
A Devil in a Hero's world

A Devil from another world decided that he was bored and wanted to go somewhere new but to his surprise, the new place was something completely new.

Zer0_A1 · แอคชั่น
3 Chs

New here

Zero would be walking into the school as he looks around seeing teenagers on their phones watching hero video and the latest bank robbery. But Zero doesn't care all he wants to do is see what this world is about and how magic disappeared and powers came to be. Zero would be walking to the exam rooms ready to get into the school or university, now while Zero was walking to the exam room he can feel eyes at him but he is used to this because he was the king of the 7th gate so they would naturally stare at him.

As Zero walked into the exam rooms he can feel happiness and joy but at the same time, he can feel fear and sadness "Odd? in this one room there are so many emotions." Zero thought as he found a seat and sat down as he would looking around this room. "So many teens, some around 18 and 19" Zero stopped looking around and rested on his arms "I can't believe the portal made me go back to 18" Zero thought as he knew if he found the person that made the portal he will surely kill them. as Zero was waiting he notice a group by the front of the room as he would use some magic to spy on what they're saying, "Oh my god can I get you autograph" a girl squeal "No problem" the person said back "Hey, I hear that you single" a guy said as he handed his phone to her as she smacks it away "I don't date losers" she said back as Zero was confused in why ever body was interested in her as he looked at the kid sitting to the left of him. "Hey," Zero said as he tapped on his desk "Ya? what is it?" the girl asked "Ummm why is everyone interested in the girl over there" Zero asked as he was ready to hear the answer "Oh? you don't know about her? Well, she is the daughter of the number 2 hero or the second-best hero other than Century. Her name is Lilly Flamewood and her father is Hellbird the hero" She answers as Zero just took in the information "Thank you for telling me" Zero said as he rested his head back on his arms.

"Hey," the girl said as she threw a paper ball at Zero's head, hitting his head as he got up "yes?" as Zero picked up the paper ball "Your not from here are you?" the girl asked "Ya, just got into the city," Zero said as he rested his head back "What do you think of New York?" the girl asked "It's not bad" Zero said as he tried to sleep "Where are you from?" the girl asked again "The country," Zero said as he was getting tried waiting for the Exam teacher "Oh, I see why you don't know her, BUt do you have any friends here in the city?" The girl asked once more "No," Zero flatly said as the girl wanted him to say no "Well I can be your friend" the girl said as Zero just put a thumbs up. Zero thinks about what to do till he remembers his new friend he had just made today so he decided to talk to her as he turns his head to look at her, Zero was surprised that this girl is quite cute, She has long brown hair white skin and wears glasses her clothes where a blue long sleeves and black jeans with white shoes as he was surprised that she wanted to be his friend she looked like one of the popular kids but I guess he was wrong, but Zero thought about it and remembered that he is quite hot as well in fact he was the one to have Scarlet of Lust as his girlfriend so he thought as much that he looked pretty nice. as suddenly the doors to the room burst open as a man wearing all black with a black cape and a rabbit mask walked in "Black Rabbit" The students yelled as they were all exceeded to see the number 9 hero in the room.

"Well students I will be your Exam teacher today," Black Rabbit said in a dark tone voice " To pass it is quite simple, you will be put up into 5 test and for each test, you will get a score in total you should have 500 points and if you don't have that many points or higher than you fail." Black Rabbit said as all the students looked ready to do the test. Black Rabbit then told all the students to go to the training ground for the test as they all listened as they got up and walked out of the room. outside all the students did so stretches as they wait for Black Rabbit to tell them the first test "Ok Brats this will be the first Test the Ball throw. You all with throw the ball one time and the score you get will determine the score you get for the test so if you throw over 500 meters then you will pass all the test but if you get the last place in any of the tests your points will be subtracted" Black Rabbit said as he gave the ball to the first person in line. "Lilly Flamewood" Black Rabbit said as he threw the ball to her "Your father got 890 meters on this test, lets see if you can do better than you old man," Black Rabbit said as Lilly smiled as she pulled her hand back and threw the ball as fire would burst out of Lilly's hand burning the ground as the ball would fly to 1089 meters as everyone was shocked excepted Zero as the scoreboard moved Lilly Flamewood to first place with 1089 points.