


Hours had slipped by since the last time I laid eyes on her. While my human sensibilities urged me to prioritize the pressing matters at hand, my inner wolf called out to me, compelling me to seek her out. Despite the intensity of my desire to have her close, my mind remained consumed by worry over the state of the pack and how it might impact her well-being. As the looming threat of war drew near, discipline and order within our ranks became more crucial than ever.

A new objective now loomed before me with unmistakable clarity - to seize the role of beta from Vastos. However, the path to achieving this goal was far from straightforward. Unlike the simple task of overthrowing an alpha, the position of beta could only be attained through the alpha's own selection, making the act of eliminating the current beta a treacherous betrayal punishable by death.

Summoning the pack council for a crucial meeting, I took the initiative in addressing pressing issues that demanded our attention, as the time drew near for me to submit my first report to the new alpha, my brother, Belkam.

Vastos' composure visibly wavered when he realized that the council had been convened without his prior knowledge, his discontent escalating as he observed unfamiliar faces in attendance.

"A vampire, the priest's son, and a human... I am curious as to the rationale behind your audacious rearrangement of Lord Torkan's table," Vastos' voice cut through the air like ice, laced with a potent blend of threat and restraint, his simmering rage barely contained.

Struggling to contain my own emotions, I stood my ground without a hint of apology. "Lord Talo represents the vampire clan with whom we share an alliance, possessing unique skills that may prove invaluable against the impending threat of hybrid packs," I explained evenly. "The future priest has provided us with essential resources and medical supplies to bolster our dwindling reserves, as well as the remainder of the gold entrusted to him."

"In addition, the human physician from Ojedas has generously offered his expertise to train our fledgling healers and rectify the aftermath of your warriors' missteps," I added, my words laced with a hint of resentment. "And as a gesture of goodwill, your first warrior, who narrowly escaped death, remains under our protection as a symbol of peace."

Vastos regarded us with a mix of fury and bewilderment before breaking his silence. "Permitting a human to attend to the wounds of our kind!"

"If you possess a superior alternative, beta, I implore you to present it now," I countered firmly. "This is no time for internal discord."

After a tense moment of contemplation, Vastos relented with a heavy sigh. "Let us refocus our attention on the matter at hand."

The remainder of the meeting unfolded with meticulous reports and strategic deliberations, Vastos absorbing the information with a brooding silence that hinted at his inner turmoil.

As I prepared to adjourn the gathering and dismiss everyone, a sudden commotion erupted outside, emanating from the quarters of the newly arrived warriors of St. Guinnefort.

It was not an assault by foes, but a clash between our warriors and reinforcements themselves. The echoes of their conflict hinted at impending turmoil, stirring fear among our pack members.

Through the faint connection I still maintained with my former pack, I could discern the anguish and rage of the newcomers encapsulated in a single, potent word.


With the arrival of numerous warriors in unfamiliar territories and the subsequent discovery of new she-wolves as mates, the sense of trepidation unwittingly projected by our new allies alerted their bonded partners, who instinctively rose to defend them.

The seeds of war had been sown, and we were already faltering in its wake. Despite my status as a Warrior Lord and the prohibition against wielding my alpha aura, I knew I had to intervene before tragedy ensued.

In a swift and decisive motion, I vaulted through the window and soared toward the battleground, unleashing my commanding presence to quell the chaos and instill a sense of unity among the combatants.

The usual sense of danger dissipated, replaced by a collective feeling of reassurance and, for the first time in a while, a recognition of leadership.

Initially met with resistance, Dr. Daxa encountered challenges in treating the mates of a group of possessive wolves. However, his unwavering dedication and profound knowledge of both human and supernatural medicine eventually won over their cooperation and gratitude, earning him newfound admiration and respect among the pack.

From the solitude of my secluded chamber, I could hear the distant sounds of new bonds being forged, as my comrades embraced their newfound loves against the advice of the medical staff. Envy tugged at my heart, even as I found solace in the knowledge that my own beloved remained safe from such entanglements.

A gentle rap at my door tore my gaze away from the window, hoping for a moment of uninterrupted contemplation. To my surprise, a familiar figure stepped inside.

The tall man, draped in a long coat, his collar turned up in a gesture of mystery.

"Please, take a seat," I offered courteously, motioning to the empty chair by my desk.

He settled into the chair with a heavy sigh, a weight of unspoken burdens resting upon his shoulders.

"Why did you return the remaining gold?" I inquired, my voice cutting through the heavy silence that enveloped us, the weight of unspoken truths hanging in the air like a shroud.

"It was not mine to keep, my lord. But that is not the true reason for my visit," he confessed softly, his words carrying a sense of solemnity.

I raised an eyebrow, curiosity sparking within me. "Indeed. Pray, reveal to me your connection to the dragon bride."

"She is my twin, my lord," he murmured, his gaze fixed upon the ground, a hint of sorrow in his voice.

The revelation struck me with a profound sense of wonder, the serendipity of fate weaving intricate threads between us. My beloved, the one I held dear above all else, shared a blood bond with this stranger standing before me.

"I would lay down my life for her," he declared with unwavering conviction.

"And I would do the same, though we both pray such a sacrifice will not be demanded of us," I replied, determination lacing my words.

A bittersweet smile graced his lips, a melancholic twist to his expression. "I wish I could say I was surprised. She has always had a way of attracting kind souls to her side."

"A kind soul?" I echoed, a faint smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

"What of Lord Aldrich?" he interjected, shifting the conversation onto a different path.

"I plan to negotiate with him regarding the union with your sister," I revealed, a hint of playful defiance in my tone.

"You would do well to tread carefully. Lord Aldrich's intentions may not align with yours," he warned, a shadow of concern clouding his features.

"He has waited centuries for her," he spoke cryptically, his words laden with hidden meaning.

"What do you mean?" I pressed, a hunger for knowledge burning within me.

"I fear I am not at liberty to disclose that information just yet," he evaded, his eyes filled with a sorrowful resolve.

I shook my head in disbelief, a sense of urgency gripping my heart. "I demand to know now."

Meeting my gaze, he conveyed a sense of sorrow and regret. "Patience, my lord. All will be revealed in its own time."

In that moment, a snow-white owl swooped into the chamber, brushing against the young wizard's hand before spiriting him away through the open window, leaving me in a state of bewildered contemplation.

An idea began to form within me, a determination to uncover the truth on my own terms.

Among the plethora of titles that cluttered my desk, one particular book caught my eye. The final line jolted me to attention, though I knew deep down it was a futile exercise.


Should anyone dare to offer my beloved as a sacrificial pawn to the dragons, they would first have to face the full force of my wrath.