
Sleepless night

When does people think the most?? There are no actual answer. But for me its when one cant sleep. YES, when one can't sleep dozens of unwanted topics pop up in ones mind. people become slaves of their own thoughts. There is a simple reason for this occurrence. That is people become isolated and you are your only mate in this long sleepless night. People can only be true to themselves if no-one is watching and this happens when you are unable to sleep. All of your hidden emotions will come to life in a sleepless night. Both pleasant and unpleasant memory will come to life. Its like a zombie apocalypse. It starts with only one though and multiplies into hundreds no thousand of thoughts. To me it truly is a wonder how different Kind of thought comes to me during the night. I often find new sides of myself in these sleepless night. My abstract imagination tears down all boundary. Sometimes I find myself to be bold and arrogant. Sometimes i become humble. its truly the best time to judge oneself. Everything becomes clear as day and all kind of doubts fade away like the weathering night. All that's left is Self awareness and a bit of empty ness. After a certain amount of time passes we try to figure out what we want. Our limits become more and more clear. people become anxious and start to feel restless. Its just a side effect of the lonely ness.Just dont forget who you are. After the night a new sun will rise with a new day. Dont lose your self in these sleepless thoughts and stay true to yourself. Enjoy your present and learn from your past. Always remember there are still a lot of sleepless night's to come.

Its my 1st time writing. please convey your honest review.. Thank You.