
The day of proposal...

(The next day)

Phone rings...

Hello! who are you? asked Kim Joo-Shee "

hey! watsup it's me Baek-hyun how are you ? how have you been?

Baek-hyun?? (Joo-Shee said in a confusing voice ) how did you find my number? i remember i didn't give it you .

(Baek-hyun )ohh well" I'm sorry ,i didn't ask for your permission to call you ,i just got it from college. let's meet .

okay then let's meet in caferio near our college said Joo-Shee at 5 pm .

(the next day at 5pm )

Hello , how are you Joo-Shee? (Baek-hyun )

First of all , why are you so concerned about me ?(Joo-Shee ) whenever, wherever i move my eyes why do you appear in front of me and try to help me out . it's not even a week that we met ,we Don't even know each other so well ,so why you care for me that much?

(Baek-hyun was surprised by her question ) well i want to say that i have never thought that this day would come really this fast , but you asked me so i will answer, i like you " .

if you say that I'm trying to flirt with you or showing fake concern towards you.then it's not true , i really like you from the day we first met, and i want to marry you .

Sorry i cant marry you like this! Joo-Shee said in confusing voice and run away from there.

i will marry you in any way (Baek-hyun said with confidence and smirk in his face..

to be continued....