
Weird Family

We walked towards the house at the main door on the porch. I am still unsure of what is happening. Yet I know I could not just go without assuring myself I did not leave any damage.

Lou fainted. He seemed so weak. And cold.

Not good.

I picked the frog stuffed toy he threw at Cedric earlier. Cedric carried him inside. We manage to lie Lou on the sofa in the living room. It doesn't seem to matter if the cushions will get wet. Cedric and I only care for Lou to be comfortable.

We are also trying not to make any noise.

Cedric went inside the house to get some new clothes, I guess. He seemed worried but in a hurry.

Lou seemed to be sleeping. His breathing is normal. 

I remove his wet leather shoes and socks. 

I placed it on a side table along with his soaked toy.

I thought he was still unconscious, so I was surprised when I saw him looking at me.

His eyes seemed droopy but seemed frozen.

It's creepy.

Now, he reminds me of the porcelain dolls I hated. 

"Why?" he asked. "Why were you hiding with my cousin?"

"I don't know."

"You're lying."

"Are you a mind reader, too?"

Lou suddenly sat up.

It was like he had an electric shock.

I back out a little.

"He told you that?!" Lou asked while looking worried for a split second before he got angry again. "I'm gonna kill him!"

He lay back on the sofa as if his energy was fading again.

"Ugh. I hate this," Lou said as if speaking to himself.

Hate what?

I almost asked. But I don't think I'm already immune to the random act of rudeness.

Is he like this because an intruder entered their house? If that is the case, I can relate to that. I hate people visiting our place without asking for permission first. It does not matter if it is a family member or an old friend. It should be illegal for people to visit any place without advance notice. 

However, even if it was irritating, I could not understand the reactions I was getting from Lou and Cedric. I am simply an outsider who enters their house by accident. I could have apologized and walked away if they could have only let me.

So why am I in this mess?

I scanned the interior of the house. I did not expect it to look a bit modern and clean. Based on what Cedric told me, I would see a laboratory where people got used for experimentation. Or an interior fit for a hideout of those on the run. But everything is just normal except for Cedric.

"Hey, I heard that," Cedric said while walking towards us and before he looked at his cousin. "Lou, you should take a bath and change your clothes," 

Cedric was now wearing indoor slippers and holding a bath towel.

"Here," he said to Lou. But Lou ignored what Cedric was giving him.

"Why did you tell her you can hear people's thoughts?" Lou asked Cedric while glaring at him.

Now I get it. Lou hated me because I found out about the family secret. 

Again, I could have forgotten it if they only let me get away. 

But could I?

Can I forget this incident?

It was not every day that I encountered such weird people.

"I know we are weird," Cedric said to me. "But we are both harmless."

"Seriously? This situation does not bother you at all?" Lou asked as if he was so tired of Cedric.

He seemed to be in normal mode when he was angry.

"Honestly? I am glad you were both talking about me," Cedric said while smiling. "Who knows? Maybe both of you can be friends afterward."

"Damn it, Cedric, you are—"

"Yeah, yeah… I'm in big trouble, as always. Let's first get you cleaned up before you get sick. And try to keep it down before Zyren wakes up, okay?"

Cedric shooed Lou away as he gave the towel again. This time, he was placing it on his hand.

"I can't… I'm too tired."

I almost scoffed.

If he is not angry, his energy level shrinks fast to zero.

Cedric carried Lou, and he suddenly looked like a sleepy child again. 

Lou closed his eyes as his cheek touched his shoulder. Cedric puts his weight on his left arm. And balance Lou with his right arm.

And just like that, Lou fell asleep while leaning on Cedric.

Lou no longer has the will to scold us.

"Is he okay? Should we take him to the hospital? I think he hit his head. I pushed him too hard—"

Cedric seemed surprised. Then he smiled at me.

"So that's why you looked so worried. No. Lou did not hit his head. I saw what happened. He was dizzy before you pushed him."

"I still shouldn't have done that."

"Yeah. You shouldn't. But I won't blame you for being angry at Lou. Lou tends to get on people's nerves easily. And he tends to get weak whenever he travels."

"He just came from the airport?"

No wonder he was tired. The jet lag must have gotten into him.

"No, he just came back from the past."

I think my mind just shattered. Any reaction failed to register.

I was only standing there looking at Cedric. 

He smiled at me before he explained the details.

"Lou travels through time. But to be precise, he can only travel on the past events."

I think I let two or three seconds pass before my mind started to work again.

"Okay, wait. First, you told me you're a mind reader. And now you're telling me Lou is a time traveler?" 

"Uhh… yeah?"

"What do you mean, uhh… yeah? It's insane!"

"No. Not insane. Just weird." 

He was dead serious.

Of course, he's telling the truth. I only can't believe it is the truth. How was that even possible? Aaahhh!!!

"Okay, calm down a bit," he said as he slowly touched my hand. "Remember? I don't want to scare you. But I also don't want to lie to you."

His arms are full. I can dismiss him. Yet I stood there as if glued to my feet.

I noticed that Cedric was shaking. I guess he did not want me to leave him alone. It was evident from my reaction what I was thinking. I was about to run away from him again. 

And from that house.

Away from these weird people!

"If you run, there is nothing more I can do to stop you. But we have to find the key first. Besides, even if I want to run away from this place, I could not leave Lou like this."

Somehow, something changed. Cedric seemed calmer. But it was evident there was too much to consider now. He was no longer thinking about himself.

"Lou is the only family I have left. Along with Zyren. But as you can tell, we are not like the usual family you know of."

You mean, because of your ability and hers?


I'm trying to calm down, damn it! But I can't. I just can't.

How can someone casually admit their weird abilities?

I tried to get some logic out of the situation.

"Why are you telling me all of this? And, no. Don't tell me you only wanted to be honest with me. I'm not buying it."

He smiled again.

"Just like you, I also don't know the answer. But I'm also afraid. Can't you tell I'm shaking?"

It was obvious.

He nodded to acknowledge my confirmation.

I was slowly getting used to his ability. But knowing what Lou could do shattered my mind again.

I looked at Cedric. Then, at his hand that touched my arm. It was still a bit shaky. But he was mustering every confidence he could have to appear calm and maybe to look like someone I could trust.

I no longer justify why I felt I could not go away. But I felt Cedric and Lou were both afraid. They only show it in two different ways. 

Cedric tends to shake as he tries to appear calm and in control. Meanwhile, Lou shouts at someone because he is afraid and will not admit it even to himself.

I had similar reactions. But it depends on the scenario.

It was odd that people were familiar with different human emotions. We sympathize. And yet, we often find it confusing why emotions would burst. It was not because of our way of expressing ourselves. It was because of what we deem as unexpected situations. What could be painful for someone is something tolerable to another. Something beautiful and acceptable can be terrifying for other people.

It was astonishing to find someone who can relate to what we are going through. To make someone understand even if there are no words exchanged. And if we have that someone, we hold onto them.

Cedric is risking something by trusting me. And he wanted me to do the same.

But the golden rule is we all need permission before we allow ourselves to do things that involve another person. We could only ask and hope that what we wanted would be given. If not, we should know how to accept rejection and keep trying again. Perhaps in a different timeline or with a new person.

Though the word no is a complete sentence, it was always hard to utter. It was even tough to explain, knowing the receiver would not accept or refuse to hear about it.

I often say no to people.

It served as my limitation.

I no longer care if they refuse to hear my answer. I only know that I must be honest with myself and with others.

But sometimes, there are days when I go beyond my limit.

No explanation or logical reason.

It was only me taking risks or being stupid.

I sighed shakily. I did it twice. Thrice even to make myself think more clearly. 

Cedric asked me earlier to stay because he said we were in danger. This time, I sensed he was asking me to listen without judgment. 

I did not remove his hand and let him decide my fate.

"Where should we take Lou?" I asked and waited for his answer.