
New admission

"Class, please welcome our new admission. If you please, could you tell all of us your name?"

"My name is Callysta."

"Such a pretty name! Now, why don't you tell us about-"

"Where should I sit?"

"Excuse me?"

"Are you deaf? I asked where I should sit. I can't stand here all day."

"Well Callysta, we have a rule in this classroom. No being rude to peers and no interupti-"

"Oh, mmhm, very interesting. One problem, I still don't know where I sit."

"You can sit in the back next to Ryan." said the teacher, finally giving up on trying to discipline the new pupil. As Callysta walked away, he mutters under his breath, "Jeez, this one's going to be a pain in the arse."

Callysta stopped in her tracks. She had heard what the teacher had said. "Sorry for being a pain in the arse." she said.

Everyone stared at her as she walked pass them to her seat at the back of the classroom.

She sat down next to the boy named Ryan who completely ignored her. "I wish everyone was like him" she thought "just not caring."

After a while, the school bell rang and it was time for lunch. Callysta stayed at her desk and she took out her boxed lunch. "Hey there! Mind if I joined?" Callysta ignored this voice. "Hello? Are you deaf!!??"

Callysta looked up and saw the boy named Ryan. "Why would you want to sit with me? You don't know anything about me." rebutted Callysta as she went back to eating her lunch.

"How else would I get to know you if not talk to you?"

Callysta ignored him.

"Wow. You're so rude. Anyways..." Ryan pulled out a seat and sat down next to Callysta, despite her not wanting him there. "My name's Ryan. What's yours?"

"Were you not listening to the teacher?" replied Callysta. "He said, and so did I, that my name is Callysta. Are you stupid or something?"

"Well, I wasn't really listening...haha..."

"Then, I'm sorry, but I don't talk to idiots."

Callysta pulled out a book from her book bag and started reading it while eating.

Just then, the class president, Rae, walked up to Callysta and started chatting with her.

"Hi! I'm Rae! The class president! I'm glad you joined our class. If you have any questions, please come to me! I'd be glad to help!" said Rae in a cheery attitude.

"Uh huh, yeah, sure" replied Callysta, not really caring about what the class president said.

Rae started walking away, clearly flustered. He whispered under his breath, "Jeez, so rude", thinking no one could hear him. Well, Callysta did, and when she replied to him, he was in such shock that he stopped in his tracks and turned to face Callysta, wide eyed.

"Well, you were the one who walked up to me without knowing my personality so..." Callysta replied.

Ryan was also very shocked. "Did...Rae say something? Or did I without realizing? Because...I didn't hear anyone say anything."

"Rae knows what he said. And so do I."

"I'm...going to leave now..." said Rae, still clearly shocked and embarrassed about what he said.

"Ok..so...ummm...that was akward" said Ryan with an akward grin on his face "but his face was priceless!! I'm glad you made that snobby dude so embarrassed. Did you read his mind or something?"

"Yes." Even though Callysta replied with a simple word, it was an interesting answer.

"So, you can read minds...?"


"So can you or not?"

"Kind of."

"What do you mean?"

Callysta closed her book and sighed. "Well, you see, I am able to read minds. I was born with it. I am also able to read emotions. I can tell right now that you're an idiot and don't understand anything I'm saying."

'How did she know' thought Ryan. 'There's no way she can read minds.'

"Yes I can. And I know because you suck at hiding your emotions."

"Woah!! Is this some sort of magic trick?"



"I'm leaving for the bathroom."

Callysta walked sat up from her seat, but, just as she stoop up, the bell rang and the teacher walked in.

"Alright class, please put away your lunches and get your books out for math....."

The math teacher's voice slowly faded away as Callysta remembered a painful memory.

It was a day just like this one. Callysta had just enrolled into a new school. The only difference was that that day, Callysta tried to make new friends.

She had just made friends with some other girls. The school day ended and she and her new..."friends" planned to go to Callysta's house to hangout. However, while walking to her house, her new friends suddenly stopped Callysta, pulled her into a side alley and beat her up.

"Did you really think we would ever be your friend?" said friend 1 with a cold, mocking look in her eyes. "You're nothing but a delusional freak."

"Seriously, did you really think we would believe you when you said you can read minds?"


"Callysta! Are you alright?"

Callysta had subconsciously started crying at the painful flashback she had. The teacher had noticed and when she replied, he mocked her...