
A Chance For Happiness

"Death" Death is something that accompanies Alora ... The adopted daughter of duke Nyx... she tried to escape from it and change her fate...she tried who knows many times...a way after a way...still no result... especially when there is a demon who is making sure she dies painfully every time...she was stuck on an endless cycle of time...each time she dies she goes back in time she tried saving the people from the demon and its danger but what she got was just hate and despise... After so many tries trying to survive the danger but failing every time... Alora made a decision she will end everything...so she gathered all she got from magic and exploded herself along with the Demon....this was her last death...or that was what she thought....her long awaits happiness is waiting for her in this life...

DepressedOnLife · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

How Did It All Start 1(Republished )

Chapter 10

(update: I just read the chapter and saw so many mistakes in it and I didn't write what I fully wanted so I wanted to fix it I was half asleep when I wrote it)







... if you went through any of those horrible situations I hope you are okay now...please don't give up!!

and if you thought about them...please ask others to help you!! Don't give up!! No matter how life is hard we can go through it!!!

Don't keep it to yourself!!

We all can help each other, okay :)?...










Alora hugged Avic back and patted her back gently... after a while, she broke the hug and said "okay that's enough hugging let's watch and get over with it. "

Avic pouted and puffed her cheek and sat next to Alora.

Alora"Okay you ready? "

Avic:" wait no!! "Avic screamed, Alora looked at Her confusedly, she wondered what was wrong.

Avic:" I need another cup of Hot Chocolate, please!!! "

Alora was silent for a bit...she and Avic had a staring contest going on...Alora sighed and gave Avic her cup" okay, are you ready Now?" Avic put her head on Alora's shoulder and said 'excitedly "YES!! I'm really 'excited' to see how the three of you met!! and how did they break into your heart!!! " Avic smiled her smile didn't look genuine at all it looked more like force.

Alora didn't notice she closed her eyes so she can recall and started to remember from the very beginning...

(Author is here!!! Okay, so what you are reading now...in the first part is in the 20-something cycle which Is in the very beginning...so Alora didn't know anything...she didn't know magic so she couldn't defend herself...but in the second part, it was in an 80-something cycle which means she already knows everything...

are you probably wondering why I'm suddenly saying that right? Well, you will see later in the chapter, I wanted to clarify everything so you won't be confused,)

< it was the beginning of another cycle for Alora...it was her 80 cycle...at that point, Alora give up... every time she dies each time worse than the one before it...heck she even attempted to

su!c!de multiple times with the hope of dying..she failed every time...¢utt! ng her wrist...jumping from the balcony...h@ng!ng herself...she tried many ways and failed... nonetheless coming back to the past is still here...but unlike the other times...this fail led her life to become even tragic...>

<...one day she saw some knights holding their swords and walking...they looked like they are about to train...and an idea came to her...' why not try dying in the hand of the duke knights...No... I should die at the hand of the other bastard Regis...this will be fun...also I want to try something...I always die at the hand of the demon but never died at the hand of someone else...'>

<...Alora walked out of her room and ran to the training ground..she didn't run much because the training ground is not very far from her room, once she arrived as she expected she saw Regis waving his sword...she saw an opportunity for her plan...>

<...she walked slowly behind him...until once she felt this was the acceptable place she called him "Hey shit face!!" once Regis heard that he turned his body instantly with anger..." WHO THE FUCK SAID THA-" the sword also turned with him...Regis saw it was Alora, his anger became bigger...he sighed annoyingly and said " what the fuck do you want" >

<Alora didn't respond instead she come closer and held his hand and said "Brother..."...Regis was dumbfounded he zoned out for a bit he didn't expect Alora to call him that...Alora didn't waste any time, she held Regis's hand which held the sword, and lifted it...she saw her reflection...Alora smiled...*Thwump* the sound of flesh being pierced through was heard on the whole training ground...The knights looked at the sound source...and they were shocked...>

< they saw two figures standing close to each other...it belonged to their young master and the "fake bitch...they saw a sword penetrate Alora's body...red blood was falling to the ground drop by drop...she was smiling while holding the sword in their young master hand...>

<...Regis also snapped out of his thoughts once he heard the sound...he looked at his hand...there were blood drops on it...he followed the trail of blood...his sword had more blood than his hand...he saw it was stabbing someone's body...he looked up slowly and saw Alora's face...she was staring at him while smiling scarily...he screamed and pushed her away...>

<...Alora fell to the ground...Everyone stared at her body...a sword pierced her chest...her blood was still coming out with no boundaries...they were all frozen... until they heard Regis saying to call the doctor...One of them ran to the mansion doctor fast...Regis was glaring at Alora silently >

<...the doctor came running he examined Alora's pulse...and unfortunately, it was still there...he ordered one of the knights to carry Alora to his medical room...long story short, she was saved and the doctor declared that she was crazy as revenge because he didn't want to save her but was forced to because he didn't want to face the duke...>

<...Once Damian heard this he became furious... and warned the servants and knights to not talk about this in front of the duke...>

<...Alora was locked up in her room with no one to talk to, her body would be chained to the bed with iron chains...she was treated like a crazy person...her state was miserable...but the servants didn't sympathize-thy her...the maids opened her mouth forcefully and feed her spoiled rotten soup...she tried resisting them but they were stronger than her...the worst thing they were mixing drugs in the soup...so she will truly become insane...she becomes insane like what they wished...a day after a day eating drugs became a routine for her...she became addicted to it...and like she wished she died at the hand of other people...>

Avic looked away from the screen even though she might not have a physical heart...but she could feel something tearing up inside of her...she cried silently so she wouldn't interrupt Alora...she wanted to hug Alora and cry in her embarrassment...

The screen changed once more a picture showed up on it, a young man with black hair and dark brown eyes was shown on the screen, his facial expression wasn't good at all he looked angry, Avic recognized him, that was Damian who she loathed and despised...there were no words she can use to describe how much she hates that creature...he was the main reason for Alora's misery...she hates him even more than the demon...

<...like always the first thing she sees is that bastard's face...Damian...her step-brother...he looked angry like always...he opened his mouth and said the same words he says in every single cycle " Alora Nyx, I'm pretty sure I told you to live as quietly as a mouse without any fuss, with not even your breathing sound could be heard."

<Alora didn't respond to him, she kept her head down...not a sound could be heard except her breath...she was tired of all the repeated cycles...all her thoughts were how can she die and finish everything...>

< Damian's anger grew...he yelled at Alora and said "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!" Alora still didn't respond she ignored his whole existence...>

< Damian became furious and grabbed Alora's hair...he looked at her face and was startled...Alora's eyes were empty...it was like she was dead...no soul living in her body...>

< Damian let go of her hair and stepped back...he was terrified...not knowing what to say...he stormed out of their room closing the door behind him...>

<Alora got up slowly from the ground and walked to the door she locked it with the key...then lay down on the bed...drowning in thoughts...she didn't know what to do...she wanted to live but also to die...after a while, she decided what she will do...she will simply live until she dies...>

<...but staying here in this shithole is not living so she got up and searched for a bag to put her stuff in it...after looking for a bit she found one she put in some dresses and jewellery (rings, bracelets, Nickless, etc)she rammed through her closet looking for a cloak and she found one...>

<Alora chanted a spell •portal• and a portal appeared in front of her...she put the clock on...she stuffed some rings in the inner pocket of the clock and went through the portal...> yes she knows magic and this one especially is something she invented...she can open a portal to travel from a place to another... the downside it only works in places she went to...if she didn't visit it then the portal would not open and might send her to a random place...

<...the portal appeared in a black ally...there was no one around so Alora got out of the portal and walked outside the ally...the sound of waves could be heard...Alora looked at the blue sea that was shining because of the sun...she loves the sea...when her mother was alive she would bring her here to watch the ships sailing...she looked around to see if something changed from the last time she came...nothing...the seaport was still like what she always knew...she smiled to herself she liked how it looks...an old port with shipments boxes on it while the wood floor is cracked...>

<...Alora started asking around... looking for a ship that will take her to the neighbourhood country Estran...>

(I finally found a name!! Someone suggested it for me :D!!)

<...after a while someone told her to look for a ship called 'warfarer' the captain of that ship, have some goods that needs to be transmitted to Estan tomorrow morning, she can go ask him if she can go with them...Alora thanked the man and started looking for the 'wayfarer'...>

<she finally found the ship...after asking around multiple times...some bulky men were holding some heavy-looking boxes...she found a man who looked somehow less busy than the others, she went to him and called " hey excuse me, sir"

The man turned his face toward her...the man looked in his mid-thirties and had a thick black beard on his face, there was also a scar on the right side of his face...he was smoking Tabasco...he looked at Alora's eyes and didn't say anything...>

<Alora continued her talk and said "I heard that you are going to Estran tomorrow's mourning, and I'd like to go with you, please.> Alora didn't shy out she also stared at the man's eyes

<the man still didn't answer...his eyes were scanning Alora..."Do you have money?" the man asked...Alora nodded her head and take out a ring...>

<the man took the ring and started to examine it...after a while, he said "you are a Noble right?"

Alora didn't answer but nodded her head there was no point in hiding it, and the man continued saying "you are probably running away huh...but you are pretty bold, running away, and even affirming that you are a Nobel I don't know of that being smart or stupid...how can you be sure that I will not tell your family of your warehouse once they ask around?" the man said sarcastically...he sounded like he was joking but Alora knew he was testing her >

<Alora took a deep breath and said " I'm not sure...I don't even trust you, but I'm going to do everything to get out of here, even if it meant betting on this, and even if you told them they wouldn't give you a penny...and might even imprison you to keep silent on this...they won't let anything touch their 'honour' and 'dignity ' so you will lose...but if you were on my side you will win, I will give you 10 rings like this one and as you saw it's unique and if you sold it you will get about 30 golden coins but you are a merchant so you can decide the price and don't forget I will also give you another 10 so it's about 300 golden coins, how about that?"...>

<The man started laughing loudly...and said " okay lady!! We have a deal!! Hahahahaha!!! We will sail at dawn!! Until then see you later 'young lady' "

Alora nodded her head and wanted to walk away.>

<But the man stopped her and said since we are going to be companies for a while mind giving me your name? My name is Jack Caddle the Captain of "Warfare" pleased to meet you >

<Alora didn't answer instantly...she thought for a bit then take off the clock on her head and said "my name is Alora and this is what I look like so you better remember me " The man laughed once more and said "of course, I will remember a beautiful lady like you>

<Alora then walked away to Ally and opened a portal to her room...>

<Tony:" Captain...why did you agree to her proposals...I thought we agreed that we will not take anybody with us this time...also you are not short of money in any sort...this will bring you a lot of trouble...">

<Jack didn't respond immediately he took a breath from his Tabasco and puffed it out..." did you see her eyes?">

<The other man shook his head Jack resumed his talk" I also wanted to refuse her at the beginning...but when I saw her eyes...I was stunned...they were empty...no kind of emotion was shown...I saw those eyes once before...they belonged to an adventure...that man lost everything you could imagine...his family...his closet friends...his home...and even his country...he was in his forties... You can say those eyes appear when human endurance reached its top...">

<Tony:" wait Captain don't tell me-!!!" Jack nodded his head silently..." Damn it...what the fuck happened to her to be like this...">

<Jack puffed and said " her name is Alora...and there is only one Alora in the whole country...Alora Nyx...the fake daughter of duke Nyx...">

<Tony" no way that's the same Alora?! She is different from what the rumours said...But still, why did you help her? Because the Captain that I know is not soft at all =~=>

<Jack didn't respond and walked away to his room on the ship >

<Tony":hey Captain wait for me!!" Tony hurriedly followed Jack.

??:" Excuse me..." a voice from behind called out for them... They both looked back.