
A dead man's mission

"I survived?" The man thought as he got up to find himself in an unfamiliar place __ Kou , a former salary man decided to end his own life the night after deciding that it would be better off for him to leave this world , however to his surprise something else that he would never thought of happens instead. Waking up to find himself in a place that looks like regular people could never afford , not even a third generation chaebol could . Finding himself in a body of a beautiful man he wondered why isn't he dead yet . something... something is preventing him from dying , what could it be? fate..? no way! fate is harsh enough to him in his previous life there is no way fate would willingly revive him in another world ...? timeline? what is this place? _ [ pure action]

fuwaui · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

The Night I Died

"I survived?" as i looked up to find a fancy ceiling in a room smelling like hospital.


"What has my life become?" The man said looking down to find the ethereal reflection of the stars at the sole of his feet from a height that would even make a mad man reconsider his life choices. The quiet waves of water, a stream that sounds friendly but deceiving. With both of his hands holding onto a silver metal in the back.

"I wish for them to never find me"

The man said his last words or so he thought, letting go of the hold, embracing the air as he falls down witnessing a silver bridge as his last place alive, slowly closing his eyes with an unreadable smile forming on his face as if all the burden in the world had just been lifted from this planet.


"I survived?" The man said slowly opening his eyes to a high medieval styled ceiling in a room smelling like chemicals.

The man got up finding himself in a beautiful room that looks like someone noble owns it, a place where ordinary people, a former salaryman like himself would never be able to afford.

Slowly walking to find someone with a face that a famed artist would paint, thick eyebrows with eyes that would light up a dead man's spirit, a pair of lips that of the prettiest one in the world and a beautiful scar carved at the top of his right eyebrow making everyone that walks by wonder as to how he got that perfectly carved scar shown on his face.

"Who?... this mirror can't be serious , or is it my eyes? There is no way someone this pretty- no.. someone this gorgeous could be me."


The door busted open, a pair of eyes met mine.

ahh i hope you guys enjoyed this prologue , i'm gonna try hard to not make it your usual cliche , i'm gonna try my best to match it wih your expectations! please voice your thoughs on this one , it would mean a lot , thank you!


fuwauicreators' thoughts