
A Dragon's Frist Flight

This is about being Reincarnated as a Dragon trying to make the right chooses. This is based on reincarnated as a dragon egg or hatching , The time I got Reincarnated as a Slime and The Summoned Monster that is Summoning another Monster. Warning I DON'T meaning I DON'T own any of these novels or any anime that will be referred to in the novel

jepperjosh · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Suprise Meeting

Aghhh help me !!!! Rho heard he immediately started running but as he saw that a group of people in robes and armor were getting robbed by so thugs. As soon as he realized what happen he froze up remembering his past life suddenly tears started to fall from his eyes. Host has gain Fear resistance lvl 1. Title Gamer has been activated soon a mask went over Rho's mind calming him down he decided to hide in the bushes and their shadows while using fireball to attack.

Acting out his plan he decided to us inspect on the weakest looking thug there:

Name: Ricky Species: Human Class: Scout lvl 7

Skills: Steal lvl 3, Slash lvl 1, Danger wielder lvl 2

Wow he is a level higher than me maybe if I make a trap or trick him as I got close to him I made a noise making him wonder into the bush as soon as he came I covered my claws with fire slicing his neck. As blood spewed everywhere alerting the others of my presence. So I made a run for it into the second weakest thug then tried to use my fire ball as soon as it hit him I made it combust making his heed explode. Then the leader came out I used my inspect on him:

Name: Voronezh Opilo Species: Human Class: Warrior lvl 12

Seeing his strength I was sacred raising my fear resistance into level 3. The group behind me has three people on old mage looking guy ,a suspicious knight and another mage but female. Inspect lvl up from 1-4

The old man: Name: Zulu Species: Human Class: Mage lvl 9

The girl: Name: Lily Species: Human Class: Mage lvl 3

Knight: Name: Kai Species:Human Class: Knight lvl 5

As if Zulu could understand his mind he shot a wind bullet and Lily shot a water bullet. So seeing this I saw my chance I shot a combustion fireball. Typhoon bomb this hit killed Voronezh causing the hugs to run not before shooting an arrow at Zulu. System is it possible for me to push my mana to heal him yes but the creation of new skill will take 1 min. After the time past I gain skill Restore lvl 1 a skill which us mana to heal user or other person , also gain title Savior lvl 1.