
Chapter 6: Memories of the past.

A/N:I decided to just post in chapters whenever I can, so here's the chapter for Today!

Don't forget to Throw in some Powerstones!


//Third Person POV//

"Lets...Do it Again!!!"The young man, Zeke exclaimed with visible excitement, who would have thought having overwhelming power could be so addictive.

And so Zeke, once again jumped as high as he could. Only this time he jumped towards the east Forest part of the Farm, and then the same thing as before happened, as he landed, he created a crater and a new clearing.

"NICE!!! This is fun!!" Zeke said after landing.

"Although, as fun as jumping is, I wanna see how I fare in speed and reaction time, and I have just the perfect obstacle course for this one"Zeke said as he caressed his chin with his right index and thumb finger, while staring at the trees around the forest.

Zeke started to shake the full bottle, and strengths once again filled his body.

"5 minutes, till the max time usage is up..Lets do this!"Zeke muttered before he started sprinting towards the farm across the woody forest.



Zeke POV.

*Fuuuh* 'Im inside now' I mused inside my head while running across the forest while dodging the trees from time to time.

'Left, Right, Left right, now that im thinking about it, im not seeing any normal animals here, I wonder why.'I thought which distracted me and made me lost my focus for a bit which was a big mistake as I was still running at 5 times the speed of a human, courtesy of the full bottle enhancing every physical aspect that I have.

*Bam!**Crack!**Boom!* the sound of the tree a tree as it fell down was heard in the forest after I hit it with the combined force of a Fivefold speed of a man who's as hard as a rock.

*Groan*"I shouldn't be distracted during high speed running...You learn stuff every day, I guess"I uttered after groaning at my own mistakes.

I then dusted my whole being before once again atempting to do the test with only 3.6mins left of the daily usage of the full bottle.

This time I succeeded, without any hiccups and I reached the Building that was still undergoing Renovations.

and just in time, as the Daily recommended usage has passed.



Full botle(Pure) Daily Time usage has run out! For the user's safety the Full botle will be sealed.

Note:You can set a Keyword as an emergency lift of the seal to continue using it, in case of emergencies.

(Current Keyword:N/A)


"now thats a pity...but I just started using it after all, baby steps as they say, so lets not get impatient." I said with a hushed tone, trying to calm down my adrenaline before checking the timer on the Shop renovation.



"2 more hours and four minutes..*sigh* Ill just leave the Farm then come back 20 or so minutes later." I said before going out the Poke-farm.

as I appeared Outside the Poke-farm, i noticed that I was back at the place where I entered, that place being the sofa where I was sitting before.

Feeling the softness of the Sofa, I couldn't help but sigh in comfort and mutter.

'Fuuh...Lets just rest here for a bit'.

and as i just relaxed there for five minutes, with eyes closed all the left over adrenaline left my body, which made me doze of.



I opened my eyes abruptly, before looking left and right. "Where the heck?" I asked with confusion, as i looked around the place.

the room i am currently in is just a dark room that has a single sofa, as well as a table with a Pop corn bucket for some reason, and a huge screen in front of the two.

Still confused I just walked around the room for a few seconds before a loud sound surprised me.


I heard a beep, which prompted me to look towards it's source, which is the huge Screen at the front of the Single chair in it.

Pop-corn still untouched as I am pretty sure I am in a dream, and self conscious to boot.

And its not lucid dreaming, since i cant control anything here, unlike lucid dreaming.

and the reason why I didn't touch the pop-corn bucket is Because I just dont wanna eat something in a weird dream where I am self conscious that takes place in a barely lit dark room. Even if its like a cinema and all.


I once again got woken up from my thoughts as I Heard the beep again.

So, I started walking towards the huge screen and glanced around it to find the source of the *beep* sound.

and it didn't take long, as I found what exactly it was. Its a small remote that only has one button for some reason.

I picked the remote up, hesitating wether to push the button or not as I moved towards the sofa.

I sat down in it, still looking at the remote and thinking wether to push the sole button on it or not.

It went on for 3 minutes before I decided to do it, while saying "What could go wrong?"

And after I pushed the button, the beeping got into a rhythm before stopping...

Then a blinding light suddenly hit my eyes which prompted me to close it, as the screen shone before it stopped.

a few seconds later, I opened my eyes and looked towards the screen which was now turned on and playing a scene of a child waking up...

A woman carrying him while a guy is standing beside the woman who is by the way, siting on a hospital bed.

*Waaaaa!* The baby wailed before the mother started cradling him, left and right on a certain pattern before saying, let me sing you a song my mother used to sing me when I was just a child.

🎵 Black bird singing in the dead of night~

Take this broken wings and learn to fly, all your life, you were only waiting, for this moment to arise 🎵

As the woman sung the song, the baby stopped crying and fell asleep while the guy, possibly the father of the child and the wife of the woman just smiled at the sight of the mother and child.

My heart, for some reason warmed up upon watching that scene.


As the child fell asleep, The father asked the mother of the child. "What should we name him?"

The woman looked at him before gazing back at her newborn and said, "lets name him... Zeke"

The father, thought about it for a few seconds before answering "Mhm, Thats a good name" He then looked towards the baby Zeke and said "Welcome to the world Zeke, Ill make sure you'll grow into a fine man just like how your grandpa raised me."

As the father said those words, the woman leaned on his shoulder, while still cradling the baby and said "Lets do our best as parents, Together."

after that, the shadow covering both the man and woman's faces disappeared and their appearance was fully revealed.

They were actually the two people I saw on that photo which was hugged by my previous self before I got the memories of my past life, well memories related to Anime,Games,Manga..etc related memories.

For my mental health's sake I just went on the reason that i was reincarnated and got me past life memory, and didn't steal anyone's body.

Moving on.

'That would basically mean that they're my parents in this world' I said inside my head before continuing watching my forgotten memories of this world.




"....sigh, Looks like im one of those unlucky protagonist that has dead parents.." I muttered weakly as I processed the entire memory that I saw in that dream.

Yes, I am awake now on the sofa and the memories I saw was both happy and sad, well only the end was the sad part..

The reason? well turns out that my parents were dead, well they were considered as Dead because their plane disappeared from the face of the earth suddenly in the Pacific ocean after going to a business trip in another country.

my parents on this world are named Yuriko Satou and Matteo Reyes. Del-Rosario..

They met when my father was just a cook on a Restaurant on Japan and my Mother was a customer back then.

Apparently father and mother crossed each other paths a day before when they hit each other as they were walking. My father towards the shop he is working on and mother towards the train station.

both we're in a hurry because father needed to open the shop and mother because she supposedly had a date with her boyfriend now Ex back then.

Though that ended up in a disaster as mother was in tears when father met her once again that afternoon in the same matter earlier that day.

Father was walking towards the park planning on taking a break, while thinking about the girl whom he met before when he and mum once again hit each other, because mum was in a daze as she walked because of the breakup with his boyfriend.

Father once again, helped her up and noticed she was the same person that he bumped with earlier so he couldn't help but ask. "Is this fate perhaps?"

Before she noticed that Mum looked sad.

So, being the busybody that he is, courtesy of his upbringing on the Philippines, where he was thought that showing kindness wouldn't really hurt.(An:Bad Idea i know...XD)

Asked mum what's wrong and that he could talk to him, A bit presumptuous i know, but he was just that kind of guy..

Based on the memory, when I asked them in the past how they met.

*Sigh* This is really complicated.

anywho, ignoring my confusion on what to call, the situation I am in.

Mother, was really sad, so she just agreed because she wanted to vent it out so she told him what happened as both of them sat on the empty swing.

One thing lead to another, Father somehow got mum to come with him in the restaurant to treat her to hopefully make her better.

Which she agreed to as well.

And then after some teasing from his colleagues, much to my mum's amusement,

which made her feel better. Father asked her for her number, which she gave with a smile, and that started their beautiful friendship turned love and the rest is history!

Though apparently her relationship with father was not accepted by mum's father, but her mother was all accepting of him, rather than mum's Ex. which by the way almost got sent to fish to the sea or possibly become fish food, after some investigation by Grandad and he was found to actually three timing mum with two other oblivious women.

Anyways, Mum was kind enough to just slap him in the face before making it really hard for him to find jobs.

Which, was a mistake actually as the Ex tried to get revenge by stabbing her later.

Thankfully father was with mum, because it was their date and all. And he defended mum by pulling mum so she doesn't get stabbed, then used whatever fighting style he learned in the Philippines as he grew up.

and you guys know what would happen next.

The Ex, was left with a broken nose and a black eye. Then when Grandad found out.

He disappeared from the face of the earth after getting released 5 Years later after being in prison for attempting murder.

Father didn't come out unscathed, A scar on his chin and wrist was what he got from that knife welding foe.

but that was the thing that made Father get accepted by grandad. So a win for him I guess?

Continuing, mother inherited one of the 3 company grandad owned after his retirement, unlike most old people in Japan that continued to worked even at 80's.

The other two was given to mum's Sisters.

Aunt Kyouko, and the youngest of the three Aunt Yuuko.

At the time when Mother inherited Grandad's company thats focused on Restaurant Chains.

Which by the way owned the restaurant my father was working for. both my parents oblivious to that information before my mum inherited the said company.

the reason why mum didn't know? Well, its the same reason why she didn't know her parents was rich in the first place.

The three were raised as normal citizens, meaning, no gaudy things and stuff, although they have a big house, it was honestly not something like a western mansion, but a traditional Japanese home.

Anyways, they only found out that they were rich after they were proper adults. and before that were raised in frugality, so no cars and stuff, they did get gifts but only at their birthday and similar celebrations.

they were also thought the value of Currency when they were just kids and they were thought to save and budget their money properly.

Long story short, they were raised right.

anyways, after reaching 30 My mum inherited Grandad's company, they and father were married for a year now, after dating for 3 years.

the oldest of the sisters Aunt Kyouko was 35, and had her first child with a loving husband, Uncle Nate, 4 years ago when she was 31. Whom she met after studying overseas at Harvard University, when she was 25.

Aunt Kyouko Inherited Grandad's Hotel chain at thirty, and the Hotel chain was now one of the most known Hotels all around the world.

Continuing, the Youngest of the three, Aunt Yuuko was studying at Tokyo University at that time, She was 25, and at her Senior years of her second course. Who would later inherit grandad's Real Estate company, at the age of 30 as well.

so by this time, my grandad was over 70 years old, as aunt kyouko Inherited the Company which owns Hotel chains when grandad was 60, mother inherited the Company focused on Restaurant chains when Grandad was 65.

A year before mum and dad's disappearance.

Aunt Yuuko celebrated her 39'th birthday after celebrating her daughters's sixth birthday a week before. My Cousin was named Arisu in hopes that she may become a Noble person.

and Noble she did become, shes just the sweetest, always helping out by making us smile, because of her cuteness.

Everyone on the family can vouch for that.

Anyways The youngest of the sisters, aunt Yuuko's and Arisu's Birthday passed a month before Aunt Kyouko's birthday.

Aunt kyouko will be 49 a day later, but still as beautiful as ever. While her daughter and my other older cousin Ryuuko is 18 years old.

Aunt Yuuko along with her daughter Arisu is living in Tokyo.

While Aunt Kyouko along with Ryuuko is Living at Kyoto.

My Mum on the other hand lived with father at Philippines, I don't know the exact reason why, but meh, that doesn't matter.

My mum had me when she was 29, same with aunt Kyouko when she had Ryuuko.

Anyways, Mum had me a year later after father got grandad's permission to Date my mother, which got father a beating from grandad, after that both of them got married.

The same thing happened with Uncle Nate when he and aunt Kyouko found out she was pregnant before marrying him. Which also earned him a beating as well! Though much stronger since grandad was five years younger back then.

Only Uncle Hirohito didn't get a beating, because he and Aunt Yuuko only got Arisu after getting married, thanks to both my dad's and uncle Nate's Warning.

Anyhow. a year has passed now, after mum and father's disappearance..

and Aunt Yuuko's Birthday passed by a month ago, at June. shes now 42 years old, while Arisu who had her birthday a week before Aunt Yuuko's is now 9, I attended both their birthday before.

While the Month before June, May was mine and Mum's birthday Month. Mum's at the first of May while mine is at seventeenth.

Aunt Yuuko's Birthday is at the end of June, which is at 30 while Arisu's Birthday is at 10.

Right now at July, Its Aunt Kyouko and Ryuuko's Birth Month, Aunt Kyouko's is Tommorow' at 12 and Ryuuko's is at 25.

And if you guys are wondering, My father's birthday is at January 1'st while Uncle Nate's birthday is at December 25...Yeap, Christmas eve and New year.

Then there's Uncle Hirohito, who's birthday is at Valentine's day, at February 14.

Such coincidence that all the Son-in-law of my grandad is born on different big Occasion's.

While us Cousins have the same birth months as our mothers.

Sadly, I can't celebrate Birthdays and other occasion's with my parents for a year now now....*sigh*

Anyways, Back to my memories, Other than certain important informations about my family members, I also got all of my memory in this life.

And there are some memories that stood out the most, Most of them are Memories of my time with my Parents and Grandparents mostly family stuff.

there's also a memory of my friends and all my interactions with them.

Still there is one memory I am rather fond of for some reason. Though it' was a bit blurry at first,thankfully it got clearer somehow..