
A Falling Wings

credits of photo: Kelseydragon17(user on pintrest) A Falling wings needs change, and a huge makeover. It wont only be a long break, but a sad one to know my viewers will wait for a long period. Hopefully every viewer can be able to fly strong, until then, goodbye! Sadness and tragedy are too early for a teen, well that's not really the case with Violet, the fifteen-year-old who will always figure out a way to deal with grief whether it will be on earth or not. We are introduced to the main character in A Falling Wings, who is a fifteen-year-old girl from a dysfunctional family. Violet is forced to live a life that is entirely meaningless and without any explanation as to why she is living it in this way. Nevertheless, Violet is both awestruck and terrified when she discovers, at the age of fifteen, after she throws her fifteenth birthday party with her mother and two friends, that she has beautiful but terrifying wings. Her friends confront her with the question of who she is and as a result of their investigation, she comes to the conclusion that she is not human, but she is also not a spy either. This one event that started as a fun story turned into a very bizarre one. Violet is from a planet of peace, a sacred one, that had once been at full war with earth after a catastrophic crisis had occurred between the humans and the people of the unique planet "Kahilis" and all the rest remains history in the book known as "A Falling wings"

DoveyBunny · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Chapter 24 (Painful enough to scream)

"How is it?" Meanwhile Violet had prepared a small sandwich for Gavin, the bread was shaped like a cloud "funny how everything used on plant Aquene related to skies." Violet contemplated, Gavin, humming joyfully


Well, good to hear that I didn't switch up the durfirti ( special lettuce) with the ornamop ( herb leaves) -Violet

Do I now spit it out? -Gavin

Wait- Why? Are you feeling well? -Violet

I am, but I shouldn't finish the sandwich, what if princess Leanor wants to eat something like bread? You'll be in trouble and so would granny. -Gavin

That's not true, you're supposed to eat like any other person, how old are you? -Violet

guwsgen(Eight) why does that matter? -Gavin

Because when you are growing, your body requires more nourishment in order to mature correctly, if you don't eat well you won't grow well, and your body will return the consequences you give to it. -Violet

But- my body can linger if someone would get stomped on! -Gavin

No, it ca-

The sounds of the hundreds of kings that were leaving plagued the castle like termites, "What is going on?" It wasn't normal to hear these sounds, the castle is noiseless most of the time, she creaked the kitchen door, to see all of them, walking gradually and reasonably, it was like they had been a wolf pack desiring a target of their own

Unacceptable, to think that he would do such a thing to his own disputed kingdom. -King of possession

Didn't you hear? His wife was a factor contributing to this outcome. -King of fire

I knew it, she is for sure. She has him by the tail. -King of glass

His father was much better than what he has to offer for this planet. -King of rain

What do you think Bence? Are you still on the same page with king Angun? -King of oil

I don't have any comments-

Well, I do, and I'm sure everyone has a problem, except you. -King of poison

A rash remembrance acted out on Poor Violet right when she felt everything getting settled. "IM SURE EVERYONE HAS A PROBLEM." A woman's voice was being heard scolding a sobbing person "I CAN'T LIVE THIS WAY ANYMORE *Sighs in deep* WITHOUT HIM- I CAN NEVER DO ANYTHING- HE PROMISED ME- AND HE BROKE IT! OVER! AND OVER! I'm- I'm done, I'm leaving." The pain in the woman's voice brought Violet's legs to sleep. "STOP IT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Enough- I SAID ENOUGH! If you leave right now I'll leave you to rot in whatever place you go to." The sound of steps remained, who was this sobbing girl? And why was she crying reluctantly? Even over this conversation, Violet's consciousness didn't clump up the topic "Nothing can change my mind anymore, I'M DONE BEING FORCED, I'M DONE WITH ALL THIS TRASH, I release my responsibility of her." A pause occurred "When I and your dad used to fight daily did I replenish my responsibility from you?" The memory ended there, Violet's body awoke, in bed, she gasped the air only a second after her eyes fluttered open. It was like she had been drowning underwater. A tiny tear went down her puffy face, which had been as clear as the sky on a sunny day, "Keep it in, don't cry, don't scream your anger out, keep your mouth shut." She began slapping her hands on the soft mattress, whilst the sounds of anguish were being made. The unknown woman was seen sitting on the bedroom desk, reading a book serenely. "Control your memories, Violet," She said flipping to another page "Are you- my mother?" Violet dropped the bombshell onto the exchange, no words at all, the unknown woman stood up and said "No- I'm not- Who do you think your mother is?" The denial in Violet's head was getting bigger, Ms. Charlotte is her only mother, and no one else can supersede the love she has for ms. Charlotte. "Why did I see you giving birth to me?" the shock was on the unknown woman's face "I-I know what you are talking about- but that machine was sabotage- I'm not your mother-" The apprehension was obviously bolded into that situation, " You can't trust a machine, nor the words others tell you," she said focusing on the floor, Violet crammed the blanket that was covering her lower body, she does though, why wouldn't she trust a machine that is made to do its essential job? Why should she trust a mysterious woman that had no known background whatsoever? "I can, turning to a machine is the best I can do to replace who 'I actually can trust.' " She wanted to get up from the bed, but suddenly that nauseous feeling chose to recreate, a energy was pulling her down, it's like she was numb. "Get out, GET OUT?!" she shrieked at the woman seconds before *click* She got up from the bed, what happened? Hadn't she been on that bed having a hectic conversation with the unknown woman, "Dave! Where is the bread?" Ms. Charlotte was speaking? Where was she? Violet was in a room that she had never seen before, she was on earth, "Mom-" *click* the room turned black, no light at all, no windows, grey walls all around her, "Mom? Mom- MOM." She got off the bed plunging onto the ground, her wings were trenched, ripped, and her hair was tangled, and messy. "WHY ARE U STILL HERE? Just die, die, die, die, die DIE, DIE!" The grey room flipped around, and Violet was flung across the room, blacked out for a tandem of seconds, she opened her eyes, her forehead scratched by the nails on the wall, "I don't want to be here anymore," the perception of Violet's young self was seen looking at herself on the mirror, she slid on off the wall, crying purely from all her heart, Violet stared at her from the distance remembering that exact day, that day where hate razed over her heart, poisoning it, stinging it. Violet slowly approached, but young Violet got up, to open her drawer, a scissor, weeping and weeping, shaking, she brought the scissors up to her prolonged hair, chopping it like it had been paper. That was the first ever time Violet cut her hair, and was the last time she had held a scissor. *click* she was now back to the true reality, in bed, the sun already went down, and sweat drops were leaking from her forehead. The unknown woman is not there anymore. Someone began knocking on the door, it was Alice.

Hello, are you alright? -Alice

Yea- I'm okay, can you- just remind me what ensued to me? -Violet

You don't remember? You collapsed on the floor with intense fever, it reached Axedersty-Fizsy (Fifty-six in aquene) degrees, and we were practically ranging to quicken you to the hospital. -Alice

But why di-did I get a fever? -Violet

A yetreflikes is spreading around, a type of flu, it moves from wing to wing, so you might've encountered someone with it. -Alice

Oh. Alice I- um have a question. -Violet

"You can ask me." Violet clumped her hands, uncomfortable to ask.

"If my mother is Charlotte, then how am I a kahili?" Alice froze, "Does she know anything?" She thought vividly, she then responded

It's too early for you to know this yet. -Alice

It was also too early for me to know why my own father left me, right? -Violet

Yes, and that is because you have no conform to being a mature person. -Alice

Yes, I am, I'm mature, and I don't need a lecture from a cold person such as you. -Violet

"A mature person doesn't send try to send their selves to the hospital from vaulting off a balcony." Violet hardened in bed, the only person which clearly understood the balcony situation was Darius. "Did he tell anyone?" Acrimony shivered her body.

Th-that doesn't make me any less mature. -Violet

It does Violet, because back then when soldiers used to take rocks, and put them up to their heads and smash their skulls in order to not live another day in war, that was immature, because the people died in vain to keep us safe, weren't dying in vain anymore, in fact, all of them were-

Well, I don't care about what soldiers did, my life is nowhere easy-

Violet- Wake up and look around you, you aren't the sole one which lived in hell and came back. -Alice

Just answer me, is she my mother or not? -Violet

Violet's arms suddenly got scratched by nothing, like a paper cut but there was no paper, some blood was gushing out of the cut. Alice conceded it immediately. The blood was on the bed, on Violet's clothes, "VIOLET! I'LL CALL THE MAIDS TO COME, WAIT." The torment started to ache through Violet "OUCH" she shrieked, her wings were flapping hard, soo hard where at some point Violet felt like taking off. Her wrist opened, like a knife was wounding her body, "SOMEONE!" No one was there yet, her skin was patched with tiny holes streaming blood. The door room shut abruptly, and the windows opened, the wind was clapping onto the curtains.

Darius was on his device swiping, ambling down the hall when he began to hear the sounds of a nightmare, like the sound of someone being troubled to death. "What is she doing?" He asked "HELP ME" she lightly sobs off the sharp aching feeling that was hugely presented, everything felt soo numb, yet the wounds felt like injections piercing her arms. Darius banged, with no reply except the screaming that told the story with no explanation. "It's locked? Hey fleik! Open the door, hello? What are you doing in there?" There was no way out and no way in the bedroom, something was happening to Violet that nobody was able to contain. "DARIUS! Step aside." Alice came back with six maids by her side, Darius had a nonplused look "What in the name of the lest gems is going on? Alice, why is Violet locked in there?" "It's not locked." But it was definitely locked, and the stress was piling up, waiting to be burnt on spot. Alice tried it for herself, and she got the answer, it was locked, what was the door knob would not be able to operate appropriately. "IT HURTS, I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! OPEN UP THE DOOR!" Alice paused in place, something brought rememberings back, distressing memories. She felt hopeless, just shivering in terror. The maids kicked the door as hard as they can but the door was glued shut.

"MY ARM! OUCH! IT HURTS SOO MUCH! I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS." as the circumstances evolved to become worse so did the discomfort. Although her entire body was being marked, her face was left untouched. A light shone powerfully onto her face, and a voice was being heard approaching attached to the light "You've been one of the chosen, Violet." it said. "ALICE! DARIUS, JESSICA, OPEN THE DOOR!" The light came nearer and stirred around Violet's hands, legs, wrists, arms, face, wings, and her whole body in general. "What is this?" Her fear wore off, it was her interest that reached in. They heard no more screams from the room, it was quiet, which was more perilous "Alice, she isn't screaming anymore." She regained her focus "Try opening the door now." Darius pushed down on the doorknob, screeching the door, he saw Violet sleeping amicably, her skin shining from the distance, and nothing was even stained with blood. "Is there something your majesty?" The maids requested, worried about what Violet went through a couple of mins ago. Darius was inches away from hollering at the maids "She's okay, you all can go back to the kitchen." They nodded and went off, swapping whispers on their way.

You should go too, Alice. -Darius

No, I can't I have to check up on Violet to see if she is doing fine or not-

I'll take care of that, you can go and just- rest in your home. -Darius

You should go rest, I know what you'll do if I go away, so it will be better for me to take over. -Alice

I won't hurt her. -Darius

I can tell you wouldn't, but I need to know if she is okay or not. -Alice

He was blocking her way into the bedroom, he wanted to do something, but why was he so persistent on doing whatever he desired to do?

I'll call the maids to check up on her, how is that? -Darius

Better. I need to leave, or the moon will begin to head east, if I get back to Leanor yelling to me that you fed Violet some sort of falsehood, I will shove a lest gem down your throat and tell your mother about your slipping grades. -Alice

She hurried running to exit the castle, Darius just smiled and creaked the door open. She was sleeping collectively, by her position of sleep it would be understood that her body was as stiff as possible to result in containing the pain. "D-dont hit me- I'm growing tired." She muttered in sleep, Darius came close to her, and he gaped at her, wondering about what she meant. She respired slowly, in and out. he grasped a single hair, swirled it around his finger, and then stopped. He looked dead serious at Violet, with a sad tone. He brought his hand above her forehead and there he dropped a drop of water from his palm, she was still asleep "Still a heavy sleeper?" He thought, and then grinned. "Read the book. Wake up and read the book." He muttered into Violet's ear, still asleep she was. Before he stepped out of the room, he placed the A falling wings book, then left. He was trouble for sure, and Alice knew that well enough to try to separate both of them. As he left, his mother queen Iris was right by him, standing with great posture, her colored eyes glinting at him.

What are you doing in Violet's room? -Queen Iris

Nothing, I was looking for my lormaniks (device) -Darius

Why was your lormaniks in her room? -Queen Iris

Because I was speaking to her. -Darius

Darius, she is sleeping and I can tell. -Queen Iris

No, she isn't, she was awake just a moment ago, why would I penetrate her bedroom then? -Darius

Darius, this is your last warning from me, do- not- enter-her-bedroom unless there is something serious you have to tell her, other than that never enter. -queen Iris

His face converted declarations from a serious one to a really dark, angry one, his eyes got a sparkle of red, that gleam of aggression, and his hands were placed inside the pockets in his black pants that seemed to be made from very luxurious fabrics which make it feel forbidden to even just touch. "My apologizes 'queen' but I don't want you to lay your pathetic possession on me. -Darius

Hello! Sorry that it took me some time to publish a new chapter.

Hope you like this one! Would love it if you guys could leave a review, I would really appreciate it.

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