
A Drifting Whirlwind.

Awakened into a new world with little memories in mind, only coarse collections of misty events and his single name, Diacrao is thrusted into this new world that is foreign to that from a world that he supposedly once called home, but he is not alone in this endeavor, along with him are a few individuals who shares a similar fate. He, and the others would find out that this new world is larger then life, and are to witness a new dawn that would change their lives. エエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエ The cover picture is a modified picture that has been modified using an anime filter. Credits to the original user who had taken the original picture. This story would be a slow burner, a real slow burner, and updates would be inconsistent given my schedule. I apologize for any inconvenience. This work will be rife with grammatical errors and mediocre writing. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. !! Chapter revamps are taking place, so there will be plot altercations. !! エエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエ Hello Everyone, my schedule has been tight and my uploads has been inconsistent, i apologize for the slow delays everyone.

Karaoni_a · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Chapter 1 : A Streak of light.

The echoes of a thousand hooves stomping filled the air of the once quiet valleys, prey and predators that once lived in these places have left the scene in fear of what was coming this way. Whatever it was, they best not be sure to be in its way, a good day for the prey, a bad day for the predator. Nonetheless, their natural cycle is only trivial to what was coming. Armed horsemen, equipped with Sahelian quilted armor of varied colors, brandishing spears while others wield swords, axes, and maces, charge through the valley.

The scene however was twisted with frequent disturbances of blackness and hazy clouds, breaking apart and repeating itself. It's as if nothing makes sense. Suddenly, a hot, streak of light breaks through. It started out small, dim, and minuscule, but slowly it became more prominent, its heat was feeling more....real. Real? then what was this about? Green, dark green lines began forming around the scene, and the voices of many whispers overshadowed the thoughts. No, wait, is this a dream? it must be, this must be stopped, right now.

His eyes opened, only to meet with a blinding sight of something bright shining on his face. Covering his eyes before getting up from his sleep-laying position, saw what seemed to be a light at the end of this dark enclosure that he was inside. What was he doing there? how did he get here? what happened before? What was that weird dream sequence? So many questions, but so few answers, maybe even none.

He felt a little pain as he tried to get up, but he was able to get up. "Bonjour? Y-a-t-il quelqu'un là-bas?" ; "Nke ahụ ọ bụ onye ọzọ? Chineke anyị anọghị naanị anyị!" ; "Allaavarum enthaanu parayunnathu? enthaanu sambhavikkunnathu!" ; "¡Una luz al final de este túnel! parece ser una escalera que conduce a la parte superior, ¡¡vamos todos!!"; The vast array of foreign languages spoken by men and women alike created an air of panic in the darkened tunnel, yet many understood that they should make their way to the end of the tunnel, including Diacrao himself.

Sparing no time, he and the others made their way to the lighted stairway at the end, hoping to get out of this black abyss. In front of him, a few shadows in individuals covered his view, and behind him, there were a few people as well, speaking in various foreign languages that puzzled him, yet it did not matter as they approached the stairwell that led them to the top. It was the moment of truth, where would this stairwell lead him to? he wondered, and so did the others as well.

As they ascended the stairwell, they were to set their eyes onto a whole new world that lay beyond the darkened abyss that they were once confined. Once they were outside, the world was covered in the veil of night covered with bright, starry skies, standing on a stone pavement as he was surrounded by various people of various attire and appearances, which oversaw a lighted settlement....no, a town that was only a few minutes walk from their area. He wondered what has he gotten himself into now, but alas, so many questions, yet so little answers.

Hey, I am pretty new in writing in general, so pardon my grammatical mistakes. I am quite busy with in real life jobs so i might not be able to update consistently, however, i hope that this series continues and hope everyone stay tuned to this work. Thank you for reading everyone.

Karaoni_acreators' thoughts