
Chapter ten : six men

It was around 5pm when she walked out of the villa and started walking on the road . She didn't know this place but kept walking even though her feeth hurt . The only thing she could see were trees but yet she continued walking until the night met her . she felt cold, she was tired ,hungry and her wounds were already getting infected but she had to continue walking in search of help if not she was going to die in this deserted place

luckily , she saw a light over the mountain infront of her and hurry up to climb it . when she reached the top of the mountain there was a little house there , she wanted to go and ask for help but was abit reluctant after the experience with Jonathan . When she turn to leave a voice stopped her

" Who is there ?" she turn herself to see the owner of the voice , it was a grandmother , standing on the house' veranda she gesture Jenny to approache after seeing that it was a woman with the help of the moonlight outside . When the grandmother saw Jenny in that state she immediately asked her to get in . Jenny couldn't refuse anyway she needed help and a grandmother can not possibly harm her right ?

The house was little but quiet modern . There was just a living room , bedroom and kitchen in . There was a thermal source not far from the house so the grandmother led Jenny to it for her to clean herself . It was hard to bath because of her numerous wounds which became even more painful when she entered the hot water but she managed

After taking a bath the grandmother grined some herbes and asked Jenny who was naked to sit on a chair in the kitchen and she did as she was told .

" What is your name young girl ?" The grandmother asked applying the herbes on her skin causing her to wince in pain

" mh..Jenny Jade " she calmly said

" Jenny where did you take these wounds from ?" the grandmother asked curious

" I had an accident " she lied

" hmm" the grandmother hmmed knowing that was a lie because she could clairly see that the wounds were done by a whip

" do you have parents or a relative ?" the grandmother asked

" my parents are no more but I still have a relative " she said with a sad smile

" I know what is to loose a family member cause my own parents are death too " the grandmother said with an amused smile causing Jenny to blink , it was obvious that her parents were death

" but you are an old woman" Jenny pointed out

" Yes I am old but my parents are also missing me.. and that every single day " . Jenny founded it cute and couldn't help but feel as to cry again because of her own parents

" do you have a husband ?" the grandmother asked as she was done applying the herbes " N-No "

" Why ? when I was like you I was already married you know " " Oh " Jenny utter

" those were medicinal herbes they're going to help you sleep well this night " she said and bandage Jenny' wounds . She went to her room and found a white gown that she gave Jenny to wear

" thank you " Said said and wore the long sleeves gown. When she was done the grandmother handed her a bole of hot soup " Eat when it's hot " she thanked the grandmother and started eating silently

While eating she thought of her life . She has always been Jenny a young girl who lived happily with her parents and sister even thought they were poor . her parents had a plantation and her sister and her used to help them sell the crops in the market that is how their lives had always been . She never knew that her father had borrowed money from such a dangerous person like William and she wondered how they did to meet . She also remembered how those men in black killed her parents and brought her to William who took her virginity and sold her to five rich men for exactly two months . How she accepted Jonathan' help and thus ended up at his Mercy . As he whipped her up and abused of her , she didn't regret killing him and his maid cause they merited it , she was no God to judge people but she couldn't help it . In the list of people she had to take her revenge from there was William and those five men . Jonathan was already death so now it's remaining four of them before reaching to William . Those six men who abused of her will all have to pay