
A Dangerous Secret Affair

Samantha Seths, a very pretty princess that was married off to a vampire lord in order for her kingdom to seal an alliance with a vampire kingdom that was terrorizing them. What happens when she gets to the palace and fall in love with the Vampire Lord son? Will he reciprocate her love and even if he does, will their love stand when everyone clearly knows how possesive and dangerous the vampire Lord is?

Messyink · ย้อนยุค
5 Chs

Chapter 5.

That night, one of King Matt's guards came to summon her to the king's quarter according to the king's command.

Samantha knew why she was summoned, it was to fulfill her wifely duties and satisfy the king. She wasn't in the mood for it, but decided to show up and let king Matt know. It would be very rude of her not to honor his call.

She made sure she covered herself properly before leaving for king Matt's quarter. This wasn't the first time, two nights ago, king Matt also summoned her and she ended up having sex with him. She didn't want it but she was left with no choice, he was her husband and she needed to do all her wifely duties. When Samantha got to the king's quarter, she was allowed to go inside.

The guard at the door to king Matt's bedroom went in before her to announce her presence. After he came out, he made way for her to go in. Samantha entered King Matt's room with anxiety, she saw him sitting on his study table going through some reports. When she slammed the door shut, he looked up and dropped the reports.

"You came so fast," he said, Samantha only nodded to what he said and didn't say anything.

"Come over here," he said, gesturing to where he was sitting. She reluctantly dragged her feet and walked up to him with fear. When she got close, he made her sit on his lap and started combing her hair with his fingers. Samantha felt like a pet to him instead of a wife.

"I'm sorry for scolding you earlier," he apologized. Samantha didn't say anything in reply and remained dumb.

"Are you really angry?" he asked her. She shook her head indicating that she wasn't.

"Then talk to me," King Matt said. Samantha, who was nervous, opened her mouth to talk but no words came out.

"I can sense from your heart rate that you are very scared," king Matt said and held her closer.

"I'm your husband, you don't have to be scared of me. Besides you are my favorite and I would never hurt you," he assured her. But that wasn't Samantha's problem, he hates her so much already and she really wants to leave.

"Let's drink some wine," King Matt said and poured wine into two glass cups on the table beside them. He handed Samantha the first glass and mixed his own wine with some drops of blood.

This made Samantha remember what he told her earlier, he was going to take a drink from her blood tonight, she became stiff and wasn't breathing anymore.

"Why are you so scared of being in my presence, you know that's where you belong from the day we got married. it is high time you fully accept me as your husband," King Matt said with a slightly irritated voice. Samantha swallowed as she sensed king Matt was becoming angry.

"I'm sorry your maje...sty," she stammered with an uneasy voice. King Matt drank the content of his wine in a goal and made her face him. Samantha, who couldn't look at him, looked away.

"Look at me," he thundered with a slightly raised voice, his fangs now visible. A tear slid down Samantha's face and king Matt wiped it off.

"Don't cry my beloved. I never meant to sound so harsh," he whispered and started using his hand under the long lacy gown Samantha was putting on. When his finger touched her skin, she shivered and tried to shake it off.

"Don't dare," King Matt whispered coldly. His red eyes were now bloodshot and his fangs longer.

Samantha wanted to disappear, she felt like dying instantly, she couldn't even look at King Matt's face even as he had demanded that she look at him.

"I love your beautiful eyes and full supple lips," King Matt said and used his thumb to run over Samantha's lips. She swallowed hard and tried to look away but he grabbed her head.

"Don't try to stop me when I'm in the middle of something. I decide what you would do, you only have to be obedient," King Matt said. Samantha nodded as the pain from his grip was becoming severe.

She couldn't help but look at him with pleading eyes for him to let go of her aching jaw. King Matt understood and let it go.

"Don't make me hurt you, I don't want that also," he said and started rubbing on the red marks his fingers had left on Samantha.

"You are a human and I guess no one has claimed you yet. I will claim you even if you ain't my mate, you will be bound to me from now henceforth," King Matt added.

He unzipped the gown Samantha was wearing, and helped her remove her hands from it and it dropped to her waist and gave the full view of her upper body.

"I can't have enough of this," king Matt said as he greedily admired Samantha's upper body. He brought his right hand upwards and started running his hand on Samantha's collar bone.

She started shivering slightly but still remained glued to her position. She doesn't want to stop nor distract him again, hence he would hurt her in return. He ran his hand to her neck and his fangs elongated. Samantha closed her eyes in horror, she had never had it in her mind that she was going to marry a vampire who would suck her blood. As king Matt breathed closer to her skin, Samantha started shivering all over and asked him not to.

"Please your majesty, I'm not yet ready for this," She pleaded with teary eyes and trembling lips. King matt stopped, his countenance changed to anger but he didn't hurt her.

"If you don't want me to drink from you yet, then distract my thoughts," king matt said. Samantha hurriedly nodded in agreement.

He urged her to drink from the wine he offered her and she did. He carried her up as he stood up and walked to the bed and laid Samantha on it before climbing over her. Samantha wanted to ask him to stop but she knew that uttering such will make him annoyed. She quietly laid back on the bed helplessly giving him a go ahead. King Matt undressed Samantha entirely and did the same.

Even if he was over sixty he still had a body of forty years old. He wasn't aging quickly as he ought to because of his vampirism. Samantha knows that he would still be young and handsome while she starts withering away when she gets to her late forties. He slowly trailed his hand from her thigh to her abdomen before stopping.

He slipped his hand between her thighs and she gasped. King Matt chuckled, he always loved the way Samantha's sensitive body reacts to his simple touches.

He wanted to eat her out but changed his mind. He used his tongue to trace from her navel to her collarbones, he sucked on them slowly, his fangs slightly scratching on them. Samantha shivered and closed her eyes. Even if she didn't want him, she couldn't stop her hormones from reacting to what he is doing to her body. She was shivering out of fear and not of pleasure, she felt tears running down her cheeks as she blinked, trying to digest what he was doing.

King Matt continued doing what he pleased and in no time, he entered inside which made Samantha bite her lower lips in pain. She was still tight, her body hasn't really adjusted to his size. She felt like a virgin giving away herself without no choice, she was trapped and going to go through this for the rest of her life if a savior doesn't come.

She wondered who would rescue her from this vampire king that she now belongs to. As King Matt kept on thrusting into his pleasure, only what ran through Samantha's mind was Xavier. She felt guilty of sleeping with someone else that wasn't him, she felt really dirty and disgusting. She kept on wondering what Xavier's reaction and what he thought would be when his mind reminded him that she would be surely performing her wifely duty almost every night.

Samantha didn't know why she was guilty, she was actually doing her wifely duty to her husband but it felt like she was cheating on Xavier, on someone precious and dear to her. She closed her eyes so tight trying to swallow and get rid of the guilt all over her but as king Matt continued, it increased to her dismay.

Her guilty conscience never stopped picking on her until king Matt finished satisfying himself and rolled over to her side very tired. Samantha started sobbing out loud and dragged the sheets over her body and bit on it, so king Matt won't hear her sobs. She felt so sore and bruised, almost every part of her neck was red and aching, her lower lips were swollen due to her biting on it to suppress the cry that wanted to come out all the while he satisfied himself. She knew she would scrub and scrub and scrub until she feels every part of him has gone off her body when she goes back to her quarter. She only calmed down with the feeling of satisfaction that she didn't give her virginity to him and he also didn't notice.