
a failur in a god tier family

its a story about a boy who was born in the god tier family but his family was betrayed and he was unaware of it. and he was having no talent of becoming the hunter but suddenly an incident happens and his path to become world strongest begin .

manush_garg · แฟนตาซี
72 Chs

Blood rain(2)

Whats in your heart is not emotion but the fuel and brake which move and stops you.

Sungwoo heard the crying sound of a baby while standing on the corpse of the dragons completely covered in blood. He stab and fix his sword in the corpse and headed towards the direction of sound. Nothing was on his mind neither the worry about the child nor the hate, he was just a stone from inside,

He was walking and walking and walking .....by passing the corpse piled up in the area, even he was not knowing how many had he slained. He found that the sound was coming from the beneath a corpse, he blown it away with skill 'FIREBALL'. What came to his eyes was the image of a small dragon who just hatched out of his egg, the child dragon was crying for his mom and the sight was able to melt the iron but not the rocken heart of Sungwoo.

Picking up the baby and walked more deep into the forest.

Feeding the child with fruits of the forest.

Slaying the monster standing in his way while the child slept peacefully.

He was able to reach the the most deepest part of the forest in less than a day, the area was known as the hill of flesh and blood. He was walking forwards with his sword just about to break as he had slain number of monsters while the baby was tied to back of his abdomen with just a cloth from the dragon he slained. But what awaited him in his route was hell........

Outside world was in a different chaos as the time passes in outer world in comparison to the the floor inside the trials of towers. The worldwide dungeon breaks were increasing as well the fight among the sss rank hunters were taking the blood of their innocent subordinates. People were started getting scared of the hunters and rather decided to ignore them and live life peacefully.