
A Demon King Through The Worlds

A Demon King traveling through worlds, accumulating abilities, wealth and followers. Conquering realms and worlds. Overcoming the gods and obtaning supreme powers. *Warning: Explicit Violence*

IAmImmortal99 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs

Chapter 9: Kiss

"It must be difficult, right?" Lucian asked, looking at Kie.

"What are you talking about?" Kie seemed confused by Lucian's question, even more so considering how suddenly it was asked.

"Living here, taking care of six children alone."

"Well... I can't say it's easy, but we managed. They help me a lot, especially Tanjiro who goes down the mountain to sell coal, and Nezuko taking care of her younger brothers."

"That is good. Seeing that the absence of a father figure did not cause harm makes me relieved." Lucian then smiled, before suggesting "Don't you want to find them a new father?"

"What? ...Are you really saying what I think you are?" Kie blushed shyly as her voice trailed off.

"Of course" Lucian said, as he approached her.

He then placed one of his hands on her waist, and slowly approached her.

"B-But I'm old and I have kids…" Kie stuttered slightly, hesitation written all over her face. Even more so when her current age and the fact that she has children made it almost impossible for her to get involved in a new romantic relationship.

"In my opinion you are still very attractive." Lucian said, exhaling hot air into Kie's left ear.

"N-no…" The blush spread further across Kie's face, her ears turning red, and her mind becoming so fuzzy as her face turned red.

Looking at that bright red, Lucian even felt like tearing off a piece.



And he made her wish come true by placing a kiss on her delicate cheeks.

At this moment, Kie almost smoked, then quickly pushed him away, letting go of Lucian's arms before running away.

Running away full of shame and shyness.

"I have a lot of charm." Arrogantly commented Lucian. After all, if it weren't for that, she would have pushed him away the moment he started approaching.

Even more so when considering that they only met a few days ago, so even if she had slapped him, it wouldn't have been surprising.

'... Or being pessimistic is because she has accumulated a lot of loneliness. It may also be that I have a bit of a leading role.'

He then turned to the sink, which still had unwashed dishes because Kie ran away. He laughed briefly and started washing the dishes.

If he made her run away, he has to take responsibility and finish the job.


'He kissed me...' Kie leaned against the wall, while covering his face with his hands.

Her heart was beating fast, her face was burning and her mind was constantly thinking about what had happened.

It had been a long time since she had such close contact with a man, especially one so handsome.

She became entangled internally. Should she accept? But what about her children? Could they accept this? Would he be a good father? These are all questions she must consider.

So should she refuse? However, just thinking about it made her reluctant. She didn't want to be alone for the rest of her life, and even though they had known each other for such a short time, he still made her very comfortable.

So there she was, facing a huge dilemma. Fulfill your duties as a mother and put your children first? Or just consider her personal happiness?

And after a few minutes of breathing deeply and calming her heart, Kie made a decision.

'If he can be good to my children, then there will be no problems. Otherwise, nothing will simply happen between us.' She then strengthened her resolve.

Making a decision that brought together the best of both worlds.

'Maybe just like he said, I should give my children a new father.'

"Mother! Rokuta fell and injured his knee!" Shigero ran closer, while shouting.

"Calm down, take me to him." Kie spoke softly, comforting Shigero.

"Yes, this way!" Shigero said, pulling Kie's hand.

Buááá buáá

Taking a few steps in the direction indicated by Shigero, Kie soon began to hear the slight sound of crying, since the house is not that big.

However, as he got a little closer, the sound slowly stopped.

And when Kie finally arrived, the crying had already stopped.

Looking at Rokuta on the ground, and Lucian who was comforting him, Kie felt she could make it...

"He hurt himself just a little, he just has to clean it and bandage it, and in a few days he'll be fine." Lucian announced for those present to hear.

"Yes, don't worry about the injury." Kie said, crouching down and comforting Rokuta, as she helped him up.

"What happened?" asked Nezuko, who had just arrived.

"He fell. Nezuko, take him to do the dressing." Kie gave the order to Nezuko.

"Yes, mother" Nezuko replied, taking Rokuta's hand to take him to another room, and Shigero quickly followed her.

"Sorry for pushing you earlier." Kie then apologized to Lucian, her face slightly red.

"Everything is fine. I who was abrupt in my actions" Lucian spoke, a smile appearing on his face, and a feeling of euphoria arising in his mind, as he knows what this apology means.

It means that she wasn't mad about him kissing her and that she wants to continue this relationship.

"Actually, I'm glad you'are not mad." Lucian smiled provocatively.

"Would you… stop trying to provoke me?" Kie replied, understanding the meaning of his words, but even if she tried to show anger, the redness on her face and the shyness in her eyes made this attempt difficult.

"No, I can't stop."

"Uff… Do you have so much fun teasing this old lady?" A slight helplessness appeared on Kie's face as she asked this question.

"Yes, it's not my fault that the 'old woman' in question is so beautiful. Plus your embarrassed expression is so cute." Lucian smiled as he approached, his provocative gaze intensifying.

"Well, if you keep talking like that I'll get angry. And I know she's getting closer because she's going to try to kiss me again." Kie retorted.

"You got it right, and since you didn't move even half a step away, I'll take that as consent." Lucian said as he extended his arms and pulled Kie into his embrace.

Feeling the arms around her, Kie closed her eyes and lifted her head, pouting her lips, she was ready for the kiss.

..... Where's the kiss?!?

Kie opened her eyes and looked at Lucian in confusion, only to be met with his still provocative gaze.

"You really want to be kissed, don't you." Then he lowered his head and stole her lips.

Kie was surprised for a moment before closing her eyes and becoming immersed in the kiss.

Both joined in an avid search for each other's warmth, as they hugged each other tightly, and kissed passionately.

And after a long time, they broke up because they ran out of breath.

...or at least Kie was out of breath. Lucian could still last for hours or even days.

"My lips are a little numb..." Kie said, looking at Lucian with some resentment.

"Do you want a kiss to heal?" Mischievously suggested Lucian.


"It's okay, you'll get used to it soon. And to support you in this adaptation process, I will be willing to kiss you every day."

"...I am afraid of the days to come." Kie commented with some fear: 'If I'm so vigorous every day, haven't my lips fallen off?'

"Now shall we check Rokuta's dressing?" Lucian suggested, diverting the topic to prevent Kie from continuing to think randomly.

"Yes." Kie agreed, after all even if she had trust in Nezuko, she still needed to look to make sure everything was okay.

Thanks for the power stones DEATH_OTAKU


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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