
Chapter 13: Meeting a Pink-Haired Neighbor

A/N: I'll just post chapters whenever I can~


                       [First Harvest]

The system gave the host trees that is all ready for harvest. So why not harvest them?

Objective: Harvest the current berry trees around the farm..

Oran Trees:0/15

Leppa Trees:0/15

Nanab Trees:0/10

Rawst Bushes:0/10


*5,000 SP

*Random Berry Seeds

*Bee's will spawn

*Wailmer Watering Can(Uniqe)

Time limit:15 days(outside time)


'Well what do you know?' I muttered in wonder inside my head.

I got another quest, one related to the farm.

and its easy enough to do considering my current physique, although its time consuming.

nonetheless, since Ditto is still asleep I think I'll just do it now.

Afterwards, I gazed at the sleeping Ditto one more time before going out of the bedroom.

Afterwards i descended into the first floor using the stairs, before going outside.

I then walked at the back of the building where my Rawst Bushes was located and started picking the rawst berries in them.

I decided to start with the Rawst berries because they are the easiest to harvest, i just need to pluck the Rawst berries and thats it..

The rawst Bushes are big, about the same width and high as an oven, still its easiy so after just 35 minutes i was done harvesting all the Rawst Berries.

I stored the berries inside the inventory for now which filled up one of the vacant spots in my inventory.



[Build's Trial Ground]

[Shop Renovation Ticket]


[Rottom-Phone (Uniqe)]



[Full Bottle(Pure)]

[Mimic Ball(1)]

[Rawst Berries (269)

System points:1100


I had a misconception before about my inventory, turns out i didn't need to stuff my items in a box or other things before throwing it on the inventory...

I mean that would work but there is also another hidden function about the Inventory..And that is you can store infinite items inside one slot as long as it has the same function or appearance.

Like a box, it doesn't matter if the box has different contents inside it or has a sign, as long as its a box i could stuff it inside infinitely, well not really infinite, its just that the inventory space is so vast so it may as well be infinite....for now at least.

Continuing, its been 35 minutes and 46 seconds after i started to harvest the rawst berries, and the quest objective now looks look this.


Objective: Harvest the current berry trees around the farm..

Oran Trees:0/15

Leppa Trees:0/15

Nanab Trees:0/10

Rawst Bushes:10/10(complete)


Im thinking of harvesting the nanab berries next but that will have to wait, because I'm done harvesting for today, and Ditto is probably awake by now.

So, after cleaning myself of of the rawst leaves i hurriedly walked towards the shop's second floor before entering the bigger bedroom.

And it was right on time as Ditto just opened his eyes.

"Yo! Good Afternoon Ditto! Hows your sleep?" I asked him as i removed my shirt before wearing a new one..

and Ditto replied with a flurry of "Ditto~" happily signifying his Content and happiness.

I just smiled at his replies and said "Glad you enjoyed your sleep, because now we need to go out of this place and go back outside."

Ditto Nodded before he walked towards me, much better than he was before he fell asleep in the bed, and once hea was near enough I picked him up before leaving the Poke-Farm.

Once again, I was back at the Sofa in the penthouse, the place where i entered the Poke-farm.

I put Ditto down on the sofa before sitting down myself..

I looked towards Ditto before saying." Ditto, since you are gonna become my partner, I would like to make it official by catching you using a PokeBall...Is that fine?" I asked him.

Ditto, looked at me for a few seconds before smiling and nodding and said "Di-Ditto!"

Seeing his nod i smiled, before taking out the [Mimic Ball] inside my inventory, and pointed it at him.

Ditto, without hesitation tap the ball using one of his hands..and then a red light engulfed Ditto before it receded inside the Pure White Ball.. The ball didn't even shake before it expelled a Gold Dust, signifyingy success at catching Ditto.

I raised the ball up, and for some reason i couldn't help but do what ash does whenever he caught a new pokemon.

I pointed the pokeball to the skies before exclaiming"Yoshha!! I caught a shiny Ditto!"

'A shiny Ditto!'


Hearing my echoing thoughts, I couldn't help but remember Ditto's peculiarity...

Ditto is a Shiny..I didn't know if it was happiness that i finally got a pokemon which made me forget that, plus the fact that its Ditto one of my favourite Pokemon didn't help the fact that i have forgotten that Ditto is the First shiny Pokemon that I owned, even with all the pokemon games that i played were added to the equation...Ditto is the first ever Shiny Pokemon that i owned and the second that I have encountered.

I..the first ever pokemon game i played was pokemon emerald, my starter back then was torchic...and, while i was passing by the route towards petalburg town, i encountered a ralts, a female one...and a shiny.

and being a newbie I thought it was some kind of glitch, so i ran away...It was one of the biggest mistake i ever did related to the pokemon games i played, because that was the first and the last time i encountered a shiny pokemon...

And after knowing what shiny Pokemon are, i attempted to hunt them and got no luck.....I thought it was just badluck on the game so i switched cartridges, but it was still the same....I played for hours,days,weeks, and hell months!, just trying to get one shiny, and i didn't get nothing!

i even played the first to version of the game Red and Blue then Silver and Gold and hell even the side games....And without realizing it, i have played every game....but i still did not get any shiny Pokemon ...

I mean, I could have traded and all that but...For me it became something of a goal, Something to complete myself without any external help, but alas....I failed....Not a single shiny encounter happened..

But now....I got a shiny ....A Ditto and in reality to boot!


I gazed towards the Mimic Ball lovingly...I dont regret nothing....not now at least, because i just got a shiny Pokemon...and a real one at that!

HA! If those guys who mocked me in the internet knew, that i got a real shiny Pokemon they would be really jealous!!

WAHAHAHAHA! u guys and your Shiny Pokemon made by data can rot in the Internet! I have a real shiny pokemon here!

Im really tempted to go back to my previous world and just flaunt Ditto...Wherever that world is...

As I continued thinking about those petty things i was woken up by a system notification.


⟨The PokeBall Imprint is complete!⟩

After that notification arrived the mimic-ball started to change, albeit not much. Its color was changed from being pure white into a Light Blue and White PokeBall, Light blue above and White bellow..

Besides the Color change there are tiny details that was added, like a beady eyes in the upper part of the ball.

This got my curiosity so i used appraisal on the Mimicball and this is the info the popped up.


                        [Mimic Ball]

A special pokeball that can change appearances depending on who is occupying it.

Current Occupant:Ditto(Base)


"I see....Since I caught Ditto, it became part Light blue signifying Ditto's color and those 2 dots are his eyes.... Alright, Alright..But what if Ditto changed into another pokemon,likke Pikachu for example...."I pondered,while caressing my chin.

"Meh... I'll find out sooner or later, because transformation is Ditto's core ability..."I muttered before i released Ditto from the Mimicball which Freed a Silver light into the floor, which transformed into the lovable Ditto.

"Ditto!"He cheered as soon as he hot out.

I greeted him before picking him up and placing him on top of the table.

"Now that we're done with that, let us go and find a perfect spot to connect with the shop shall we?"I Said while Patting Ditto's head.

Ditto happily agreed with my suggestion, and so Ditto and I started our Quest to find the perfect spot where the shop could appear in Tokai!


//30th Floor of The Apartment Building,Just underneath the highest floor where my Penthouse is//

*Inside the elevator*

Ditto and I is currently inside the elevator, Ditto was full of wonder after we stepped inside it, I let him be just Walking in circles, as i pressed on the button that would lead the elevator on.

The elevator stopped in the 30th floor, which is normal since im not the only one living in here.

this building is one of Aunt Yuuko's Property and she gifted the Penthouse on top of the floor to mum for her birthday before they Disappeared.

We're getting sidetracked, so lets continue.

A few seconds after the elevator stopped on the 30th floor, the door opened along with a *ding*, revealing the person waiting in front of the elevator.

It was a Beautiful Young lady, Donning a Bob-Cut light pink hair, she has blue eyes which, for some reason those eyes reminds me of the girl i met in the past at that inn, that old man owned.

She wore a White shirt, along with sleek black jeans which greatly emphasized her curves.

The girl gazed at me for a split second before entering on the elevator.

"Good afternoon." I greeted her as she entered, before I closed my eyes to think of places to place the shop in.

which she reciprocated with her own Good Afternoon while smiling

"Ditto~"Ditto greeted her as well, while waving, which got her attention as she looked around before she spotted Ditto besides me.

"eh?"She voiced, her face blank, while staring at Ditto, as the Elevator's Door closed before it started descending down once again.

she just stood there, staring at Ditto for a minute straight before her brain Rebooted as she exclaimed.

"What the hell is that?!?!"She yelled in surprised which made me open my eyes, before i remembered that i actually brought Ditto with me, so i turned my neck towards her, as my eyes went wild at the realization.

"Oh crap!"I exclaimed before i took out Ditto's Mimicball and Storing him inside as fast as i could, before i hid the mimicball inside my Pocket.

Now, you might be wondering why i did that, despite sooner or later people would know about pokemon.

It has something to do with my Identity, I decided to have a separate "Shop Keeper" Persona, so i wouldn't get targeted by people who would inevitable want to target me.

Humans are greedy  Bitches after all, except for a few minority, and I have read enough novels and manga to know that some people would be greedy and would want to monopolize the pokemon for themselves especially since pokemon are more dangerous than guns themselves and heck even nuclear if they reach Elite Rank, and who would those people target if they wanted to monopolize the Pokemon?

The Supplier of course! Which is me.

So nope! it would be wise to separate my identity as Zeke and Shop Keeper separate as much as possible.

and Ditto is a Pokemon i would like to have as the Shop Keeper's Partner, because he's shiny, and of course the most powerful to boot. Especially since i only have him currently, and i am not planning on buying an Egg currently because i am still broke, in case of System Points.

Now, lets continue where we left of..


After Ditto was Stored in the mimicball after a flash of light, i acted as if i didn't do anything and Just looked at her with surprise, before asking what happened.

"Eh?! What is what!?"I asked her in a 'surprised' and 'startled' voice.

The Pink Haired lady who closed her eyes because of the Bright light as i stored Ditto,opened her eyes suddenly and looked around fast, Noticing Ditto's disappearance she was confused as she muttered.

"Eh?, Where? EHHH?!?"She Exclaimed at the end as she frantically looked around the elevator.

"What?Why are you exclaiming?"I asked her with 'confusion' while inwardly amused.

"Um!...There was.. something..."She said, her tone, lowering by the seconds as she blushed.

'cute' i thought inwardly as i looked at her blushing face.

"What something??" I asked her still 'confused'

"Its nothing..."In the end she just shrugged it of.

"Ah, Alright..."I replied, and once again the Elevator came to an awkward silence.

'Well this is awkward'.I thought inwardly.

*Ding* We reached the 16'th floor, where i decided to break the ice.

"I haven't seen you around in this building before, You just moved recently?"I asked her.

"Umn...Me an my Sisters just moved in Last night"She replied.

"I see, I see...Welcome then! Neighbor"I welcomed her after nodding.

"Y-yeah...Thanks, i guess?"She replied Awkwardly.

"Umu...My name is Zeke, nice to meet you"I introduced myself, before i extended a hand.

"Ichika, Nice to meet you as well"The Girl, Ichika replied, as she accepted my handshake, smiling prettily as she did.

Her smile is dazzling, so i couldn't help but compliment it.

"Are you an Actress or something?"I asked her.

She was surprised, after hearing my question, afterwards she replied with.

"ehh?! Im actually planning on becoming one, im actually on my way to an audition right now.."She said with surprise, before asking "Why did u ask??"

and hearing her words, i smiled, before replying, "Well..Its because thats the first thing that came to mind when i saw your Beautiful smiling face.."

After hearing my words, Ichika didn't reply...

*Ding* The elevator Ringed one last time before opening, as we reached the ground floor.

"Oh! Looks like we're here"I exclaimed before i looked towards Ichika, her was down, making me not able to see her face, and so, seeing her not moving i thought that she was thinking about something.

"Hello? Earth to Ichika?, we reached the ground floor already.." I said to her, while waving my hands..

She was still not reacting for some reason, so i did something risky, risky because i just met her and i would probably get sued for harassment if she is like those other girls, which i doubt so, because she seemed like a nice gal.

What was the thing i am about to do you ask? Well that would be poking her face...I know pretty harmless but people are like that you know? well not all of course but yeah...

*Poke* *Poke* "Ichika...The Elevator Doors are Closing..."*Poke* *Poke* I said as i poked one of her cheek, super soft by the way.

And that woke her up from her deep thoughts

"Ahh?! "She exclaimed before she looked around and noticed that we are already on the ground floor.

Her face was red for some reason, which may i say:Added more points to her Charm stat if this was a game.

Her eyes gazed towards me for a few seconds before she looked straight and started walking out..Not before saying.

"I gotta go now, i still have an audition to do..It was nice meeting you."

"All the best! I wish you success! and the pleasure is all mine.."I replied to her, wishing for her success, before walking out myself, which finally made the elevator close, with a *ding* before it started ascending.