

"Hugo?!" My expression makes him sure I didn't know anything him.

"Hugo,he was assassin and now working for Morana." He said.

"Morana?!" She was really following me...

"Did you know Morana?!" He looks into my eyes.

"Yeah, she want me to her witchcraft." I said to him but he was not surprised by my answer.

"That's means you also have special birth!" He said.

"Yup!" I replied.

"Now her two little once are  together" He makes me suprise.

"What you mean by that?!" I didn't get it he what he was going to say.

"Actually I Born,when Morana was buried by my father's order...." before he finish his words I raise up some questions.

"What?! She buried by your father's order. So she was not a living person?!" Waht hell is going here.

"Hey! Clam down,let me explain everything to you along the way. Now can we starts our journey?!" He asked.

We starts our journey  along the wild way to the foretell village.

"Hey, what's your name?!" He asked.

I looks at him," first let me about you and Morana."

He smiled,"of course! Actually I don't know much about her but I know she was my aunt and she was buried by the order of my father when I born " He reply

"So she was..." before I finish my words...

"King's sister!" He reply.

When he said that moonlight stops her walk and I also freeze for a moment.  So he was really a prince likes I thought....?!

"What happens to you?!" He asked.

"Nothing! So you..." humbly I asked.

"I am the young prince of witchie kingdom and my name is Faye peter." He said.

"Faye Peter?!" I said.

He looks at me,"Is any wrong with the name?!"

"Nop,Not at all!" Faye Peter sounds likes Harry potter. It's my dream so it natural...

"Hey,then you can call me Faye." He said.

"Okay!" I smiled.

"What's your name?!" He asked again.

"I am Luna Lucas, a half lunar witch." I said.

"You are half Lunar witch,that means...?!" He looks at me.

"That means my father was a human" I said.

Faye's thoughts "It's really good to have a partner like luna in this journey and she is really beautiful. " He smiled.

"Luna, I left to ask. Why are you going to the foretell village?" He asked.

"My mother has given me an address and told me to go and see the person there." I said.

"Who do you want to see?I have a friend there who will help us" He said.

"So the prince..."He stopped me before I could say it.

"Just call me Faye!" He said.

"Okay! So you have decided to come with us." I asked.

"Yeah!" He answered likes a hero.

"But for why?!" I asked him.

"I am your future king, my need is to protect you and destroy her. So this should be a great deal,if I come with you I have one more person to fight with me against her." He answered.

I looked at him,and the journey continued without saying anything. When we reach the foretell village After crossing the wooden bridge on the river. He saw a great gate in the front of the village. It's really looks like the villages from the movie Harry potter.

Street full of snow with little beautiful stone house, big mall kind of magical shops, behind the buildings I saw a large group of pine trees covered with the milk white snow it's makes my nightmare has a sweet dream for a small period of time.

As soon as he entered the village through the great gate, Faye stops his horse and jumped off.

"What happened?!"I don't understand why he stopped his horse and gets down from it when he reach there.

"Nothing, you wait here for me and I'll go get some food us."He left and after waiting for some time he returned with a package.

"You are back?!" I moves near to him.

"Yeah,take it this!" He gives some cupcakes to me.

"Thanks!" I ate.

After finishing our bearkfast. We starts talking throught the streets of the village to faye's friends place.

When we reached Faye's friend's house, his friend was not there.

I look at Faye,"What will we do?!"

"Give me the address of the one you have to meet,let me ask to someone" He takes it and leave.

I waited for him in front of his friend's house for a while,when he back he brings a man with him. When i saw him,I ran to his side.

"Who is this?!"I asked about the person who came with him.

"A villager!"He looked at him and said.

"Ohh!"I gives a sound as a reply.

"He said that he will show you the address of the person you have to meet" Faye said.

"Ohh,that's great!thanks..." I thank you the villager for his help.

"This is the house of the person you are looking for...." The Villager shows the house of Faye's friend.

"What?! So your friend was the person I am searching for?!" I look at the house.

"I don't know, who you are sreaching for because two young people live in this house. One of them left his place and came here to save his life." He said.

"Save his life?!" We both looks at him confused.

"Actually I don't know very much about this but the nearly people saying the one living her is twin brother of any Assassin and other one hiding from his death." After saying this they leave.

We wait on the streets for their return for a long time. The moon also arrived but they.... we really know when they will come but we have a hope with us because after the night, day will come so they also come.