
People Are Terrible

Ace gaped at Cora. Since when had she met Drew?! What on earth did he say that gave it away?

"You met Drew?!"

"Yeah. In the physical therapy office where I went after overdoing it on my ankle so it didn't heal right. He could tell I didn't want to be there and tried to reassure me. He told me about how he could move his fingers because of a good luck charm tattoo and got someone to move his arm to show me.

"I got called back before I could ask him what his name was. I knew that he was Diamond's brother but wasn't positive he was yours. I knew you both said you had one so it wasn't too hard to put together," Cora said simply.

Ace slapped a hand to his face. He couldn't believe this. The first person he showed his finger movement to was Cora? What exactly did he say about the tattoo?

"How did you know?"