
a flame in reality

A god gave me a chance at something new so I took it

Ultamint_me1000 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

awakening power!

Silver: oh... oh no

the enderman started screaming at silver and lunges at him but before it can reach him it stopped moving as it's body started to spasm as something slowly spread across its body

Silver slowly backed away from the enderman watching as it fell on the ground the thang spreading on its body looked kinda like static

It's screams echoed around silver as it was eventually completely covered by the static effect before fading out of existence

silver: what the fuck...?  I think I'm done for the night

silver immediately spun around and started running as he heard sirens not wanting to be accused of anything branding a end to the night

a few days later

In the forever falls forest

silver is seen sitting on the ground leaning on the tree resting his eyes

Silver: this place is nice

silver moves into a meditating position he's going to be sit there for a while

somewhere else in the forest

Goodwich: yes students the forever fall forest is indeed beautiful but we aren't here to site see professor peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest

and I'm here make sure you don't die

Jaune stumbled behind everyone

Goodwich: each of you is to gather one jars worth of red sap however this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm so be Sure to be by your teammate we will reinvade at this point at 4 o'clock

Everyone walks away with Jaune following Cardin pyrrha looks at this with disappoint

At Jaune and walks away

With everyone gone yuzu stands by him self  as no one has spoken with him sense the incident in the cafeteria so yuzu just go's in a random direction

with a annoyed look he said

Yuzu: this is bullshit i did the right thang and now no one talks to me they should be thanking me

yuzu stares at a tree for a few seconds before punching it everything is quiet for a second before the tree starts to fall yuzu looks towards the fallen tree and sees sap coming out of it so he collected it

Yuzu: whatever I'll make them talk to me if I have to, status

<yuzu frost>

level 14

Health 236

Mana 451

power 20

agility 16

dexterity 12

Strength 34

Points available 20

Yuzu: that's pretty good but I can be better

Let's put all points in strength

<strength 34 -> 54>

Yuzu's body is immediately affected by this change in strength going from a body of a fit healthy person to someone that sleeps in the gym but soon after he deflated back to his original size

Yuzu: yea that's what I'm talking about i cold probably punch Kevin( dragon Grimm in mountain) out of the sky

A smell suddenly catches his attention  it's a nice smile that makes him hungry so he fallowed to its origin  eventually finding a clearing with multiple Grimm a little lights of different colors flying around and at the center is the bartender silver

Yuzu: what the hell is going on over here?

for some reason looking at silver is making yuzu more hungry

yuzu walks in closer towards silver a orange fire is coming of silver but yuzu is suddenly stopped by a Grimm stopping in his path

In front of him is a massive beowolf it had moss growing on it and part of its left upper arm was stone it stared down at yuzu in silence

Yuzu: <Grimm whisperer> move

Grimm: no.....

Yuzu started sweating because the skill never said anything about being able to understanding Grimm

yuzu observed the Grimm

<ancient beowolf alpha>

do to this Grimm being alive sense the time of the gods it's very intelligent

unable to move left arm properly do to stone from a battle with a silver eyed worrier at some point in the past

Yuzu:( i didn't think there were any Grimm from that time anymore)

Grimm: leave....

yuzu slowly backs away and the Grimm returns to resting yuzu can still see what is happening so he just sits and watches

A few hours earlier

silver is sitting meditating hearing only nature the trees swaying a few birds singing wind blowing

his mind wanders to his time on remnant it's been for the most part peaceful a few hiccups here and there but overall a good time

a small glow appears inside silvers mind

He reaches out to it then soddenly he finds him self in some place

Silver: where am I?

??: your mind

Silver looks around rapidly to find the source of the voice eventually landing on a dragon resting under a tree it had its scales were a dark gray mostly it's under belly was a deep black

silver: oh it's you

??: yes it's me the dragon you killed

it said with a bored look on it's face

silver: so you said this was my mind what's with the forest?

??: you have a strong bond with nature your mind reflects what you have done in your life

Silver: hm I should start growing stuff again

anyways this was kinda my plan to speak to you

??: I will answer two questions only

silver: ok..?  how did you come out of the sword a while back?

??: I used your life Force to FUEL my astral spirit to attack the false dragon

Silver: oh yea you took 20 years off my life!

He said exaggeratedly

??: you'll live your is soul absorbing my energy so you will live longer then most humans

It look at him like he was an idiot

Silver: but I'm not a human

this caused the dragon a laugh out

??: ha.. ha.. that's truly the funniest thing I've heard in a while

Silver look at the dragon in confusion

Silver: what's so funny?

??: that you say your not human.

humans and there believing that changing there body makes them not human it's laughable only once you ride your self of the plague that is humanity will you no longer be one

Silver: oh...

for some reason that disappoints silver

the dragon sudden looked up

??: it appears a dragon has fond your body...

Silver: what does that mean!?

??: it means a dragon has fond your vulnerable body that is releasing a high amount of spiritual energy a energy that is like a drug to some dragons

Silver: What!  how do I get out of here?!

He is starting to panic

??: it's nothing but a whelp but it appears to have an outside force empowering it

The dragon begins to Think of a plan in its head

silver: so what should I do?

??: I will give you a aspect of my power it's a small amount of it but it should help

I ball of energy comes off the dragon and flys into silvers face as this happens he begins to return to the normal world out of his mind

Everything faded to black