
Chapter 296

As they rush out of the elevator with Carl in front ,they see her door is shut nothing looks suspicious ,but Carl could feel his heart pound hard .

As the receptionist open the door and they all go in

And see the lady in a pool of her own blood lying on the floor in her pajamas.

Warm tears raced down his cheeks as he watched his sister in a pool of her own blood ,he screamed in horror as his mind traveled back to the say that his parents had died .

As he watched them all he could remember was his parents .

Now he has a new trauma to escort him through the circus of life .

The security  called 911 and informed them of what had happened and also called the general clinic .

After the call he looked at the  man on the side ,who had his hand cog errr ing his ears and his eyes wide open as though he had gone mad.

Are you okay sir he asked him standing three feet away from him looking concerned.

Carl did not hear him so how could not answer .

Are you okay sir he asked him again?

But there was no answer and the man wait by the side for the cop to come .

The receptionist stood there frozen ,she did not move .

It is her first time zero.g something like this and she was shocked it is this lady she admired .

She watched her always and now she would no more ,she liked her sense of style her smile and all.

But now there would be no more of those ,he thought to himself .

The television was on and her eyes had drifted slowly as she watched the news report two men who had broken out of prison and were on the run 

The news reported them to be armed and dangerous .

As she stood there someone was now standing beside her .

She turned and looked at him his eye was fixed on the television .

It is the brother of the lady  who was on the floor .

Carl remembered that emilia is dead ,he just saw that Antonio has escaped prison and he knew that Antonio did kill the two of them .

His face went red and this brows furrowed ,costs clenched and adrenaline spiking high .

The  turns and walks out if the room straight to the elevator and as he makes his way out the police rush pass him and the paramedics too .

He doesn't see any if them as he looks ahead and walks straight to his car .

Be sits in it and screams ,hitting the steering as he seats there for a while thinking about how to get Antonio .

He  screams harder now again and again until tears rush grown his cheeks .

He cried uncontrollably,his eyes puffed out and yelled "damn you Antonio !!!

The pain felt unending as he  pulls his car and head to see emilia at the morgue,he needed to see if it truly was her that they found