
Chapter 188

Carl l9cked his office carefully and makes his way to the hotel emilia was staying and when he got there she wasn't around.

He took his suit and dropped to to one side exposing his suit and the tie which he drew down to feel alive , he did not always wear a toe but today he is wearing one because he was trying to look a little bit more corporate.

Like those with white collar jobs.

As he sat there he was still thinking about what he had just watched earlier, he already called Roberta to go and check his place, it has been a burglary.

She did as she was told and took some policemen with her.

And when they got there the men were gone, she did not find Antonio or Cameron there, it was like carl was using her to joke she thought to herself never again.

She would not go on a wild goose chase until she was sure of it.

She called him to speak about her encounter, and what she found.

 if he was playing pranks now was the time to know for sure.

As she accused him, he replied disappointed"Roberta I have the video of them as they broke into my penthouse and if you did not find them there it means they did take something and left.

As he was busy talking to her Emilia fixed the key into the keyhole and as she opened she was startled to find him here in her room.

You scared me she says, as she shuts the door behind her and puts her groceries on the table.

And began to bring them out from the brown bags.

He quickly rounds up his call with Roberta as he goes to the place where Emilia was standing and hugs her from the back, where have you been he asked.

He put his hands around her and kissed her on her cheek, he says to her,I missed you and she says I missed you too as she turns around in his arms and kid improperly now he grabs her and take her to the couch and they. Kiss continuously ,I want you carl she says to him as she grabs the back of his head and pull him towards her for a kiss.

Their lips melt into one another and they kiss passionately for a while before he releases himself from her hold, he goes off to the bathroom for a while and returns with a pack of condom 

He hands or over to her and she tears it open and u zips his trouser she rolls it over the shaft she was holding with the other hand and when it was done she robbed it as it throbbed in response to her touch she parted her legs and pulled him to her and they continued to kiss as his hands undress her to find her boobs and he planted kisses all over them and he returned to her lips once more to continue kissing her