
A court of Nightmares book one (Morgan)

I know without a doubt That I am lost.

The forest has became nothing more than a labyrinth of snow and ice.

I'd been monitoring the parameters of the woods now for about an hour, from my vintage point in the crook of an old elm tree which had turned utterly useless.

The gusting wind blew thick flurries to sweep away my tracks, but buried along with them anysign of potential food.

Hunger had brought me further from the safety of my cabin, than I usually risked, but with the upcoming Ice storms I could not stomach the idea of my family starving.

The animals in the woods had pulled in going deeper into the woods than I could follow, leaving me behind to pick of stragglers one by one. Praying to whatever God still listened to me that they would last until spring.

They hadn't.

I wiped my numb fingers over my eyes, brushing away the flakes that were clinging to my frozen lashes.

Here their was no tell tale trees striped of bark to mark the deers in passing- they had not yet moved on.

They would remain here until the bark ran out and than perhaps into the fairy lands of athansios- where no mortals would dare go not unless they had a death wish.

A shiver skittered down my spine at the thought, and I shoved it away, focusing on my surroundings, on the task ahead.

That was all I could do for years : focusing on surviving the week, the day, the moment ahead of me.

I unstring my bow before easing off the tree.

The icy snow crunched underneath my old boots. Unnecessary noise- I was on my way to yet another fruitless hunt.

Only a few hours of daylight remained. If I did not leave soon I would have to navigate my way home in the dark, and the warnings of the towns hunters still rang fresh in my mind.

Giant wolves were on the prowl, and in numbers.

Not to mention whispers of strange folk spotted in the area, Tall, deadly, and Erier.

Anything but fairies, the hunters had beseeched our long forgotten gods- and I had secretly prayed along side them.

In the eight years we'd been living in our small village.

Two day journey from the immortal border of Athansios.

We'd been spared an attack- though sometimes traveling peddlers brought stories of distant villages left in splitters, and bone.

Burned to Ashes they preach, but it is only brushed off by town elders as hear say, but now in recent years it is calmly whispered among one and another at town markets and town gatherings.

I'd been so lost in thoughts that I failed to realize that a deer was calmly eating bark off of a nearby tree branch.

The snow and gusting wind had blew my scent far away.

The woods had gone utterly still and I knew the feeling.

I was being watched.

The wolf was huge as it departed from its own place behind the dense trees it was beautifully covered in snow it was beautiful if not deadly.

Its eyes locked on the deer and I could see hunger in its pale grey eyes.

I'd make the shot my arrow made from silver burned away and I instantly became hot minus the cold air of mid december.

I'd risk killing the wolf even if it was Faye.

I would kill it if not to eat than prevent it from hurting anyone.

The wolf lounged itself at the deer.

The deer that could feed my family for weeks. The arrow went through the wolfs pale eyes it released the deer's neck and both fell with a thud staining the snow a crimson kind of red.

The snow had vanished by the time I exited the forest, my knees where shaking. My hands were stiff from clinching the legs of the deer. My fingers had gone utterly numb miles ago.

Not even the Carcass could ward off the deeping chill.

The world was awash in hues of darling blue and slivers of midnight black I wished for a canvas and paints so that I may paint the beautiful pice of art work.

I fought against the chill a few more miles I reminded myself.

Than I felt it- or more like tasted it the air around me became instantly warm filled with something that I have only read about in history textbooks and old haunting stories.

I dropped the deer cursing slightly at the loud thud as it feel at my feet.

I spin around once and than twice looking around for any sign of danger. My eyes saw nothing but my gut practically screamed that I was not alone.

Hello mortal the creature purred its voice soft like midnight. I spinned around now facing the most beautiful male i have ever seen his face was golden as if he has basked in the sun for all eternity. His eyes the color of darkness and light all mixed into one beautiful color. Their was not anyone with in miles they would not be able to hear me scream for help.

I reached for my weapons my brethren a bit uneven i chocked on a scream that was starting to rise. My mouth was filled with the tang of magic and I could not breath.

His eyes locked on my weapons and he licked his lips his tounge slowly sliding along his bottom lip in a caress.

I shivered not from the ever growing chill that went through my body turning my blood to ice.

No this chill was from fear, and my heart could not stop beating so loud that i knew he could hear it.

Bile and fear rose into my throat and could he smell the blood of his friend on my weapons on my hunting knife.

" you killed him" he growled i took a step back from the tall beautiful male only to slam into and invisible wall. He trapped me in place.

I could play dumb.

Pretend i do not know what he is talking about.

" You know human i could gut you right here if i wanted to" he gave me a half smile exposing his canine teeth and i gulped down my fear.

" I dont know what your talking about" my voice was barely audible as the wind howled as if it could sense the lies on my tongue.

He took a step forward, and I imminently took a step back cursing slightly as my back met solid wall again.

I bit my lip no doubt my fear was showing on my face their was no room for mistakes.

" what if I did" I smiled at the immortal being and he smiled back. He was utterly calm as he said above the roaring wind. "Than a life for a life"