
Wasn't Quite Sure What To Make Of Her

Cora hunkered down and focused on what she needed to do until her first break of the day. She made it to the bathroom as best she could on her crutches and the extra time made the trip take up half of her break. Afterwards, she ended up chatting with her coworker Daria in the hallway.

"So, did you have to ride in an ambulance or what?" she asked in a tone looking for an interesting scoop. She had always been gossipy.

"Nope. Some guy on a motorcycle ended up finding me lying on the ground and he took me to the hospital. He was really nice about it, actually," Cora said with a slight smile on her face.

Daria's flair for the dramatic manifested itself as she responded more enthusiastically than the situation called for. "You were rescued by a dashing prince on a noble steed! How romantic! Too bad he isn't your soulmate. Otherwise it would be the perfect meeting story."