
A Different Twilight Story

Hadrian and Isabella Swan ,Twins move in with their father to the gloomy and rainy town of Forks but instead of the boring and expected life in such a small town, their lives are forever altered in a permanent way as hurdles they never even imagined come their way. A more Dramatic and thrilling Re-telling of the Twilight Series

Ariella_T · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 2

The next thing I knew I was being pushed out of a small tunnel,and everything was disorienting and it fucking hurts , especially the sudden light hurt my eyes I tried to speak and the only sound that came out of my mouth was crying and thats when the realization came that I was just reborn and got my first look of my new parents Charlie and Renee Swan nee Higginbotham.

While Charlie has a mustache and curly brown hair, He stands at 6 feet tall and has an average build. Renee on the other hand has medium length brown hair,innocent, childish blue eyes and a round face full of laugh lines. Her height is around 5 feet 4 inches.

Before I could comprehend that I was actually reincarnated and it was not a hallucination, Renee started screaming at the top of a lungs cursing Charlie for doing this to her and after about 3 minutes my sister came into the world Isabella Marie Swan.

After being cleaned I was given to Charlie he looked so happy to see me. I don't know how but I already love him and decided then and there that even though Charlie and Renee gets divorced that I would visit Forks and keep in touch with my dad.

One of the things that I disliked about the Canon was that Bella totally ignores her father except when she need it something like moving forks and the fact that despite having a father could is not the best at speaking about his feelings, Charlie always tried to be there for an even bought her a second hand truck and tried to make her feel more at home in Forks.


Growing growing up as Bella Swans twin brother was an experience as she for some unimaginable reason saw me as competition for our parents affections and was very standoffish and I kept on visiting dad for a week even after bella stopped in the summers and called him aleast once a week

When BookBella describes Renee as scatterbrained she was not kidding and was a hundred percent serious.So I had to grow up fast to make up for it and only the fact that I was already an adult helped me retain my sanity.

Since I already knew that I was going to be mated to two very beautiful and mature vampire women

I made sure to learn things to help me in wooing them,I made sure my manners were impeccable and started learning Martial Arts to be able to defend myself and started learning things that I thought could help me relate better to them like languages and started working in our neighborhood garage part time. I also did other odd jobs around the neighborhood like gardening, mowing the lawn ,washing cars,clearing the driveway,raking leaves etc to save up some money to be able spend when I moved to Forks.

There was an old lady Next Door who was a retired music teacher and I made a deal with her that I would walk her dogs and mow the lawn and wash her car for free if she taught me how to play the guitar,turns out that my music skills from my previous life transferred over and I was able to catch on pretty quickly on how to play the guitar like a pro.

Since the fact that I would be turned into a vampire was a given. I made sure to be athletically fit with a good body physique by going to the gym working out and swimming you know the whole body frozen in time thing.

By the time I was 17 and about to move out to Forks. I looked like what I choose along with the few tattoos ,6 Foot 3 feet tall with steel Blue Eyes and dark brown hair six pack abs and all the works.

I was heading out a week earlier than Bella Since I had to set up my room,get my car get a job etc.


As I was walking out of the airport I saw that Dad was standing over there with his Cruiser,I ran up to him and hugged him it wasn't even that awkward since we kept in touch regularly . On the way back home we mostly talked about his job and how mom was doing but I knew my dad,he was looking guilty and I asked about it he said that Billy Black was coming over. I was pissed as hell,I hated the tribe because of the unwanted prejudice and the fact that they keep butting their nose in places it is not needed just because some hot tempered idiots turn into overgrown puppies they think they have the right to do as they please. and I know for a fact that day I meet my mates they will try to interfere and tell me to stay away from them.

Its purr hypocrisy ,did Sam stay away from Emily even after mauling her face?,Did Quill stay away from Claire even though she was a two year old child. Imprinting is SICK from my point of view.

The Book presented two reasons for Imprinting, Billy said it was a woman who could calm the wolf and Sam said that it was the best chance of passing on the Wolf gene to the next generation.

So from my point of view it was either a glorified babysitter or a breeding unit for the wolf,the imprintee might grow to love the wolf but they don't have a choicebecause of the tribal lawseven if Claire's parents wanted to move away they couldn't because the pack protects the imprint and shifters are jealous and temperamental if their imprintee chooses another mate they might get aggressive.

Anyway seing me silent Charlie knew he messed up,growing up I was never quiet about my dislike of the tribe evn though he has no idea why.Billy knows I think or he suspects that I might be mated to one of the vampires since even at an age where the stories were supposed to scare kids I kept defending them and blaming the wolfs in the legends in a tribal meeting I attended at seven years old ,he kept glaring at me the entire time especially when his son the next Alpha and chief agreed with me that Vampires were cool. He never liked me after that

I took a deep breath and said 'it's okay dad,I'll be polite.'

I spent the rest of the ride looking out the window watching as the trees flew by.