
Chapter 5


"Before you sign it, have you read it thoroughly?" he asked as Maria was about to sign the page.

"Uhmm, yeah, I have," Maria answered.

"Is there anything you want me to explain that you didn't understand?" the system asked.

"Uhm, yeah. At the end of the book, it said that not many people pass, so what happens if I don't pass?" Maria asked with a slightly worried expression.

"Those who do not pass are given another chance, and if they wish it, they are sent to the afterlife," he answered.

"Ok," Maria said as she looked over the contract again.

"Anything else?" he asked.

"Nope," Maria answered as she signed the page and handed it back to him.

"Alright then," He said and stood up.

He walked, more like floated, over to the cupboard next to the door and took out a file. Returning to the table, he gave the file to her and took a bag out of the drawer.

The system started moving about the room looking for things and putting them into the bag.

Maria sat at the table and reviewed the file she had been given.

The first page was titled 'Nivania Royal Family'. The page explained about all the members of the royal family with all their likes, dislikes, personalities, and appearances.

The prince was listed at the top. Nathaniel, 17 years of age, has Black hair and Green eyes, likes sleeping and drinking, dislikes working, and has a very snotty personality.

Next were the king and queen. Fredrick, 40 years of age, has Black hair and Blue eyes, likes winning, dislikes losing, and has a very stubborn and serious personality. Grace, 38 years of age, has Brown hair and Green eyes, likes taking walks and her family, dislikes arguing, and has a very kind and generous personality.

After that were his siblings. Sofia, 19 years of age, has Black hair and Blue eyes, likes going to tea parties with friends and sweets, dislikes being stuck at home and seeing people suffer, and has a very selfless and kind-hearted personality. Irene, 9 years of age, has Brown hair and Green eyes, likes flowers and animals, dislikes arguments and fighting, and has a soft and quiet personality.

On the next page, there were descriptions of other people who most likely played a huge part in the story.

The best friend of the Prince. Harry, 17 years of age, has Blonde hair and Brown eyes, likes to travel, dislikes rude people, and has a very disinterested and fair-minded personality.

The first enemy. Tamex, 20 years of age, has Navy Blue hair and Brown eyes, likes fighting, dislikes losing in a fight, and has a very degenerate personality.

The second enemy. Vernon, 18 years of age, has Brown hair and Grey eyes, likes power, dislikes weakness, and has a very corrupt personality.

But at the information of the final enemy, there was some kind of black paint making it impossible to decipher.

Maria just brushed it off as something that could ruin the story line if she knew and continued onto the next page.

The next page explained how this story came into place.

She flipped the page to find that there was a long list of events. She looked through the list and stopped at the part where it was titled 'Birthday'.

Maria looked around the list and memorized the most important looking parts.

After a couple of minutes, the system set the bag, which was now filled with things, on the table in front of her with a loud thunk.

"Have you finished?" he asked as he sat down in his seat.

"No, give me couple of seconds," Maria answered as she flipped onto the next page.

The page explained how the prince had gained so many enemies.

Turned out, he slept, ate, and yelled at people. There was nothing else that he had done in the first seventeen years of his life.

But when he turned eighteen, his parents handed the kingdom over to him, and since he wasn't properly trained, the kingdom fell in less than a month.

The kingdom would have fallen apart at a slower pace too if only the prince hadn't had so many enemies.

His laziness and rudeness played the biggest part in the fall of his kingdom and he was killed by someone he considered dear.

Maria scrunched her eyes at the last bit. It was most likely the name of the last enemy as it too was covered in a black kind of paint.

The system had gotten up from his chair and was crouching in a corner of the room next to the sofa.

Maria turned to the next page to find a long, non-important looking paragraph.

She let out a long sigh and read through it at random and then closed the file.

"I'm done," she said putting the file on the table.

"Ok, good. Grab that bag and come stand next to me," the system said as he kept crouching in the corner of the room as he stared at the wall.

Maria grabbed the bag and went to stand next to him.

They were there for a couple of minutes when there was a small blue spark at the point where the system had been staring.

"What was tha-" Maria started speaking when the system spoke over her.

"Shush, hurry up and wear that bag. Make sure it's closed," the system said as he stood up and went behind his desk to grab something.

Maria fastened the bag and threw it over her shoulder as the system ran back to the corner and threw some kind of liquid out of a big jar.

The spark ignited and turned into an oval shape in the corner.

The room was illuminated with a blue light as the portal crackled and crinkled in it's place.

"Ok, hurry and go before it closes," the system said as he gave her a few pushes toward the portal.

"Ok, ok, I'm going," Maria said as she just jumped straight into the portal.

In the next second the scene before her started to change.

She closed her eyes tight as she felt a falling sensation and then she looked ahead at a green hill as she opened her eyes after rubbing her hurting head.