
Chapter 15

Peter was an extremely demanding boyfriend, in a good sense. She had never met a man with so much lust and libido. He made use of each hole on her body until the feeling of his spunk in them was so infused that even when the boy was on patrol, she felt it.

Mary liked her role as a pet and slave, after all, she studied acting for some reason. The girl felt happy with her days filled with love and attention from her owner. Each morning she woke up with excitement, begging the boy to play with her body. There was also a sense of safety in having Spiderman as her master; no one could touch her.

From simple stuff like hugs, kisses, and pats on the head to the more hardcore ones like anal or sucking Peter's cock while he was working on his workshop. Mary was grateful for this second chance at becoming his bitch.

And that was only Peter.

Gwen? She was jealous of her, but each time Mary got a little bitchy with the woman, the blonde teenager quickly put her in her place. She really loved having the redhead clean her creampies. As any good bitch, she loved licking her owner.

Venom, on the other hand, was strange. She was actually treating her like a normal girl. One would expect that the tentacular monster would be the horniest of all, but she is extremely soft. The only strange thing she did was touch her while Mary was sleeping; she could feel those small tentacles going inside her slit and doing something . . . well, it felt good, so what was the problem?

However, was Peter the one eating dog food? She was puzzled by that mixed message.

And now they were there, ready for the man to put a bum in her oven. She was the center of his world in those moments, an addictive sensation that made her crave every second of it.

"Are you ready? I will teach you two what real pleasure feels like," a massive feminine figure emerging beside her said. She would kill to have Venom hips, it was unfair that the alien could change her shape at will.

She felt a shiver go down her spine when it slid under her, pressing those wet and gooey breasts against hers. Mary felt the long, hot tongue dancing around her neck like if the alien was about to take a bite.

"No mercy . . ." Mary whispered as the monster and her owner began to work.

With that, both began to prepare her.

Peter's tongue began to carefully lick her slit, and she felt the hot breath of the teenager as his tongue played around her pussy. The boy knew exactly her weakness, he gave special attention to her clit while also showing some love to the interior of her lower lips. Mary could feel those strong hands grab her posterior, firmly placing the girl in place while Peter made sure that she was ready.

Meanwhile, Venom hugged them from below and began to kiss her. That massive tongue went deep inside her throat, and she felt a tingle in her body. She deformed around her, as if the alien was molding itself over the girl's lower body and latching on to it like a ravenous abomination engulfing a defenseless girl.

Mary could then feel a warmth coming from her uterus, the effects of whatever the alien was doing to her. It was hot, extremely hot, a fire begging to be turned off by her lover. After this, the girl was prepared for what she assumed would be normal mating.

"She has a really nice body. Done," Venom murmured to Peter while continuing to kiss her.

"That was easy . . thanks," Peter said and she felt the tip pressing against her pussy, ready to do its magic.

"We are not done," Venom proclaimed with a vicious tone, and then Mary felt something strange.

As the substance that created the alien body began to be absorbed by her skin, Mary felt a velvety sensation. A slow, languorous wave of heat passed through her body. It flowed from the outside to the inside, leaving a warm trail in its wake, as if it were a soothing balm for her insides.

The sensation was one of total indulgence, like her body was being wrapped up in a luxurious and sensual embrace. Each kiss and hug from the monster was like a moment of pure pleasure, a sensation that was impossible to replicate.

"Peter! She is doing something weird to me!" She exclaimed with moans of pleasure. May wasn't an idiot; she knew when someone was drugging her.

"Wait, fuck, give a second!" Peter said before trying to do something but quickly his massive cock went all the way into her cervix. He began to moan and grunt like a beast in heat, completely lost in a feral rut.

"Come on, Mary, I need to retouch some things so you'll feel better," Venom moaned before completely melting around Mary. She could feel the monster enveloping her body as Peter kept doing it from behind, keeping her mind occupied by the sensation of the man inside her.

"What?!" She screamed before the black substance began to sink even deeper inside her body.

The dense and warm liquid quickly began to enter each of her orifices. She felt the moist tentacles slowly creeping inside her ears, the liquid crawling into her eyes, and the gelatinous substance battling its way inside her nose and mouth.

Mary should be in a panic and crying for help while she was drowning alive inside the alien but she only felt a massive rush of pleasure across her body. The more of these things got inside, the stronger the head and joy of the monster corrupting her body became.

"NO," she managed to scream before getting flooded by the alien while her master hammered her like a beast. He even rested his full weight on her, crushing the girl between the goo and him while holding her in a neck lock.

"Yes!" The alien said as she kept modifying her body.

The sensation had been one of conflicting emotions. On one hand, the woman's skin had crawled at the thought of the alien squirming against her, the slimy texture making her feel slightly nervous. On the other hand, the sensation of those tendrils moving against her skin had been almost electric, a jolt of pleasure that had run through her body.

She could feel the tiny muscles of the alien contracting and relaxing as they writhed, their movement almost hypnotic. The sensation had been both repulsive and alluring, like a forbidden fruit that she couldn't resist. Mary felt powerless and out of control as she continued to let Venom slip through each of her holes, as if she had lost control of her own body.

"I'm modifying your body; when I'm finished, you'll no longer be human, but the ideal host for my daughter." Venom made her intentions clear. She would become a monster just like Peter.

"And you will love it as much as Peter loves me," the alien proclaimed with a sisterly tone.

"Don't stop . . .please," she begged, feeling the joining of both monsters desecrating her body at the same time.

"See? It felt really good?" The monster purred.

"Yes . . ." She thought, already hearing the alien inside her mind.

Meanwhile, the two teenagers were like two sultry dancers, their moist and heated bodies moving at a fast and brutal pace. The air around them was thick with steam, a veritable miasma of humidity that seemed to amplify their movements and intensify their allure.

Mary could feel the movements of Peter's cock flowing like molten lava. The heat emanating from his body was almost palpable, and the girl felt a corresponding warmth spreading through her own being.

They seemed to be locked in a hypnotic embrace, their movements becoming more and more frenzied as they writhed together. Mary was powerless to resist Peter's raw brutality, and she surrendered herself to the moment, lost in the rapture of the mating session.

"So relax and enjoy getting your body broken and reformed."

She then felt a tentacle enter her back door, completely breaking into her ass and slowly filling her guts. It was this strong and overwhelming sensation of having her body completely at the mercy of another creature. Mary could scream, could try to fight, but she knew that resisting was futile.

"She . . .she is into my brain . . ."

Mary could feel the alien going inside her head and messing with the girl's brain. She felt a lot more aggressive, all those bad parts of her that she kept at bay began to be highlighted. The girl felt . . . nice, completing removing that mask and inhibitions felt exhilarating, liberating.

It was like the chains of society were off, and she could finally be what she always wanted. A person who would rip open the eyes of the world and force it to watch her.

Then she felt something strange around her nipples. The tentacles went from the tip and branched inside her breast, expanding and secreting a chemical that made her breast swell. They looked like they were begging to be milked after a few seconds, but the alien kept filling them.

"Yes, give me more!" Mary begged as the sensation around his body went deeper, and passed over her skin. The barrier between her and the alien became muddy, and she slowly melted in pleasure as the monster injected more of her into the girl's body. Confused and dazed by the constant overstimulation, she didn't know where Venom began and Mary ended.

"What is this feeling?!"

Mary felt her whole become less rigid as if she was melting. That was followed by the complete takeover of her body. The alien was in her lungs, in her guts, and in her blood, each cell of her whole existence was being mercilessly molested by the creature. She had become a living sex toy, a tool for both the alien and her master's joy.

Then everything ended with a powerful climax like any other she'd experienced. From her breast to her ass she felt the pleasure coming like a flood.

"Yes . . . give me more . . ."

She couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation wash over her. Mary knew that this was the moment that would change her life forever, the moment that she would become a mother.

The girl closed her eyes and focused on her breath, trying to relax as she waited for Peter's spunk to conquer her. And then, suddenly, she felt a mind-breaking sensation deep within her body followed by Peter's grunts and her muscles giving up. She went limp as the strength of the orgasm wreaked havoc inside her.

At first, Mary wasn't sure what was happening. But as the sensation grew stronger, she realized that it was the ovule within the womb, coming into contact with Peter's seed. The girl now was aware of each part of the process as burst after burst of seed overflowed her cunt.

She could feel the swimmers breaking through the ovule barrier, its enzymes dissolving the protective wall that kept her egg safe. It was an incredible sensation, like a warm, gentle breeze wafting over her skin.

As the sperm made its way through the layers of the ovule, she could feel its presence growing stronger. It was as if the spunk was a beacon of light, guiding the way to a new future.

And then, finally, it reached the egg cell at the center of the ovule. She felt a sudden jolt as the boy's spunk finally penetrated the ovum, releasing its genetic material and fertilizing the egg.

Mary was filled with a sense of joy and wonder as she felt the ovule transform into a zygote, the first stage of embryonic development. She knew that from this moment on, her body would begin to change, preparing to nurture and sustain a new life.

However, she suddenly felt a strange, tingling sensation all over her body. Different from the warmth of Venom's embrace, she felt the alien leaving her body alone. Mary felt empty . . . even if the girl had a baby inside her body, Peter's cock and his cum . . . it wasn't the same.

The second that Peter pulled out his manhood, she felt a sharp pain on the back of her head. Then there was a screeching, a loud wail rumbling inside her brain. The sensation became more intense, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

Suddenly, a red substance enveloped her, wrapping her in a cocoon of vermilion goo. It came out of each hole in her body like it was another part of her. Mary was overwhelmed by the strange smell of the substance, a mixture of chemicals and something else that she couldn't quite identify. It was both repellent and alluring at the same time.

As the thing covered her body, Mary Jane's senses were heightened. The girl could feel every movement of this thing as it bonded with her, and she could sense its power and potential. The sensation was both exhilarating and terrifying.

She felt . . . powerful and then the scream inside her skull became clear and loud. A craving for violence and destruction, a thirst for blood and attention.

Intoxicating power was pumped through her veins.

Those screams, those sweet screams, she could understand them now. A chorus singing only for her.

Their excitement showed no signs of dissipating as they chanted her name. Her heart was full and her spirit was lifted by the honor of receiving such a warm reception.

The woman lay on the bed and slowly turned to see Peter. Mary began a fit of maniacal laughter.

She now had a unique appearance that was both frightening and striking. Her long red mane was actually made up of tentacles that flowed behind her as she moved. The limb seemed to have a life of its own, writhing and undulating in a way that was unsettling to behold.

Mary was covered in a red and black symbiote costume that seemed to writhe and constantly shift as if it were a living entity. Vermillion liquid clung to her body, accentuating her every curve and movement. Her eyes glowed with a golden sinister light, and sharp white teeth were visible through a permanent, maniacal grin.

In addition to her red mane of tentacles, Mary had tendrils emerging from various parts of her body. These tentacles quickly shoot toward Peter, trying to grab the naked man.

"Come on, tiger! Show me what you got!" She screamed with a sinister lust in her voice.

The reborn girl desired fights and conflict; she desired to fight and to be noticed. If Peter won and tamed her? fine. If she won and made the teenager her bitch? That was also fine.

Again, she wanted to be punished by Peter. The girl wanted him to take his time thinking about what she would do to her. She may destroy the apartment, but Mary didn't care, the monster now only wanted one thing, and she would get it one way or another.