
Chapter 23: Chitoge's Partner

"....A" That sound is the only thing that came out from Zekkes mouth, seeing what hatched from the egg that Chitoge chosen.

Not because what hatched is good, quite the opposite actually as the thing that hatched from the rare potential egg no less, is a dull looking fish Pokemon, Feebas.

But!! that isnt why Zeke is surprised, as despite being somewhat useless at its first stage, once it evolves feebas's evolution, Milotic is one heck of a Pokemon, for both beauty and strength.

The reason why Zeke is surprised is because of its color! Its not the normal color, and its not even shiny! Instead the color of this feebas is Gold!

"Wow...this is unexpected" Zeke mumbled quietly as he looked at the golden but dull looking feebas who is staring at Chitoge with expectations.

Meanwhile, Chitoge did not share the same sentiment as she looked at the fish looking Pokemon with bewilderment, and disappointment.

and seeing her reaction, Zeke sighed once more before he shook his head and walked towards Chitoge with a smile.

"Congratulations Miss Chitoge, you've hatched a pretty rare Pokemon" Zeke announced.

but Chitoge did not believe or even know the rarity of the egg, so she looked at him with skepticism and asked.

"Are you serious?, this guy looked like a dead fish and, it doesn't look cute and it looks weak as well.."

Her words reached both Zeke and Feebas, and when Zeke looked at it, he saw that it looks sad and deflated, Zeke didn't like seeing its sad face so he hurriedly interrupted chitoge to stop her from saying anymore.

"Miss Chitoge, I can forgive you just this once since you are new to this whole trainer thing, but let me just say this, every pokemon is beautiful in their own way, and you cant just judge their value and strength based on their appearances.

Now! I want you to apologize to this child right here and now, besides, compared to others this one is the most cutest feebas that I have ever gazed upon," Zeke reprimanded seriously, hoping the Feebas would cheer up, but it didn't work that well.

Chitoge, hearing his stern words, got mad for a second but when she caught a glimpse of the Feebas who, looked sad as it swims listlessly in the water area.

Chitoge felt her heart ache, seeing it for some reason, In fact Chitoge did not mean those words that she said, as its because of the combined nervousness, and expectations that lead her to act like that upon seeing Feebas, in fact, she actually like how the golden feebas looked, as its color is near the same as her hair.

But again, due to her not used to expressing any feelings except for irritations due to the Issue she had when she was a child, she had said those words.

But seeing the sad Feebas, Chitoge realized what she just said, to a newly hatched being that understands emotions no less, most likely hurt it so despite difficulty, she chose to ignore it and hurriedly got near the feebas and apologized.

"Im sorry, I-I didnt mean all what I said, I actually like how you look because, Look here! we kinda match right?"She said gently, pointing on her hair before she reached out her hand at the tank, patting the scaly head of feebas.

Hearing her words, Feebas who had been down a moment ago, got back to being happy as it now swimmed around Chitoge's outstretched hand happily.

'Well you look at that, Im glad the two of them made up, as it would be hard for this little one to evolve if its self esteem took a hit just as it hatched' Zeke thought in relief as he looked at the energetic feebas and the smiling chitoge.

'Now, lets see how much is Feebas' value shall we?'




Age:4 minutes.




*Potential: Rare/Blue

*Rank: Beginner-Baby

PIS(Points if sold):16(normally 4)


"Hmmmm...Im guessing its because its a shiny? or some kind of variant that its 16, is it flat out increase? or perhaps multiplier?"Zeke mutters, as his eyes gazed uppn the system window before switching over to the golden feebas and Chitoge.

The fish and maiden still haven't stopped playing so Zeke let the two be for now and slipped out quietly.

Outside, he saw Andre and Siesta talking while the two mon's Zorua and Ditto–who turned into a Hisuian Zorua playing tag.

"Hey! I suppose he's done picking what he will buy?"His question got the attention of the two, whom looked towards him.

"Yeah, thanks to miss Siesta's recommendation, I picked a pokedex, 3 health potions, and a bunch of the berries that you have in stock"

"Good choice, although currently the pokedex isn't that important right now but in the future it will so im sure you wont regret your choice of buying them" Zeke nodded hearing what Andre has chosen to buy, while Siesta just stayed quiet throughout their exchange.

After having the short chat, Zeke proceeded to complete the transaction with Andre.

"That would all be 5,000WD, would you like to pay with cash? or card?"Zeke qouted, deciding to base the price of the pokemon based on the system points he get from selling and adding an additional number randomly based on his whim, and as for the pokedex, berries and potions, he just tallied them as 1kW.D 800 for the pokedex and 150 for the potions and 50 for the berries.

Andre of course paid, despite his aching heart and shaking hands as he held out the card.

"By the way! feel free to come again after this, as well be having new merchandise in the near future, and if you do decide to raise zorua to its full potential, only we can provide resources to do it, so be sure to come back!

And here, a freebie from the shop" Zeke handed him 6 PokeBall's.


"*cough* This is one of our core technology for raising a Pokemon, its called a PokeBall and using this u can store your Pokemon partner which would make it easier to bring him anywhere, all you gotta do is press this part right here anywhere on your partners body and they will be brought inside." Zeke explains, and demonstrated simultaneously after seeing Andre's confused face.

"Yet another ground breaking technology.."Andre sighed while listening to Zeke.

"Wait, I have a question."Suddenly Andre thought of something, raising his hand and voicing his question.

"So, since it can store Pokemon, which are living beings, doesn't that mean it can also work on humans and other animals??" He voiced realizing the potential threat the ball can do, especially in human trafficking side if what he thought is true.

"Ah...Well...how can I say this... Normally it does as what you said, but we programmed the ball to not work on those that primary have the DNA humans have, so it wont work one bit"Zeke responded with the explanation Siesta provided, sweating as he explains while also simultaneously thinking of a certain game that was just released before he got here... A certain game thats dubbed as "Pokemon with guns"

A pretty amazing game if you think about it, and Zeke did not mind one bit about some of its similarities to Pokemon, as the company needed a competitor anyways to pressure them to make better games.

Anyways, Zeke particularly remember the Pal Sphere in that game-where it can also be used to catch human NPC's in game.

Sadly, he wasn't able to play it for some reason that he cant remember.

"Umm...Shop Owner?" Suddenly Zeke was awoken from his trip down his memory lane by Andre's voice.

"Ah- Yeah, I apologize I just remembered something from the past.."

"Right...so, are you sure that nobody can I dont know, change the code of this ball to make it able to catch humans?" Andre asked with concern.

"You dont have to worry about that dear customer, our PokeBall's are protected by security more advanced than this world can handle, so you don't have to worry, nobody can crack it" Zeke replies, his voice carrying a bit of pride.

"Right...and one last thing, you mentioned "this world" does that mean that you're not from here? l-like aliens and stuff?"Andre nervously asked.

Hearing this, Zeke chuckled inside his head before suddenly, he thought of a great Idea, he looked towards Siesta and she nodded back, seemingly aware what's inside his head.

Zeke smiled and said "Well well, It looks like our cover has been blown right at the start, my dear sister... Its as you've said, we are not originally from this world, and we arrived on this world for only one clear purpose.."

Andre gulped, hearing him Admit it, his heart started to race as he thought about multiple possibilities of what the Shop Keeper and his sister's goal was, so he asked stuttering as he did so "Wh- No, May I ask what it is?"

Seeing him act and hearing his words while he stuttered, Zeke's mischievous side took over so he smiled Viciously, terrifying Andre as he replied. "Of Course!! What else would be our goal if not for-!"

Zeke cut it midway as he looked at the pale Andre looking at him in horror as he anticipated the worst.


Suddenly Zeke started laughing, which made Andre Flabbergasted as he fell flat on the floor, confused as what just happened, and why the shop keeper started laughing.

Zeke's laughter which, got even the attention of the two playing mon's as they stopped and looked at him, curious why hes laughing so loudly.

Meanwhile Siesta sighed at the surprising childish side of her partner and host.

Even Chitoge came out from the Day Care area after hearing Zeke's laughter carrying the golden feebas in her arms.

"Haha...my bad, my bad...I just couldn't miss the chance to do that bit, haaah...." Zeke voiced, as he tried stopping his laughter.

"A...Right..."Andre dryly answers realizing that he was tricked.

"Haaaah....Anyways Its true that we aren't from this world, but you dont have to worry, the two of us dont have any plans on taking over this world, Instead Just as Ive said before, our goal is to make humanity and pokemon live in coexistence and harmony..

thats all, besides this world needs help from them as well, so it would be a win-win situation for both species considering these guys also needs a home.."Zeke voiced smiling ever so slightly, what he said isn't a lie, they were not from this world, with Zeke being from a parallel world originally and Siesta being from some kind of higher dimension.

Their goal is also true as that is what Zeke wished as well, the world needing help from the pokemon is once again true as pokemon would make the world better just by existing, the pollution would lessen and other things like building would be easier, making humanity here develop faster.

the last one is even more true, as the pokemon do need a place to call home if once they are hatched from the egg.

"I see....I apologize for the questions I asked, and hopefully your dream would be realized someday, as I would have forever lost my friend if not for you guys... It will be hard though, with some people being extremely averse to changes and some might even hurt the pokemon now that I think about it..." Andre voiced, and each word made Zeke's smile bigger and bigger as he realized that the first customer of his is really a suitable person to be one of the shop's spokesperson.

Meanwhile, Chitoge just stood there confused at what was happening, carrying her first pokemon Feebas who's dully looking around the room.

Zeke put his right palm on Andre's left shoulder and voiced "Well said, that is one of the Issues that will make the coexistence of Pokemon and humanity harder to achieve so to avoid that, the shop needs lots of Spokesperson to show the world how humanity can prosper along with the pokemon.."

"Youre right, But where are you gonna find willing people? from your customer-...Ah.."

"Hahaha! It seems that you caught up, so I'll ask you this Mr.Andre; would you like to be the Shop's and the Pokemon's Spokesperson?"Zeke asked genuinely, looking at him, awaiting his answer.

"I...."Andre hesitated for a moment, questioning his eligibility to take upon the mantle of being the Pokemons spoke person, but then his eyes met upon Zorua whom noticed it as it Smiled at him, and although his eyes still looked melancholic the vibe is completely different, its as if Zorua is gently awaiting whatever he decides upon and would fully support him no matter what it is.

"Ive decided....I would like to be the shop's— no the Pokemon's spokesman, I will convice the world and show them the wonder of having Pokemon part of their lives.." Andre firmly answers, his face full of determination as he looked at Zeke's face who smiled upon hearing his answer.

"Great! I, the Shop Keeper and Guardian of the Pokemon thank you for your dedication towards our dream" Zeke bowed, genuinely delighted as he gained an ally that would represent the shop and pokemon as a whole.

as, Even if hes still figuring how things will work out, he is really hoping that one day, he will see Pokemon becoming part of people's lives from birth to death.

"Well then! Since you are one of us now, I'll give you a little gift, can you get me another Blue egg Siesta?"

"Certainly, and...Welcome to the family, Mr.Andre" Siesta voiced before she walked to the door leading upstairs, before she purchased one Blue potential Mystery egg from the shop and going back outside, handing the egg to Zeke whom thanked her before Siesta got back to the sofa where she sat and continued drinking tea.

"Here Andre, as a gift for joining us, this Egg shall be given to you, along with the egg, another perk that you will be given is that you are able to heal all your pokemon in here for free, you will also get a certain amount of discount for each your purchase of the shop, and lastly, when the time comes and Pokemon becomes accepted to a certain degree, I will grant you one of the positions of a gym leader and the chance to fight to become on of the elite four of the Shop"

"Now, go ahead inside the Daycare and put that egg in the Neutral zone so it can hatch, for now I'll speak with Ms.Kirisaki here" Zeke instructed, which Andre agreed as he walked towards the Day Care area with Zorua following seeing him walk there.

Seeing his friend following his human, Ditto was sad since zorua stopped playing with him, so Ditto, still in his snowy zorua form looked at his human before he walked towards him and rubbed his body in Zekes leg.

Zeke of course saw all of this so he smiled gently before he scooped him up and said."Aww...dont worry my little buddy, your friend will just be meeting his sibling, and who knows maybe that sibling will be your friend as well?"


"Yeah, Im sure of it buddy, so for now lets talk to our other customer shall we?"

Zeke said before he put the Zorua shaped Ditto on top of his head.

"Now then, Ms. Kirisaki, it seems that you're done familiarizing yourself with feebas here and has also made up?" Zeke questions, looking at both the fishmon and human.

"Yeah! Feebas is such an angel, she's super nice and understand" Chitoge answers, which made the oversized golden fish shes carrying happy as well.

"Thats good! Im happy you two made up, and now, Miss.Kirisaki would you like to look at our other products in the Poke-mart section? or would you like to proceed to the payment?"


A/N: Comment and share your thoughts!

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