
Chapter 18:PokeBall Design and Conversations with the system!(2)

A/N:I honestly forgot about the time difference between country so I fixed it..XD

Also I suck at explaining things especially more so about teleportation theories so if you can give a more suitable explanation you can comment and I'll add that instead, if I think it's better than mine..

Word Count:2813


Hearing my long explanation which I got from the system item info, the two couldn't help but take a few minutes to comprehend my words before both of them just nodded and said "I see"

"Yeah, It's complicated but you don't have to worry about it, since you guys are for Pokemon Battles not PokeBall Manufacturers"

I said to both of them.

I then noticed the clock [2:00am]

"Ah...It's already this late, that's why Ditto is a bit tired as well"I muttered a bit surprised that it was already this late.

and hearing my words the two couldn't help but be confused and looked at the clock inside the shop.

Seeing the time displayed, both of them became shocked and exclaimed

"What the F?! I entered this place at 11:30am and it suddenly became 2am?!! I could have sworn only an hour has passed" Alex exclaimed, disbelief all over his face, while he let go of the already sleepy Ditto who turned back into his base form

And hearing what Alex said Jason couldn't help but interrupt "You entered at 11:30? I could've sworn I entered at 10:30am.."He said with a surprised tone in his voice.

Hearing their exclaims and Seeing both their confusion Zeke couldn't help but giggle a bit, He almost forgot that his shop has a function similar to that if Omni-present but weaker which makes the Shop appear in diffirent parts of the world randomly.

Like 1 or two shop minimum in different Cities in Every country around the world. Well currently the only county my shop can appear is The US, Philippines and Japan.

I would probably unlock the other countries if I finish a quest or something.

Back to the main topic.

Hearing my giggles the two looked at me and asked what was funny, which I replied with an answer which made them experience a surprise of a lifetime.

"Well it's just funny, Anyways the reason why it's [2:00am] that is shown in the clock is because we're in the Philippines right now"

I stated like what I just said is normal.

And lot and behold their reactions is what I was expecting.

Alex well.."WHAT in the holy shit did you just say?! Do you mean that I just teleported towards Philippines?!?"Alex exclaimed, asking me once again if what I said was true or not.

While Jason was also surprised"A..."That was the only letter he could mutter before sitting down and started staring into Far Far away

Oi...Don't die my employee...I uttered inside my mind seeing Jason's Reaction before looking towards Alex and said "Yes...You teleported" which made him hysterical once again for a minute before sitting on the sofa as well, huffing from tiredness.

While Axew Just looked at his trainer confused why he reacted like that, before Yawning himself which was followed by him going towards Alex and beckoning him to let him inside his PokeBall.

And seeing Axew, Alex relaxed then retrieved Axew towards his PokeBall.

seeing their interaction I once again remembered that it's already 2 am which made me yawn, while Ditto already went inside his PokeBall the moment Alex let go of him.

I sighed, then clapped my hands and exclaimed Oi you two, I'm gonna hit the hay now, so I'll close my shop for today, you can come back after I wake up later or tommorow.

My words woke them up, and both agreed that they had experienced enough surprises for the day. They needed time to digest what they had learned. Before they walked away, Alex asked if they would be teleported back to their own place. I assured him that teleportation didn't involve physically transporting them to another location. Instead, there was a gate in their respective states that connected to the current place. They could only come and go between the place they entered and here.

The two accepted my explanation which made them more confused so they just ignored the rest and only remembered that they can go back to their place part.

The two left, PokeBall in tow, both of them promised to themselves to come again later after they think they are ready. Which is not that long it only took them a nice long rest before they got ready to come again, but that story is for another time!


*Yawn* "Now that they already left, it's time to sleep."I muttered after I yawned.

Then I entered the Poke-Farm and entered the house in the farm before falling asleep in the softest and most comfortable bed I ever slept on.

'System, let's leave that conversation when I woke up, and after I draw my daily Gacha' I uttered in my mind.

[Understood] I heard the system replied before finally entering the realm of dreams...



//9 hours later//

*Yawn* "....." 'What am I gonna do again?' I asked myself still groggy from waking up.

I looked left and right, hoping to find a clue before my system answered on my behalf.

[Sir, Before you slept you mentioned that you'll Draw your daily Gacha before we will have a talk.]

"I see...*Yawn* I'll take a shower first, then Get my breakfast ready before we talk, is that fine?"I asked my system which it responded.

[That is fine, Sir]It Confirmed.

"Alright, talk to ya later" That's the last thing I said before waking up groggily and walking towards the Bathroom Besides the Master Bedroom where I always sleep.



//20 minutes Later//

"Whew! Now that both my mind and body are finally awake, thanks to that cold shower, I can think more clearly." I heaved a sigh of relief, then uttered, as I put on my regular clothes—comfortable cotton shorts and a t-shirt.

I was never really a morning person, but thankfully time seems to pass faster when I'm here, while it synchronizes with the outside world when I'm out.

So, I don't really miss out on much outside; in fact, I don't think much time will pass out there at all. Maybe only an hour or two will go by. This is like a real-life time hack—I can study or train inside at my own pace without time flying by outside!

'Ha! take that! my soon to be college projects! I can slack all I want without consequences outside! Now that I think about it, if a normal college student knew that I can take my time and get a well time rest, while they can only get an hour or two of sleep they would probably spit out a mouthful of blood.' I mused inside my head as I walked towards the kitchen

laughing a bit since I got to use that popular Chinese troupe even if, it's only inside on my head.

I need friends....I realized, as I got in the kitchen.



"Alright, with this Breakfast is done!"I exclaimed before I sat down the table chairs and got ready to eat.

And as I sat down Ditto also entered the kitchen in his normal slime-like form.

"Good Morning, You can sit down as I already made Breakfast" I said with a soft voice.

"Ditto~"(Morning)He replied as he jumped atop the table before starting to chow down his portion of the food, which by the way is Fried Rice and Longganisa and Sunny Side-up, a pretty popular Breakfast in the Philippines.

And along with it there's also a Berry Salad which consist of Leppa, Cherie, belue, mago, Rawst, Razz, Wiki, Oran, Mago and finally Grepa Berry...

Aside from it being more tasty than their earth counterpart it's also more nutritious especially since this is supposed to be an enhanced one, Plus it never runs out so I basically have infinite food here..

Continuing, After eating the Filipino Breakfast I made we then ate the Berry salad as it is one of our absolute favourites, I mean who wouldn't love Berry salad? It's Super delicious plus healthy! and No pests either! since apart from this being a separate dimension turns out that insects doesn't or can't eat berries.

I have a theory for that one as well, it being that it would be a complete disaster if insects were enhanced more...Heck some country are already having a problem with normal insect swarms like locust...now imagine if they would become stronger, faster, and more durable....I can't help but shudder at the thought of that.

I mean there are insect like pokemon heck there's literally a typing for it that being bug type...But there's a complete difference between a Pokemon that can understand a person and an Insect that literally relies on its instinct to live, at least you can reason with the former... somewhat.

so yup! No super Insects for me! I ain't scared of them, not at all especially since in the future I can literally have a fire breathing dragon so yeah normal Insect don't scare me.

It's the other people who I'm worried about, especially since humanity have a tendency to be dumb and sometimes act like gods or something.

anyways, we're getting side tracked here..I voiced in my mind before finishing up washing the dishes.

While Ditto is Back at my room, probably reading a book or watching anime.

Then I sat down at the sofa, ready to start my conversation with the system.

'System Let's start that conversation'

[Affirmative]It replied to my words.

"Okay! Let's start from the beginning, What is a System embryo?"


As I answered yesterday an A.I embryo is Basically an incomplete version of A.I

which can base its personality by growing alongside the Host, just like a child



"Alright I remember that one, But since you mentioned that you are still an embryo, is there a next phase of the System embryo?

And if you were just awaken yesterday, who was the one I was talking before you woke up? because they felt alive and all like what you explained."

[...That's honestly not supposed to happen as when a system embryo isn't awoken yet the system will be like a level 2 AI..Which will only do what he's supposed to do and can only answer by system Pannels and not talk like me. Unless ..]At first the system was confused as it answered but it suddenly stopped at the end.

"Unless What?"I asked suspiciously.

[Unless if it's one of the admins...]It replied a bit baffled.

"Eh?.."I asked Confused...I mean In not that clueless when it comes to system admins as I have read a fair share of fanfictions where the MC's system are controlled by admins or are basically monitored by them unlike some where the system has an AI whose a rouge one that disconnected from the Admin's influence and heck even systems without AI only the UI(User Interface) Is there, and so on.

But what I am confused of is that most System that is Monitored by admins are those battle oriented ones like the Player systems or War systems and so on..

While Gacha's and Quest Systems Typically Only has AI's which will either assist the Hosts or mess with them.

Meanwhile I basically have a Farming and Shop system, With a Gacha, Quest and omniversal travel..oh.

My system is absurd ain't it? *Sigh*

I mean not as absurd as those Player systems but yeah ..Any system with a quest, Gacha, or even a Multiversal travel function Has an almost infinite potential... Meanwhile My system has all of those and heck it's more stronger since it's Omniversal based!

As I finished my thoughts..

{AHHH!! It's surprising you got all of that!}

An Unfamiliar Voiced was heard.

"Right ...Here comes the Admin *Sigh*"

I sighed and just listened.

While the system is quiet for some reason, which is a bit concerning so I couldn't help but ask him.. "Hey, Admin, Can I ask where my system A.I is??"

{Surprising! You're Calm even though you met me! Not many Host reacts that calmly as they realized that there's a person who can take away their system if I want}He exclaimed a bit surprised by my Calm demeanor before continuing {Well The Baby isn't in any danger in fact she's probably gonna gain something as I visited the system she's binded to!}

"Alright, I guess that's fine..

and good for her"I replied happy that it was safe.

And noticing my reaction the Admin is once again intrigued so much that they voiced it.

{Hooh... Surprising you're one of the few that genuinely care about their Partner AI, Most would forget about them and instead try to please me to get more freebies}

Not surprised as Most People who got a system will become arrogant pricks..

I voiced before replying.

"I mean...first of all, I'm already satisfied with what I got, especially since my system is already so Amazing..And secondly, I don't think someone who can kill me without even willing it will lie when if you wanted to hurt me you can just do so, and i won't be able do a thing."

{...pfft...HAHAH..You're totally right! Although I don't do that unlike some of the more grumpy Admins, well I can understand tho since the only reason they will be angry in the first place is because some of the Host of the system they manage always try to kill them and heck some even killed one of their avatars, Poor Admin Player, she has the most killed avatar as some Player System gets corrupted and their hosts are Influenced by them. Like that Last Cursed Player in the Prime and Cube Omniverse..

that Girl is a menace! Unlike the third player in that Omniverse He's a menace too but those prime Dock are a dick too to be honest..But who knew that Gamers Future descendant will also become a Gamer which Destroyed 46% of that Omniverse almost half! Imagine how many Multiverse got destroyed..

Heck! It wasn't even destroyed by purpose but because The Player admin's subordinate forgot to Format the system after the previous user was done using it. and became an admin himself! Albeit a lower one, who's on charge of the Omniverse he created after he ascended.}The admin continued to talk about some guy Monikered as "The cursed Gamer"

a bit surprising but hey! Most Gamer system has that potential if the host isn't restarted or lazy that is..

*cough*I coughed to get the attention of the still mumbling Admin, he really likes that player huh.

my cough succeeding in getting his attention.

{*cough* I apologize I got a bit sidetracked, anyways I'll just get to the point....The reason why your system is absurd is because you're an anomaly, getting two systems and all from both your life...You were supposed to only get the Pokemon Farm from your past life, but one of the Farm Admin's subordinate lower class admin was disturbed while she was bestowing upon you the Pokemon Farm system which is also surprising considering that the Pokemon Farm system is one of the Farm Admin's Favorite creation, she typically doesn't give out hee favourite Creations, that is unless she found a perfect host for them.

And it looks like you passed her first test!

That test being a Test of kindness and Loyalty! Basically The test was wether you would Care for the System Embryo which is by the way, is basically an Administrator's Child. So good for you! you didn't decide to use that ticket as she's a bit protective of her children.

You also passed the other half of the first test when you asked what happened to the system A.I, worrying about her well being instead of Currying favor with me! Heck! you didn't even think of it! not even a passing thought!}He answered.

"Thanks I guess?.."I said with confusion before asking a question about who that lazy System was. "So...You're definitely not that lazy guy who answered me before right?"

Hearing my question the Admin once again smiled before saying "Nope!"




Aight...Had some time and Motivation to do this chapter!

Hope you enjoyed reading it!

Offer still stands btw!

50 Powerstones = 1 Bonus Chapter!

Adding this fic to your Library would Help the Book and Also Make me more motivated to write!

So add it if you can! since its as easy as 1 2 3!

aight that's all Peace!