
A Fate To Hate

Ellen is an orphan in her late teens, with the desperation to make some money for college she works as a maid in the home of a Business mogul Dave Marcellus. Things went south when she got more than she was expecting.

Akinwunmi_Mariam · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

Chapter forty-two

Beneath the mask that hid his features, Alpha Morris stared disdainfully at Dave who was on his knees with his head slumped to the side.

To him, this sight was one to behold and one to celebrate.

He had initially not wanted to do this but the universe gave him a chance to collect an old debt from him. A debt his father has been owing for the past ten years.

Only he knows how he had painstakingly swallowed his regret after all that enmity between him and Dennen.

It is not news that territory is very important among their kind thus for this reason the two packs have been in a couple of friction in the past and they only recently just manage to put the past aside and behave in a more civilized way towards each other after the council of elders stepped in.

But today, right now, no one was going to stop him from ending the life of this Alpha so that his lack will gradually be claimed by him.

Even though he had received help from someone else that doesn't matter.

Alpha Morris thought gleefully as he forcefully yanked his head up.

"Hey Moron, nap time is over". Morris said while driving his elongated nails into the back of his neck. He grins widely, enjoying the sorry state of the person before him.

Growling in annoyance Dave looks up at the face that was just inches away from his.


Dave said, chuckling darkly.

He was prepared when Arran had warned him he had already made up his mind to hold on till the end, only then will he become the winner.

His life is now precious and he would not let anyone toy with it, he is an Alpha and he will show everyone that crosses him the real meaning of that.

"You still have the nerve to smile?, I guess your spinning head hasn't spun your brain to the right position". Alpha Morris said through gritted teeth as he looked down at him in a domineering manner.

Although he might be older, when it comes to issues like this age doesn't matter, power does.

"I will kill you if you don't kill me now". Dave spat angrily.

Yes!, he will definitely seek revenge. It is now a matter of blood for blood.

Irked by his words, Alpha Morris sent a kick to his chest and he nodded in satisfaction from the frenzy of cough that followed.

"It is good to know that that will keep you shut before death does".

Under the blurry and unfocused gaze of his prisoner, Alpha Morris produces a medium-sized spear from his pocket. He had coated it in some silver before coming inside.

He has killed many wolves before during fights and those were merely acts of defense and the desire to remain alive but today he would have to kill an unarmed one so he had prepared properly for it.

Looking at the sharp blade, Dave's senses sharpened. Cornered by death their kind was worse to decipher in this state than when angry.

Looking rapidly around for anything that can help him with the coming challenge, his eyes close in on the window not far from them.

Although he might not know where he was or how tall the building might be, jumping from the window of a tall building cannot kill him in this lifetime.

Not noticing the looks of the other person Morris leisurely touches the weapon to his fingering tips bringing it high in a stabbing motion.

At that moment, in a blink of an eye,an unexpected thing happened.

The immobile Dave, who looks to be awaiting death, shifted to his magnificent wolf. All the chains that bind him previously snapped to a thousand pieces.

One mighty kick sent the shocked Morris flying against the wall in a swift motion.

It happened between the block of an eye and the next minute the large wolf had broken the window and jumped out of the building.

Alpha Morris gradually recovered from the attack and shock, he stared absentmindedly at the pieces of metal from the chain all over the floor.

Dave has made his escape, never in a million years would he think that would be possible.

Snapping back to reality he rushed to his feet and scrambled out of the door.

"He has escaped! tell everyone to find him and bring him back!"

He has escaped! Alpha Morris bellowed crazily to the men guarding the secret chambers.

They all sprinted in fear from the command.

Freedom has never been sweeter when Dave felt his large paws hit the ground outside the two-story building. Without looking much at his surroundings he headed swiftly for the coverings of the forest.

He needs to hide properly before he can decipher where he was to make a safe return back to his territory.

After running for a few minutes he managed to find a safe spot, Dave sat down after shifting back to his human form.

Running away has never been his thing, long before he had taken over the pack from his father he was popular for never shying away from fights.

Maybe it comes with his rank as an Alpha but he feels so angry right now that he has to hide from those that wronged him.

Peeping from behind the trees at the pack house, a deep regret clutches his heart. He had seen and taken the owner of this pack as a father but yet he had betrayed him brutally with no remorse.

It was even more painful to think that he was here recently with his mate.

At the thoughts of Ellen, Dave's eyes clouded with worry.

His mate, his family, and his pack.

They would have all been searching for him. He thought before shifting back to his wolf and running his way back to his territory.