakra and were dedicated to enhancing his proficiency with all five elements, as well as Yin and Yang. Their tasks also included advancing his skills in Iryojutsu, Kenjutsu, Shurikenjutsu, and crafting new jutsu for him to employ on the battlefield.

His Lightning affinity had now reached the point where he believed that he would able to use the Lightning Cloak of Raikage, if he had the skill book for it.

Unfortunately, he didn't, and was thus left with the task of creating that particular Jutsu from the ground up.

Recreating this particular Jutsu been far more difficult than any other Jutsu he'd created till date. So he expected his Shadow Clones to take up to an entire month to recreate it.

He also wasn't sure if there was anyone in Konoha who would be able to use this Jutsu once he'd recreated it. Not any of the old fogeys anyway, as this Jutsu required a great deal of Physical ability. Perhaps Kakashi and maybe Satsuki, once she's old enough. Maybe Ringo as well, now that he thought about it.

He created dozens of Shadow Clones once more and set them back to training before he strolled over to the bench overlooking the lake and settled down.

Life was indeed good.

He was one of the strongest Shinobi in the elemental Nations. He had two beautiful S-class Kunoichi to keep him company. He had good connections with almost all the higher ups in Konoha. And he had unlimited potential for growth.

The only chink in his otherwise picture perfect life, was the 4th Shinobi war that was still raging on at the borders.

Sure, the war had slowed down a bit ever since the news spread about Konoha attacking and destroying Kiri. But he had a feeling that this was just the silence before the storm. And things were going to become much, much worse in the future.

Well, at least now they only had to contend with two enemy villages instead of three.

Placing Samehada on his lap, he began channeling his chakra into it, opting not to dwell on the countless lives claimed by the Konoha shinobi in their mission to Kiri.

He'd personally only killed Fuguki, who was a shit stain on humanity his shadow clones having dealt with everyone else who tried to attack him. But he couldn't help worry about Kushina who had wiped out entire blocks of buildings with her Tailed Beast Bomb. Surely killing many innocent children in those blasts.

'Don't think about it.' He admonished himself. 'Nothing good comes from pondering on such matters. Plus, had those children survived, they would've most likely grown up to be bloodthirsty shinobi.Now, they're gone, and there's nothing I can do about it, even if I wanted to.'

His thoughts were interrupted by the approaching sound of footsteps and the sense of familiar chakra drawing near.

"You know, you look quite adorable when you're all serious like this," Mei remarked, taking a seat beside him.

Her hand reached for Samehada, intending to pet it, but Samehada swiftly recoiled, hissing disapprovingly, much like a displeased cat.

He hated cats, devils-spaws that they were, and had half a mind to give the sword to someone else. Someone who needed it more than him and could put it to better use. But he doubted that Samehada would want to separate from him at this point.

"And you look stunning when your hair is all messy like that," he remarked, enveloping her in his arms and drawing her closer. Mei responded with a punch to his shoulder, blushing beet red at his straightforward compliment.

One thing he'd come to learn over the past two weeks was that Mei was weak to anything romantic, and thus used this card on her whenever she teased him about his age or height, even if it sometimes felt a bit cringy.

However, she truly did appear exceptionally beautiful with her disheveled hair. The only thing missing from this picture was her wearing his t-shirt without any other clothing, and it would be perfect.

Unfortunately, he was small enough that none of his clothes would fit her at this moment, so that dream would remain just that till he grows up.

"Mou. You're just saying that tease me."

"Of course." He said, his hand slipping beneath her to playfully pinch her butt.

Mei jumped and then adopted a put-upon expression. "Hey! You aren't allowed to touch me like that until we get married."

He shrugged at her words. "Sorry. You're just so beautiful that I can't help myself." He said, feeling the urge to cringe even as the words left his mouth.

If it was anyone else, then cliche lines like these would never work on them. But this was Mei, so she instantly turned beet red and covered her face to hide her expression.

"Stop saying such things!" Mei said, sending a cute glare his way. "How can you even say such things when you're only 6-years-old."

"Just because I can't fuck you doesn't mean that I cannot appreciate your beauty." He said and she went scarlet once again.

"So crass." Mei sighed. "You have to be more gentle with a lady."

He snorted. "When I see a lady, I will be."


"Fufufu. Someone is in a good mood today," Ringo remarked, strolling up to them and taking a seat on his right. She planted a gentle kiss on his cheek before handing both him and Mei a glass of milk.

He was a growing boy and needed all the milk he could get.

…it was also a good habit to pass on to his children once they're born. Though once again, that won't happen for a few years yet.

"Ringo-senpai. Ren is teasing me. Help." Mei said, pretending to be a victim.

Having face the 21st century modern feminist women who had distilled the essence of being a victim into an art form, her pitiful attempts never worked on him so she had started seeking assistance from others. Only, Ringo had lived a very hard life and had no pity for victims either.

"I'm afraid I can't do much to help you there, Mei." Ringo said as she sipped her own cup of tea. "You're too easy to tease after all."

"Urgh! You're both ganging up on me!"

"Yes. Yes we are." He said, thinking about the future when their talk would take a whole different meaning.

Man... it sucked to be this small.

Their playful banter persisted for a while until he detected someone approaching his home. Someone familiar.

Ringo and Mei must've noticed something in his expression because both of them went taut in an instant. Like a drawn bow, ready to let loose at the feather's drop.

"Relax." He told his women as he got up from his seat. "It's nothing to be worried about. Stay here, I'll return as soon as I can."

Ringo and Mei shared a glance before they nodded and he used shunshin to approach the person waiting outside his home boundary.

"This is not bad." The woman said as she studied the Fuinjutsu barrier surrounding his lands. "I can identify the Uzumaki Seals you used as the foundation for this project. But you've clearly made numerous alterations and improvements over them. I approve."

"Mito-san." He said with a dip of his head in greeting. "I suppose that you're here to fulfill your part of the deal."

"Unless you told your Hokage about me?" She said, still studying her Fuinjutsu barrier with an unconcerned expression.

"And if I have?" He asked with a smirk.

"Then I'll simply take the 6 tails for myself." She said, her expression remaining calm as before.

"Huh... don't worry, I haven't."

"Good. You're such a talented young man. I would be a shame if we aren't able to collaborate in the future due to any current misunderstandings."

He nodded and Mito gave a soft smile before she made a few changes to his barrier, and the barrier unfurled in front of her, allowing her to enter his home without raising any alarm.

He wasn't really surprised by this display, as she'd been alive before this village even started and had more experience in Fuinjutsu than anyone else in the world. However, witnessing her effortlessly navigate through his enhanced barrier still irked him a little.

"Don't look so down. You barrier is good enough that if it was anyone other than me, then they would have no hopes of bypassing it." Mito said with a teasing expression.

"You'll not be able to bypass my barriers the next time." He promised her, making her chuckle at his words, but not in a disparaging manner.

"I look forward to that. It would be such a pity if a talent like you stopped improving merely because you thought that you were good enough."

He nodded, taking that lesson to heart before he asked. "So… are you going to talk here or would you like to come to my home?"

"Hmm… here is fine." She replied, mending the barrier behind herself, leaving no trace of its prior breach.

Yeah, she was definitely showing off.

"I have more defences in my home to let me know about any intruders." He said, almost defensively. It's not everyday that someone barges into your home and reveals just how useless your first line of defence was. The very defence you had spent days constructing and were so proud of.

"That's good." She said, patting his cheek and getting an annoyed look from him. "A paranoid shinobi is a living shinobi."

Then she did something and her entire presence vanished from his senses.

He could see her but that was about it. He couldn't smell her, he couldn't hear her, and he definitely couldn't sense even a single iota of her chakra.

That, with how incredibly high levelled his Chakra Sense was, unnerved him more than he would ever care to admit.

Especially since his Chakra Sense was the main line defence that he'd just talked about..

Damn… this woman was scary. But then again, isn't that what they say about all old shinobi? Beware of an old man in a profession where most usually die young.

This saying was usually reserved for the 3rd Hokage, who was able to defeat Orochimaru and the weaker versions of both 1st and 2nd Hokage.

But this woman was already married and raising her children when the 3rd Hokage was young enough to be in the shinobi academy.

"Don't look so disheartened." She said, pinching his cheek and getting another annoyed look from him. "You're still young. Only 6-years-old. I'm sure that once you get older, you'll be able to bypass my defences just as easily."

He nodded, feeling somewhat reassured as he recalled that he was still very young and had ample time to mature and improve his skills.

"Do you have the information on the 6 tails Jinchuriki?" He asked, intending to change to topic and not be reminded of just how much inferior he was to her in Fuinjutsu skills.

She could've so easily slipped past all his defences without any difficulty. And use the Reaper Death Seal to extract his soul and kill him.

…and he had been so sure about being invincible in the Elemental Nations too.

It just goes to show how little he truly understood.

But he would overcome her, just as he'd overcome all other challenges he'd faced in his life.

Mito nodded as she retrieved a chair from a storage seal inscribed on the back of her hand, settling into it. She then produced another chair and gestured for him to take a seat as well.

Once he took his seat, she started speaking. "His name is Utakata. One of the most powerful shinobi of Kiri. He is also a pacifist, who grew weary of the violence inherent in the life of a shinobi, and left Kiri a few years ago. The only reason the 3rd Mizukage didn't brand him a traitor was because Utakata never left the Land of Water in his wanderings. Moreover, attempting to forcefully bring him back would undoubtedly lead to the loss of many skilled shinobi."

"I see. Is he still in the Land of Water then?"

"Yes, and he's currently on way back to the village to unite the remaining factions that have descended into a multi-sided civil war."

He arched an eyebrow at that piece of information. "They're fighting amongst themselves?"

"They are now." Mito said with a calm expression that sent shivers down his back.

Yeah, he was never going to take an older shinobi lightly after this. Ever.

"I see." He said before deciding to get straight to the point. "I plan on taking 6 tails for myself. Do you have a problem with that?"

"None whatsoever." Mito said with an uncaring shrug. "I would support it even, considering that the last Jinchuriki of the 6 tails had a hand in the destruction of my clan."

Ah… so that's why she was doing this. To get revenge for her clan.

He appreciated having this piece of information, as understanding Mito's motivation made her actions more predictable. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that Mito had disclosed this information precisely for that reason.

Really, even talking with her made him feel like he was playing 4D Chess. And losing. Without even knowing that he was losing.

"I do not need your support. Just tell me where the 6 tails is and I'll take care of the rest."

Mito arched an eyebrow at that. "You're confident in your abilities. That's good. But I must remind you that Utakata has a strong bond with his Tailed Beast. While he may not be a perfect Jinchuriki, he's as close as one can get without reaching that state. Moreover, he's highly experienced. Defeating him won't be as straightforward as you might be envisioning."

"Perhaps. But I've never fought an opponent who made me go all out in a fight." He said, wondering what her agenda was. "I want to see just how strong I truly am with this fight."

"And in doing so, you would alert everyone in the elemental nations about the missing status of the 6 tails Jinchuriki, further increasing tensions between the major villages."

"Not if I take him to a remote corner of the world with Hiraishin before I start the fight." He said. "But I have a feeling that you have an answer to this dilemma as well."

Mito nodded. "Let me help you. I assure that there is no one in the Elemental Nations who knows more about extracting and sealing Tailed Beasts than me. Whatever plans you have in regards to the 6 Tails would go more smoothly with my help."

Well… seeing as how she found a way to survive Kurama being extracted from her, and having witnessed her Fuinjutsu prowess, he couldn't deny that. But…

"Why do you want to help me?" He asked.

"Because you're destined to become a force that'll surpass my husband and Madara, making them seem like second-rate shinobi in comparison by the time you reach your prime." Mito said. "Others might not be aware of this but I am. Is it really so surprising that I want to be in your good graces? An alliance with you would only help me in the long run."

Well… she wasn't wrong. But could he really trust her?

"I don't mind being allied with you. But before shaking hands, I want to ask you something?"

"Go ahead. If I can answer it, I will."

"How are you still alive?"

"Oh. You want to know how I survived the Kyuubi being extracted from me?"

"No. I don't care about that. I'm sure I'll figure that part out myself eventually." He said, and he wasn't lying either. "But what I want to know is, how are you still moving around despite your age. Sure, Uzumaki live for much longer than your average shinobi. But even with a longer lifespan, you should be bedridden right now. Not traipsing around in the territory of other major villages."

Because obviously, he'd used Observe on her, and her stats weren't those of an old woman who's near death.

No, her stats were even better than that her granddaughter Tsunade, which was saying something.

"You want to know if I figured out a way to achieve immortality." Mito said, tilting her head. "Do you want to become one yourself?"

"I'm not looking to copy your version of immortality, if that's what you're worried about. I already have my own version of it and intend to share it with my women once I'm old enough to marry them."

"Really?" She asked and he nodded. "And yet, you still want to know how I became immortal myself?"

He nodded again.

Mito hesitated for a moment before she started speaking. "You might not be aware of it, but Uzumaki clan has ways to contact the deities of this world."

"Deities like the Shinigami?" He asked, even though he was actually thinking more along the lines of Jashin.

"I see that you already know about the Reaper Death Seal then. But yes. Deities like them. And some of them are more than willing to trade with mortals, if the offer is good enough."

"And what did you offer these deities?" He asked, feeling slightly apprehensive.

"10,000 souls." Mito said, her voice calm and measured. "A steep price, yes. But it was a price I was more than glad to pay if it meant avenging my clan. Plus, I took that price from my enemies."

"And you've already paid this price?" He asked, wondering just many shinobi she must've killed during the 3rd shinobi war while in disguise.

"I'm currently at around the 7,000 mark." Mito said and he nodded, not sure how to feel about this.

On one hand, this woman killed a lot of people in order to gain immortality for herself. But on the other hand, she did it in order to avenge her clan. And price was paid from the lives of her enemies.

A part of him wanted to call her a monster for what she had done, but another part of him knew that he would have done far worse were he in her position.

The more he talked with her, the more and more her life sounded like a thriller-action movie.

One that he would love to watch.

"I see." He said in the end. "So once you've paid the full price, you'll complete your end of the deal and become functionally immortal?"

"…yes. Does learning about the amount of people I've killed worry you?" Mito asked. "I wouldn't blame you if you don't want to ally with me any longer."

He thought on this for a moment before he shook his head. "No. But I want to set the terms of our alliance."

"Oh… and what do you have in mind?" She asked.

"Marry me."

Mito was silent for a moment before she burst out into laughter.

"Fufufufu. I don't know why I didn't see this coming, considering that you already have two S-class Kunoichi by your side."

"Is that a yes?" He asked, doubting that it would be so easy. And he was proven correct immediately afterward as Mito shook her head.

"No, datteba!" She exclaimed.

Did she just…

He shook his head and decided to focus on the more important topic right now. "Is that a no?"

"No." Mito said again. "I admit that this proposal caught me off guard. It's not everyday that an old woman gets proposed by a 6-year-old boy. Come to think of it, why do you even want to marry an old woman like me?"

"Because it's my dream to have a harem of S-class Kunoichi." He said. "I want to have a large family, with all of my children having the potential to reach S-class."

Mito stared at him for a moment before she chuckled and shook her head. "A harem of S-class shinobi. I don't know if you're brave or foolish, child. Foolish more likely than not."

"So… what is your answer?" He asked

"Hmm… you know what, I'll give this some thought. Though I would most likely decline in the end. Nonetheless, I hope you would consider me as your ally even if I decline." Mito said. "For now, let's talk about what you plan to do with 6 tails and how we can go about making that plan a reality."

"Very well." He said and then started telling her about his plan.


AN: We see the world from Mito's eyes. And learn in greater detail about how the situation unfolded in Kiri after Konoha's attack.

We also get to see a small glimpse of Ren's day to day life and see his plan to create a replication of the Tenseigan Energy Vessal with his own Mangekyo Sharingan eyes. And we eventaully see his interaction with Mito where he gets to learn that he's not the largest fish in the pond.

Well, he technically is. The only skill where Mito is better than him in the Fuinjutsu. And probably Sensing skill as well, due to her Kagura's Mind Eye. But this is still a big shock to him as he considered himself the best in the Elemental Nations.

We don't get to learn how Mito survived Kyuubi's extraction, but we do learn how she's still alive and young. She made a deal with an outer deity. 10,000 Souls of her enemies in exchange for immortality. This part is a bit of an AU but with how bullshit the deities in Naruto world are (like Jashin and Shinigami), it shouldn't come off as too improbable.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

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Have a nice day.