
A Certain Scholar's Research on Monsters

An entirely enigmatic region suddenly appeared in the North, swallowing kingdoms and empires in a single night. Its appearance brought with it strange beasts, monsters, that laid waste to humanity. Through the effort of many, humanity managed to create a haven bordering the Northern Province and repelling monster attacks. Fei, a monster scholar sets forth to uncover the biology of monsters, the reason for their sudden emergence in this world, and a way to send them back. Unbeknownst to her, her fate will be intertwined with one of the kingdom's risk assessors, one responsible for assigning ranks to monsters, dungeons, and other Unexplored regions. As she continues her journey, she will be met with hardships, while unraveling mysteries of the North and of herself. [Join our Official Discord Server] Server link: https://discord.gg/By465d9pff

Kawaii_Kowai · แฟนตาซี
140 Chs

Did She Seriously Just Left Me Here!?

"Wow, she left just like that?" Sofia said as she saw Fei atop the wyvern speeding off into the distance.

Sofia was standing alone in an open field. The area used to be a camp for Imp Devils, but since they've eliminated all of them, the field is now devoid of any monsters, only vegetation, and nature remains.

After receiving the King's message, Fei hurried to this specific area to 'fetch' a ride. The ride in question is none other than the monster rex of the area, a wyvern. The details of what exactly happened are another story to tell, but to sum it all up, Fei managed to successfully get her ride and immediately flew to the North, leaving Sofia behind.

"Better head back to Ancdam then," she said as she made her way back to the frontier city. Thanks to her new staff, she was able to easily take care of the monsters she encountered on her way there. She considered the way back to be 'uneventful' in the simplest sense.