Laurie was working in a production company as a production assistant. One day, she was out to do a simple errand. But she arrived at an odd house where she met a guy who was a mind reader, a boy who could visit the past, and a man who could erase the memories of anyone he saw as a threat to their lives.
I sent a short text to my coworker.
I told her I was lost. I would not make it to Mr. Sanchez on time.
Somehow, it was the truth. Yet I could not help but feel bad for not giving enough details. It was also awkward to know they asked someone to do the task assigned to me, no matter how simple. My coworker would reprint a copy and deliver it to our boss.
And so, I needed to focus on the other task.
One problem down. Two more to go.
Cedric and I helped Lou take a bath and change his wet clothes. He was like sleepwalking as he slowly moved. Cedric took care of his wet clothes and checked if the key was in one of the pockets. But Cedric only shakes his head to let me know we will search elsewhere.
Once we settled Lou on a single bed, Cedric and I became quiet. I no longer know what to say.
Lou was sleeping soundly. The silence is essential not just for him but for our safety.
Are we really in trouble? I asked through my mind.
"Lou and Zyren are my cousins. As you can see, Lou can be a brat, while Zyren has a bad temper. It's safer to be in this room for now."
Was he violent?
"No. Zyren was just so used to being in command. Even our relatives could not enter this house without his permission."
And vice versa?
"What?" he looked at me while almost whispering.
"I said vice versa. Zyren will also not allow anyone to leave this house easily."
Cedric looked away but nodded.
"Yes. You're right. I know Zyren is protective of us because of what we can do. But sometimes, he can be extreme. He wanted to take care of everything."
"You're being way too honest again."
"I just trust you."
"Even if we don't know each other well?"
"Fine. I'm being stupid. I also could not always tell whether I could trust a person. Despite having my ability, people can trick me because they don't always think about me."
I sighed. Our conversation is not going anywhere.
"Can we search for the key now?"
"Am I that boring?" he asked while smiling, yet the hurt was visible.
I did not apologize. I also waited for Cedric to say anything.
"I'll just check if Zyren is still asleep."
Are you just making an excuse?
"No… of course not! I only wanted to be sure you're safe," he said before lowering his voice. "But I would like you to stay longer if that is possible. You can also check this room."
I just stared at him while not believing any word he said. He is making an excuse. And we both know I have no reason to stay.
"Anyway, I'll be back as soon as possible," he said before walking out the door.
I sighed and looked around Lou's room.
Yeah, this house is weird. And so are the ones living in it.
It seemed pretty old, and the room was just the right size for a teenager. There was a pile of stuffed animals on the corner. I was about to take a photo of it using my cell phone. But I change my mind as soon as I open the screen.
I had no right to do that. So I kept my phone in my bag.
It's best if I will forget this place.
I tried looking for the key so I could reopen the gate. The stuffed animals have no secret pockets whatsoever. The study table has pen and paper in the drawers and a lamp at the top. I also saw some old books labeled on the shelf.
"Given by Aunty Louise on September 13, 2005, at her house in Makati," I read slowly.
"What are you doing?"
I almost yelped when I saw Lou awake. He is staring at me again.
"Did you touch anything?" he asked as if I was a child.
"Yes," I admitted. "I was looking for the key so I can leave."
"You won't easily find it."
Obviously, I thought while trying not to roll my eyes.
I looked at the cabinet and was unsure if I could open it. But Lou also saw me and knew what I was thinking.
"Go ahead. Open it."
So, I did.
But aside from his organized clothes, I saw nothing else.
I even ignore his undergarments and just look harder for that damn key.
I sat back to where I was, once done with my search.
Lou looked at his feet and tried to move them back and forth.
"You remind me of my cousin..."
Lou looks back at me.
I, on the other hand, regret what I just blurted out.
Why did I make that comment? It was true his action reminded me of my cousin. But he did not ask about that.
But Lou seemed to be waiting for me to go on.
"He used to move his feet like that to make himself fall asleep."
"He's weird."
So are you.
There was an awkward silence after that.
"Ahh… Lou. About what Cedric told me, can you travel back to the past?"
"Why did he tell you that? And why would you want to know?"
I shrugged my shoulders when I replied, "Just curious. I wonder if you left the key at a different time."
Lou looked at me as if I was dumb.
"How else will we get out if I do that?"
"So, anyone is allowed to go out?"
"Is that what Cedric told you? That we got imprisoned here?"
"Don't believe him. He's a moron."
I smiled awkwardly at Lou. Honestly, I no longer know what to believe myself.
Seconds pass. We just both stayed quiet.
"Yeah, I can do it. I can time travel. I've been doing it since I was eight."
Eh?! He answered my question earlier.
"How old are you now?"
"Was that… okay… with your parents?" I asked even though I was not really interested to know more about their family.
I just felt I needed to make the conversation to keep on going.
"My parents are dead."
I froze. Lou stated that part of himself as if he were discussing the weather. Or what he ate that morning.
It was plain and simple.
And he seemed odd and mysterious.
Lou spoke and acted like an adult.
I guess it was because, from an early age, Lou needed to survive on his own. But I could never do that. Both of my parents are still alive. But I can never imagine myself saying casually that my parents are dead, even if the time comes that years after they died have passed already. It was a sad fact.
Usually, I'm amazed at those kids who are mature at a young age. But I also pity them because part of their childhood seemed gone instantly. Their innocence got lost in a way. Instead of focusing on their studies or secret crush, they will think and do certain things that adults would do, like finding a lost cousin.
It was no wonder Lou did things by himself.
But no, he is not an introvert like me.
I can no longer say I do not like how Lou talks to me because I can understand him now.
Someday, like them, I will end up alone. It was not just a preference but also a consequence, given how I am now.