
A Childhood Friend's Unusual Feeling

Judul Novel: A Childhood Friend's Unusual Feeling Luke and Emily were two teenagers. They were best friends and had been friends since they were little. They were now in the same high school. However, one day Emily became withdrawn and distant from Luke. She suddenly stopped talking to him for no apparent reason. Luke wondered why Emily had become like this and if it was because of her feelings for him. Would they be able to find their way back to their friendship?

Re_Author15 · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs

Unusual Felling

Let's meet our main characters: Luke, Clover, and Emily. They are childhood friends who have always been together until high school and always go to the same school. However, for some reason, Emily tries to avoid Luke without reason, but there is actually something wrong with them.

One morning at school, they meet and Luke greets Emily.

"Good morning, Emily."

However, Emily does not answer and leaves. Luke thinks that Emily did not hear him and goes to class because the bell for class has already sounded.

At recess they meet

Luke greets Emily for the second time.

"Hi Emily, this morning, could you not hear me when I called you?"

Emily still does not answer and goes away. However, before she goes, Luke pulls her hand, and Emily is startled.

"Don't pull my hand. And why are you always looking for me?" Emily said.

"What? I'm not allowed to greet you? I'm just greeting you," Luke said.

"I'm going to eat first," Emily said with an annoyed expression.

"Do you want to eat together?" Luke asked.

"No need. I have a lot of friends, just like you," Emily said.

Emily leaves Luke like that

Luke is surprised and says to himself, "Why is that child so cold? Let it be, maybe tomorrow she will be back to normal."

However, Luke is still worried. He is afraid that Emily really hates him.

Luke returns to class and eats with his friend who is only considered a tool because he only makes friends when he needs them. Luke talks about Emily's attitude with his friend. Oh, yes, the name of his friend is Bastian. He is in the same class as Luke and even sits next to Bastian, who is called Yan.

Continue to the story

Luke confides in Bastian.

"Yan, do you know that I was talking to my female friend earlier, but I don't know why she suddenly became so cool? I don't know, but she's avoiding me. Do you know why?"

Bastian replied, "Do you think I know? You think I'm a fortune teller or something? Maybe she already has a boyfriend." Bastian teases Luke.

Luke is surprised and says, "You're crazy, Yan. That's right. Don't scare me. What's wrong?"

Bastian immediately knows who Luke is talking about. "Just relax. Be positive. Maybe she's being chased by a loan shark. Who knows?"

"I regret hearing that. It's useless. I swear. What does it have to do with someone avoiding me and a loan shark?" Luke said.

"That's what you think. Maybe she's avoiding you so that if the loan shark asks her where she is, you won't know. Clever, right?" Bastian said.

And they both talked about loan sharks and didn't find a solution until recess was over.

In short, at dismissal time, they meet and when Emily sees Luke, Emily immediately runs away.

Luke, who sees this, wonders, "Why did that child run away? Is what Bastian said true? Is she being chased by a loan shark? Let it be, we'll meet tomorrow."

And continue. Thank you to all of you who have read to the end. Is there anyone who reads stories like this?