
A Dragon's Perspective

[UPDATES EVERYDAY AT 4PM GMT! "So here I am, the First Son of the High-and-Mighty Noble Dragon House, with a plan so brilliant it’s stupid: screw the heir’s mantle and kick back with a life full of leisure, money, and women. But here's the kicker—I had no damn clue that during my drunken blackout, I got zapped into a friggin' novel I once skimmed. Turns out, the character I’ve become was meant to die early on. Great. My lazy-ass plan just flipped the script. Now, instead of living easy, I’m a walking Calamity Magnet, scrambling to survive in this godforsaken world. Talk about ironic bullshit." "I'll carve out my own path, even if it means dealing with all the BS that comes with it." ________________________________ ●Magic Castle- 10 Extra chapters (RIP my Sleep Schedule) [THE DISCORD IS UP AND RUNNING COME SHOW SOME LOVE... LINK: https://discord.gg/WFaZeMPaCM

HeavenlyMike · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs


"And I love to bake cookies. They're my favorite, and I know all the best recipes," Betty continued, her enthusiasm undiminished. "One time, I baked a batch of cookies all by myself, and everyone said they were the best cookies they ever had!"

Diaval's interest was piqued. "Baking, you say? Would you like to show me how to make cookies?"

Betty's eyes widened with excitement. "Yes, yes! Can we, Uncle Diaval?"

Diaval smiled warmly. "Absolutely. Let's head to the kitchen."

As they made their way to the kitchen, Anna pulled Diaval aside. "Young master, I must tell you, we left our home without telling Taren we were coming here."

Diaval nodded, a flicker of guilt crossing his mind as he recalled the fire and what he had done to Taren. "Don't worry, Anna. Taren will be relieved to know that his loved ones are safe with us."

In the kitchen, Betty immediately captivated the hearts of the maids, including Mira. Her energy was infectious, and the usually solemn kitchen was filled with laughter and warmth.

"Uncle Diaval, we need flour, sugar, eggs, and butter!" Betty instructed, her small hands on her hips.

Diaval smiled and nodded. "Yes, Chef Betty. Mira, could you help us gather the ingredients?"

Mira chuckled and started gathering the items. "Of course, young master. Right away."

As they began mixing the ingredients, Betty took the lead, her tiny hands moving with surprising confidence. "Mommy taught me how to bake cookies. They're the best!"

Diaval, Mira, and the other maids watched in awe as Betty carefully measured and mixed. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and soon everyone was involved in the process.

"Uncle Diaval, you need to mix the dough like this!" Betty demonstrated, her hands moving in a circular motion.

Diaval tried to mimic her movements, but his technique was clumsy. "Like this, Betty?"

Betty giggled. "No, Uncle Diaval! You're doing it all wrong. Here, let me help you."

The maids laughed, and Diaval couldn't help but join in. The usually stoic young master was genuinely enjoying himself, his laughter echoing through the kitchen.

"She's a natural, isn't she?" Mira said, smiling at the young dragon.

"She certainly is," Diaval agreed, ruffling Betty's hair affectionately.

"Uncle Diaval, who taught you how to bake?" Betty asked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Diaval scratched his head, pretending to think hard. "Hmm, I think it was a very old and wise dragon who showed me the way."

Betty giggled. "You're funny, Uncle Diaval! But I think I'm better at baking than you."

Diaval feigned shock. "Oh really? We'll see about that, young lady. Let's have a little competition."

Betty's eyes lit up with excitement. "Yes! I'm going to make the best cookies ever!"

The maids and Mira watched with amusement as Diaval and Betty began their playful rivalry, each trying to outdo the other. Diaval's attempts were met with mixed results, his clumsiness often causing more flour to end up on himself than in the mixing bowl.

"Uncle Diaval, you're making a mess!" Betty laughed, pointing at the flour on his face.

Diaval grinned. "It's all part of the process, Betty. A true master baker always makes a mess."

Mira couldn't contain her laughter. "Young master, I think Betty might have you beat."

Diaval sighed dramatically. "You might be right, Mira. I guess I'll just have to concede defeat to the true baking champion."

Betty beamed with pride. "See, Uncle Diaval? I told you I'm the best!"

As they shaped the cookies and placed them on the baking tray, Betty's excitement grew. "Uncle Diaval, these are going to be the best cookies ever!"

"I'm sure they will be, Betty," Diaval said, his heart warmed by her confidence.

When the cookies were finally in the oven, Diaval, Mira, and the maids took a moment to relax, chatting and laughing. Betty climbed into Diaval's lap, snuggling close.

"Thank you, Uncle Diaval," she said softly. "This was so much fun."

Diaval hugged her gently. "You're welcome, Betty. I'm glad you had fun."

As they waited for the cookies to bake, the kitchen was filled with the delightful aroma of freshly baked goods. The maids chatted with Mira, and Betty continued to entertain Diaval with her stories and antics.

"Did you know, Uncle Diaval, I once climbed a tree to save a kitten?" Betty said, her eyes wide with excitement.

Diaval raised an eyebrow. "Really? That sounds like quite an adventure. What happened?"

Betty nodded eagerly. "The kitten was stuck, and I climbed up to get it. Mommy was so scared, but I wasn't! I got the kitten down safely."

Mira chuckled. "Betty is quite the brave little dragon."

Diaval smiled. "She certainly is. A true hero in the making."

When the cookies were ready, Betty proudly presented them to everyone. "Try one, Uncle Diaval!"

Diaval took a bite, savoring the sweet, buttery flavor. "These are delicious, Betty. You're an amazing baker."

Betty beamed with pride. "Thank you, Uncle Diaval!"

The maids each took a cookie, their expressions lighting up with delight. "These are wonderful, Betty," one of them said.

Mira nodded in agreement. "You did an excellent job."

The kitchen was alive with warmth and laughter, a stark contrast to the tension and danger Diaval had faced in the dungeons. Spending time with Betty and the others was a welcome relief, a reminder of the simple joys in life.

As they enjoyed the cookies, Diaval couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Despite the chaos and danger that surrounded his life, moments like these made it all worthwhile. 

For now, Diaval was happy to let go of his worries and immerse himself in the joy of the present, cherishing the bond he was forming with the young dragon and her mother.


Daily updates for 'The Greatest Blackmsith' is back as well.

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