
Chapter 28: Danger has a name.

And so, I kept walking and walking towards the cafeteria where I bought the water earlier.

So many things lingered into my mind… too many…

"If the voice talked about Hiro's accident… maybe it was the culprit of his house fire…"

"The voice knew where I lived, it stalked me…"

"Is the voice related to someone of these gangsters ?"

And these were only a few.

At every step that I took, my anxiety levels were slowly rising up.

My mind was totally focused on my meeting.

Every step seemed heavier than the one before and my legs were asking me to run away from there and go into an isolated island far away from those bad situations.

"Ah… I hate this." I said to myself while walking.

After other minutes of walking trough the crowd , I finally arrived at destination and stopped outside the café to see if someone was there, but there was no trace of anyone.

The only people there were the customers who were sat inside.

There was no sign of anyone.

I took a rapid look around me to see if someone suspicious was actually in the area but the results were negative.

I saw no one.

"Okay… I knew it. It was a prank. A very bad joke" I said , trying to convince myself that nothing was happened.

But sadly , while I was about to walk back home, I felt someone grabbing the sleeve of my shirt.

I felt a shiver running trough all my spine.

I didn't want to look back but I needed to.

I must also admit that all I wanted to do was screaming that the person behind me was probably a criminal and that she should've been arrested.

It looked like we were the only two people in the street despite all the big crowd walking.

I turned my head back and saw a girl wearing a hat and a mask that covered her mouth.

She had emerald green eyes but despite their beautiful color, they looked empty.

"Excuse me, Mr. Can you come inside for a moment?" She said with a cold tone of voice without even looking into my eyes.

The girl standing before me was smaller in heights, but it seemed like her "aura" was something scary.

With a silent nod, the girl said "Good, now follow me."

She then pulled me with her inside the Café and asked for a table.

The waiter gently guided us to the first free table and then he helped us to sit down.

After that , he gave us two menus and left.

By a totally pure and innocent coincidence , we were sat on a table that was distant from other people, in a place where it looked like we were completely alone.

My anxiety levels were at the extreme.

Then, the girl removed her hat and mask, revealing long and purple hair and a perfect face harmony.

Well… I must admit that she was very beautiful. Way too much.

She stared deeply into my eyes despite my sunglasses and I could feel her piercing aura coming directly from her.

"Hey, you can remove your things now." She said , with a cold voice.

"Y-yes." I whispered, before taking off my hat, sunglasses and mask.

The girl in front of me let out a small gasp.

"My, my~, I didn't imagine that you were so pretty." She said.

I was embarassed and scared at the same time.

But she didn't say anything about my bruise.

On telephone, she seemed like a complete psychopath but in real life she looked like a completely normal person.

"First , you literally threaten my friend and now you're saying that I'm pretty? What the hell is wrong with you?" I said, with an aggressive but calm tone.

"Calm down, boy. I'm not on the bad side. I'm here to help you, in fact." She said while smiling.

My eyes widened in surprise.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused by her behavior. "You literally said that you were about to KILL my friend Hana!!! Tell me a reason to not call the police right now!!" I said , with a whispered shout while putting both of my hands on the side of the table while I was half-standing up.

My body was shaking a little, maybe by anger, maybe by fear.

The girl laughed playfully.

That made my blood boil.

"Haha… you're so lovely, boy. Trying to protect your friend…" she said , while taking a rapid look at the menu.

"But you know, I Am the police. You can't call anyone." She said, while showing me her police badge.

"Yuki Nakamura, leader of all the police departments of this city." She said while putting the badge away.

My eyes widened in surprise.

"What the…? She looks so young and she's already a police leader?!" I thought in my mind.

"Oh , I know that feeling. I don't look like someone this important , right…?" She said, with a serious but playful tone.

I sat down again and nodded my head slightly.

"Ah gosh… okay… I must accept this." She said with a sigh.

"But I don't care about that." I said with a cold voice.

The girl then looked at me in surprise.

"You said that you were going to kill Hana and you require to be in jail." I said with all my courage.

The girl stood silent with wide eyes staring at me.

After some seconds of silence, she bursted into a laugh.

"Hahahhahahahahaha, my, my… did you really believe it? I guess that your friends were right." She said.

I tilted my head on the side , in a confused way.

"What ? My friends?" I asked.

"Yep. They didn't tell you, but I personally asked them to keep an eye on you." She said.

"What?? What do you mean?" I asked , with a slightly aggressive tone of voice.

"Do you want me to say everything now, Suzuki Kai-Kun?" She asked.

I nodded my head rapidly.

"Please, do." I said, while looking at her.

"Okay... to be rapid, they've been interrogated by the police after Hiro Yamamoto's accident... but that's not the main reason of their interrogation." She said, while looking straight into my soul.

"We interrogated them about you and Hina since they're your friends. We needed to know about you, about Hina... that girl gave us so many problems" She added, with an annoyed tone.

Something snapped inside of me when i heard Hina's name.

"What do... do you mean?" I almost shouted.

I controlled my voice since there were other customers in the café.

"And most of all, we gently asked them to keep an eye on you..." she added.

"But why?!?" I asked, with an angry whisper.

"Well, because your girlfriend Hina, is more dangerous than you could ever imagine. You have no idea of who she is." She said, with a glimpse of fear in her voice.

It seemed like she was scared of Hina.

"You are the one who has no idea about Hina." I said aggressively.

Hina was the girl who saved me from danger , but at the same time could be the same who brutally murdered the two men who assaulted me.

"But wait a second, how did you know that I was Hina's boyfriend?" I asked.

"You should ask to all the people who always saw you with her... to your friends and also to Detective Saito." Yuki replied, with a whispered voice.

"..." I remained silent.

"And I was surprised when I knew that you didn't die during that attack, Kai." She said, before taking out something from her pocket.

My eyes widened in surprise.

I wondered how she knew about the attack since I didn't expect something like that.

She took out two small piece of paper.

She handed them to me and said "Open and see." 

I hesitated for a moment before seeing what was inside and when I saw the content, I felt a big urge to vomit.

She showed me the crime scene where the men who assaulted me were found.

These were a picture of their dead and mutilated bodies, full of blood and wounds.

It was disgusting and I dropped them on the floor, while my hands started to shake in disgust.

I wanted to delete what I saw from my mind.

"You know these men, don't you?" She asked, with a cold voice.

I didn't have the strenght to reply her question, my mind was blurried by the disgusting image that I saw.

"It's okay. I know what you're feeling, Kai. I see scenes like this every single day of my life. I'm used to." Yuki said.

Then , after some minutes, I answered her question.

I knew that I couldn't lie to that girl.

She knew everything.

I nodded at her.

"Yes, I know these men." I said, while lowering the gaze on the floor.

"Correct answer... Your friends told me about your honesty." Yuki said, while crossing her arms.

"What makes you think so?" I asked.

"Let's say that one of your friends saw two men running out from your home..." She then leaned closer to me.

I swallowed some salive because of frustation and remained silent.

"One of them was bleeding... another one had a broken wrist... but they were violent criminals with a dark past... How could a lonely and good guy with no experience like you hurt them?" She whispered into my ear, before returning to her place.

Her voice in my ear sounded like a deadly whisper.

I shivered and kept staying silent.

"You've been pretty lucky, Kai. One of those guys usually rapes his victims before killing them..." She said.

I kept looking at the floor while "playing" with my fingers nervously.

Yuki's words were literally hitting my heart like a truck.

"You're probably wondering why I called you here, right?" She asked.

I didn't reply to her.

I just nodded my head slightly.

"Well, the reason is simple, Kai. I want to arrest Hina. She's dangerous for our society." 

I immediately snapped out and stood up from my chair.

"NO! NEVER!" I shouted.

Yuki seemed surprised by my reaction, but all she did was replying with a teasing laugh.

I noticed someone in background say "What's wrong with this guy?".

People were talking about me.

I didn't care and sat down again.

"You probably don't understand your position, right, Kai?" Yuki said.

"I don't care. I won't betray Hina. Never. I'm gonna save her." I said to her in a direct and cold voice.

"You can't save the devil, Kai." Yuki said with a cold voice.

"... But I can still save her soul from the devil." I replied back..

"I hoped for you to be collaborative but it looks like i was wrong." Yuki said with a sigh.

"You're asking me to betray the girl I love." I said while clenching my fists.

"This is not love, Kai. You saw how she almost murdered those two right in front of your face. And as you can see she murdered out from your sight." Yuki replied with a direct but aggressive tone.

My nervousness was starting to raise up.

"She saved my life. And she's innocent. She was at school." I replied while clenching my fists even more.

Yuki sighed.

"What a blockhead... Okay then. I didn't want to come to this but i have to." She added before taking a deep breath.

"If you won't collaborate, I'll send an entire squad of police officers to search your entire house and one way or another, I will make you appear guilty of double murder and make you spend the rest of your life in prison." Yuki said, with a direct voice.

I looked her straight into her eyes in disbelief and I could tell that she was deadly serious.

She was being 100% honest.

I couldn't smell any sense of lies.

My eyes widened by a lot after hearing what she said and my heart started to race with a mix of a lot of feelings.

Fear, regret, pain...

I already felt like a traitor.

I didn't want to betray Hina, but I also didn't want to spend the rest of my life in prison.

Yuki Nakamura was a dangeruous person.

It's more correct to say that danger was her second name.

My pupils became small from shock.

I remained silent and, after some minutes, Yuki stood up from her chair.

She walked past me and tapped my shoulder.

"Let's get along together for a better cooperation, okay~? I'm gonna call you every night for a report." She said with a teasing tone , before going away.

I kept staring at the floor, not saying anything, while I heard the noise of Yuki's footsteps getting more distant.

"What the hell should I do now?!?" I asked to myself.

I was literally fucked.

I had no way to escape from this, not even a single route of escape.

I grabbed my hat, sunglasses and mask and weared them.

"Fuck this..." I whispered, before standing up and walking outside the café.

I was too focused on the shock to notice that the waiter didn't get close to use not even a single time.

"Why, God, Why?!?" I said while looking at the sky.

The color were beautiful but at the same time not even the sight of that beautiful view could calm my soul.

I knew that any wrong action could put the life of someone at danger.

Everyone and everything depended completely on me.

"Let's go home, Kai. You need to rest." I said to myself.

Before starting to walk, my phone buzzed.

I took it out and saw... a message from Hina.

What a perfect timing.

"Darling!! I'm done here! Do you want to launch together? I asked the school for a permission to exit earlier!!" The message said.

That text destroyed and warmed my heart at the same time.

I had to formulate a good plan. 

A very good one.

"Yes! I cleaned up my home. Why don't you come here?" I texted back.

The reply came immediately.

"Yes! I'm coming~ I miss you!" She said.

"I'll wait you home." I texted back, before starting my walk towards my home.

"It's going to be a painful day..." I said to myself with a sigh...